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Feb 25, 2023

Saturday, February 25, 2023, Lance Emfinger, Richard D. Allen

 Themeless Saturday by Lance Emfinger and Richard D. Allen

Like most Saturday puzzles, this one 19. " ... kinda": IT IS AND IT ISN'T and 55. " ... kinda": MORE OR LESS all that hard once you get some good starting fill. And, like most of them this one was fun too.


1. To boot: ALSO - The real cost or a car is not what price you get quoted or what they say your trade is worth. It's what the dealer wants you to pay "to boot" for getting the vehicle.

5. Clobber: WHOMP.

10. Hailee's "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" voice role: GWEN - Hailee Steinfeld who played Spiderwoman GWEN Stacy and voiced her in the animate version as well

14. Greeters: DOOR PEOPLE.

16. Meander: ROVE.

17. Like, crazy old: SO LAST YEAR - No kid has come to school with a "fidget spinner" in years

18. Surface __: AREA - The actual surface AREA of Greenland is 14x less than Africa but doesn't seem so when it is on a flat map (Mercator Projection). Below you see it placed on a map of Africa.

21. Mean relatives?: MODES - The MODE is the most frequent response(s) and can be different from the MEAN (average value)
23. Names in the news: BYLINES - Here's two famous ones

24. Lab reports?: ARFS - Four-legged Labs

25. Wharton grad, often: MBA - The Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania

27. Blocking stat: SPF.

28. Grande opening?: RIO - The openings on the RIO Grande are a contentious subject these days

29. Biking selections: GEARS.

31. Game whose name comes from the Swahili for "to build": JENGA - How 'bout Giant JENGA?

35. "Oh, my sides!": GOOD ONE - Nobody does it better...

37. Depart: HEAD OUT - Good guests know when to HEAD OUT

39. Wrapped: ENDED - The NFL season has finally wrapped. Now what?

40. Not as naΔ«ve: SLIER.

42. Computer language that works with HTML: CSS.

43. __-relief: BAS - This one was made in Lincoln's Yankee Hill Brick Mfg. facility and is on a wall in our capital city's Haymarket Area

45. Film director who shares a last name with 62-Across: ANG 62. Comic book legend who shares a last name with 45-Across: STAN - The Lees

46. Swag bag: TOTE.

47. Some reds: CLARETS.

50. "We're more than you think!" society: MENSA πŸ˜€

51. History that's more than colorful: CHECKERED PAST - Professor Harold Hill sang about such people

54. Company with a Magen David in its logo: ELAL - The Magen David is the Star of David or Shield of David on this airplane 

58. Get upset?: LOSE - In 1980, the Russians were the victims of one of the biggest upsets in sport history 

59. Amenities on some red-eyes: SLEEP MASKS.

60. "Sure, why not": LET'S.

61. Pre-makeover personality: OLD ME.


1. Podcast intros, often: ADS - We all pause our cursor over the Skip Ads tab

2. Place to go in England: LOO πŸ˜€

3. Something to chew on: SOLID FOOD.

4. Makes use of Speakers' Corner: ORATES - The original

5. Sprays down: WETS.

6. Georgetown athlete: HOYA What's a HOYA?

7. Place for free spirits: OPEN BAR πŸ˜€

8. Quaint greeting: M'LADY.

9. Risks: PERILS - My first thought

10. Not put out to pasture?: GRAIN FED.

11. Less "Fresh" on Rotten Tomatoes, e.g.: WORSE.  and 
47. "Nomadland" Oscar winner Zhao: CHLOE - She won for best director and the Rotten Tomatoes Freshness rating was 95%

12. Makes true: EVENS.

13. In a glass by itself: NEAT.
15. Wave function symbols: PSIS - Good luck!

20. Bill collector?: TIP JAR - Some have been supplanted by electronic options

21. "The Simpsons" character who counsels, "You should listen to your heart, and not the voices in your head": MARGE.

22. Constellation known to the Ojibwa as Kabibona'kan, the Winter Maker: ORION.

25. Fellows: MEN.

26. Sweethearts: BAES - Slang for Baby which will never be used in this house

29. Quit social media, say: GO DARK - Quit it all!

30. Protected area in soccer: SHIN.

32. Court plea: NO CONTEST - In 1973, Spiro Agnew pleaded NO CONTEST to expedite the proceedings 

33. Short blasts: GUSTS.

34. Befuddled: AT SEA.

36. Epic fails: DEBACLES - The web has thousands of these

You had to see this coming!

38. Neurologist's order, briefly: EEG.

41. Caused some hair loss: LASERED.

44. Appear to be: SEEM SO.

46. EV station lineup, maybe: TESLAS.

48. Minimal: LEAST.

49. Fish, in a way: TROLL - Not all the TROLLS are fishing in a body of water and they might be after this 
57. Phishing fig.: SSN.

50. Schoolteacher of old: MARM.

51. Monastic quarters: CELL.

52. Pronounce: DEEM.

53. Leader whose regalia includes a tiara: POPE - The papal tiara is actually a crown and it was last worn by Paul VI sixty years ago.

56. Music genre of Toots and the Maytals: SKA I'd like to hear one of their tunes