, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Dec 12, 2022

Monday December 12, 2022 David Tuffs

Hello Cornerites!
sumdaze here. Today we have a fun Monday puzzle from constructor David Tuffs. David is a student at University of California, Santa Cruz, where he has been busy with finals.
David started constructing CWs during covid to keep from being bored. I reached out to him and asked what he thought might be a good title for today's puzzle. I liked how he incorporated some crosswordese into his response -- which is now our theme:
Scaredy Cats, et al

The last word of each of the 4 themers is something many pets fear. David certainly knows what my dog dislikes. I thought that anyone who is this Spot on about pets must have one of his own so I asked David to share a pic.

David's dog Penelope
7 yr old English Springer Spaniel
Ahhhhhhh! Super cute!

Let's look more closely at the 4 themers:

17. Across*  Post-workout relaxation spot: STEAM BATH.

23. Across*  Experienced pro: SEASONED VET.  A SEASONED VETeran is someone with years of experience.
This dog is about to change his opinion on VETs.

33. Across*  1990 action film with cameos by famous NASCAR drivers: DAYS OF THUNDER.  I read that Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman met on the set of this movie then got married 6 months later.

David told me that DAYS OF THUNDER was originally another movie:  Tropic Thunder. I am not familiar with that movie so I am happy with the change.

44. Across*  Absence of clear leadership: POWER VACUUM.
Cambridge Dictionary:  a condition that exists when someone has lost control of something and no one has replaced them.

a cats & robot VACUUM video...naturally!
Then the reveal:

55. Across.  Irritating behaviors, and what the ends of the answers to the starred clues may be?: PET PEEVES. I am pretty sure Cornerites well know the meaning of this term. ðŸ˜˜ 
(Oh, David Tuffs, your puzzle has opened the door to so many clever quips in the Comments section!)

While most solvers have their own PET PEEVES, the PEEVES in this puzzle, i.e., BATHs, going to the VETTHUNDER storms, and VACUUM cleaners, belong to household PETs.

Let's fetch the rest of the clues:

1. Touchdown signalers: REFS.

5. Similar (to): AKIN.  Analogous, related, comparable, equivalent, and similar are all words akin to AKIN.

9. Short golf strokes: PUTTS.  CSO to Husker Gary!

14. Hotel corridor word in red: EXIT.

15. Not worth discussing: MOOT.  difference between MOOT and mute

16. "None for me": I PASS.

19. Lone Star State resident: TEXAN.  CSO to our TEXAN Cornerites!

20. Enchilada wrap: TORTILLA.  Also, the first word in the title of an early John Steinbeck novel, Tortilla Flats (1935).  goodreads link

21. Trig ratio: SINE.  Today's math lesson #1
Questions? See me after class.
22. Slick: SLY.

27. "New Girl" girl: JESS.  I have seen the TV show New Girl but I could not remember if the main character's name was Tess or JESS. Perps helped.

Zooey Deschanel (center) played cute & quirky Jess
in New Girl (2011-2018)

28. Tiny bit: TAD. and 7 Down. Tiny bits: IOTAS.

29. Abbr. on NYC maps: AVE.  Park Ave. (?)

30. Feb. follower: MAR.  Points for an alliterative calendar clue!

31. Sound after a gut punch: OOF. This is going to be my new word whenever friends text about a difficult day and I want them to know I empathize.
  1. expressing discomfort, as from sudden exertion or a blow to one's body.
  2. interjection
    1. an exclamation used to sympathize with someone else's pain or dismay, or to express one's own.

This "OOF" song goes on for 3:12 minutes. OOF!

32. Brainchild: IDEA

37. Pea holders: PODS.
        I eat my peas with honey.
        I've done it all my life.
        You might think it's funny.
        But it sticks them to my knife!
                                            (children's rhyme)

38. "__ Misérables": LES.

"One Day More" Les Mis 10th Anniversary Concert
London's Royal Albert Hall (1995)

39. Balloon filler: AIR.  Neither "clown" nor "helium" fit.

40. Poem of praise: ODE.

41. Drill insert: BIT.
16.27 min. of BIT bliss for all the Makers out there!

42. Plumber's challenge: CLOG.
47. Sixth sense letters: ESP.  ExtraSensory Perception

Bill Murray's ESP scene in Ghostbusters (1984)

50. Sunburn balm: ALOE.  Seeing "ALOE" in CWs always makes me think of my grandfather. Do you remember the dad with his Windex in My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002)? My grandfather was like that with his ALOE plant. Here's a 30 sec. clip:

51. Protect with plastic coating, as an ID card: LAMINATE.  This is one of the two 8-letter fills. There are also two 9-letter fills. Nice work for a Monday puzzle, David!

53. __-card stud: poker variety: SEVEN.  13 Poker variations

56. Upright: ERECT.  Can you hear the difference between an upright and a grand piano? Answer is at 5:13.

57. Traditional Indian wedding dress: SARI.  Indian brides avoid wearing white because it is a symbol of mourning.
So gorgeous!
58. Ravioli option: MEAT.

59. Fail to make use of: WASTE.  Waste not, want not.

60. Remove wrinkles from: IRON.  Remember in the 1980s when crimp IRONs were used to add wrinkles to hair?

61. Norway's capital: OSLO.
Me (center), teaching a roping clinic outside of Oslo, Norway in 2003.

1. Puts one's feet up: RESTS.  I first had "relax" but perps changed it. Looking at it now, I see that the verb form in the clue would have called for "relaxes". I'm learning!

2. Praise highly: EXTOL.

3. Passionate: FIERY.

4. ER doc's "Now!": STAT. U
sed as a directive to medical personnel during an emergency situation; is from the Latin word statim, which means “instantly” or “immediately.”

5. Walks along: AMBLES.

6. Fluffy-eared marsupials: KOALAS.  I took this pic at the Taronga Zoo in Australia in 2009. There was a nearby sign which read, "Not drunk, just digesting."  #Aussie humor

8. To the __ degree: NTH. Today's math lesson #2:
Basically, the nth term is a mathematical expression that enables us to find the value of any term in a sequence. The 'n' stands for the term number. So if I have 5+n and if n=1 then it would be 5+1 = 6. Likewise, if n=2, it would be 5+2=7. And so on. Since there are an infinite amount of values we can give to n, the sequence can go on to infinity. That idea of "going to infinity" has given us the idiom "nth degree", meaning "as much as possible" or "extremely".

9. Felt sorry for: PITIED.

10. Topple: UPEND.  Anyone else have "upset" before UPEND? (I'll try not to be upset if I'm the only one.)

11. IRS auditor's target: TAX EVADER.

12. Airport safety gp.: TSA.  Transportation Security Administration

13. Govt.-issued ID: SSN.  Social Security Number
Prior to June 2011, the first 3 digits of SSNs were assigned according to US States. You can look up yours here.

18. Penny pinchers: MISERS.
"The Miser" Jan Steen
(oil on panel, between 1641 and 1679)

21. Utter fiasco: SNAFU. The first known use of SNAFU was in 1941. Other words from 1941 include area code, bad-mouth, centerfold, Freudian slip, gung ho, long johns, optimize, ready room, thunder egg, and yikes. see more words

24. Texter's "however": OTOH.  OThe Other Hand
25. "Be it __ so humble ... ": EVER.  There's no place like home.

26. Brewed beverage that may be hot or iced: TEA.  Hot herbed for me, please.

27. Blue birds: JAYS.  I love the blue JAYS that visit my yard. Sometimes they cause trouble, digging through my flower pots. I forgive them because I enjoy their antics and they help keep the more troublesome bugs under control.

30. Caused a disturbance: MADE WAVES.  
Katsushika Hokusai's Under the Wave off Kanagawa (also called  The Great Wave) is an iconic example of Japanese art. I guess you can say he "MADE WAVES". more info

woodblock print (1831)

31. Tense NFL periods: OTS.  Over TimeS

32. Quaint "Gotcha": I DIG.
not a PET PEEVE for a dog

33. Extinct bird: DODO.

34. Greek salad ingredient: OLIVE.  (Kalamata)  and 35. Greek salad ingredient: FETA.

Greek Salad

36. "Moonlight" actress Harris: NAOMIE.  Naomi Melanie Harris is an English Actress born in 1976. She was nominated for an Oscar in 2017 for her work in Moonlight.

She also played Moneypenny in Skyfall (2012).

37. Lead-in to rock or Rocks: POP.  Good clue! The upper case "R" is a hint to a product name.
OTOH, pop rock is a music genre which mixes a catchy pop style and light lyrics in its (typically) guitar-based rock songs. There are varying definitions of the term, ranging from a slower and mellower form of rock music to a subgenre of pop music.

Example:  I Feel Fine by The Beetles
Whose idea was it to put Ringo on the stationary bike???

41. "Jane Eyre" novelist Charlotte: BRONTE.

42. Spanish four: CUATRO.  so many related words in English

43. Group together: LUMP IN.

45. Vote into office: ELECT.

46. Easy to understand: CLEAR.  See 21A.

47. Roof overhangs: EAVES.
decorated EAVES for Christmas Eve

48. Swipe: STEAL.  Sometimes I forget if it is "ee" or "ea" so I use the memory trick "STEAL a deal".

49. Basil sauce: PESTO.

52. Fish sought by Marlin and Dory in a Pixar film: NEMO.
(l to r) Nemo, dad Marlin, & ditzy Dory
in Finding Nemo (2003)

53. Attach a button, say: SEW.  What?

54. Time period: ERA.

55. Tire pressure meas.: PSI.  Pounds per Square Inch.
The average psi for car tires is 32-35. The psi for my road bike's tires is 100-120 psi.

Here's the grid:

In Memoriam
Douglas "Boomer" Burnikel
(1947 - 2022)

Thanks to David Tuffs for taking the time out of his busy week to answer my email!
That's all for today. I look forward to reading your thoughts!