, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Oct 15, 2023

Sunday October 15, 2023 Gary Larson

Theme: "Hollywood Endings" - Each common phrase is rephrased as if the last word is a movie starred by the actor in the clue.

23. Editing scenes from a Wesley Snipes vampire film?: CUTTING BLADE.

28. Putting the final touches on an Ed Asner Pixar film?: WRAPPING UP.

47. Going on a promotional tour for a Sigourney Weaver family film?: PLUGGING HOLES.

64. Showing the final cut of a Jennifer Lawrence sci-fi film?: SCREENING PASSENGERS.

89. Hiring actors for a Shailene Woodley survival-at-sea film?: CASTING ADRIFT.

103. Composing the music for a Tom Hanks fantasy film?: SCORING BIG.

112. Acquiring the rights for a Sandra Bullock action film?: LANDING SPEED.

Very consistent set. The last words are all movies, most are well-known ones by big stars. Adrift is new to me. 

This is Gary Larson's favorite theme type, rephrasing common phrases. He's a wordsmith.


1. Native Nebraskans: OTOES.

6. Relishes: SAVORS.

12. Speck: DOT.

15. First word for some babies: MAMA. Universal. Mama. Papa is "Ba Ba" in Chinese.

19. Spare place: TRUNK.

20. Footnote notation: IBIDEM.

21. French article: UNE.

22. Grows old: AGES.

25. Sleep stage: REM. Feels amazing waking up to normal air. The weedy smell really drove me nuts.

26. New Rochelle school with an award-winning pipe band: IONA.

27. Nth, for one: ORDINAL.

31. Least risky: SAFEST.

33. "Fire away": ASK.

36. Dump: UNLOAD.

37. Big letters in home security: ADT. I finally had Simplisafe installed.

38. On top of everything: TOO.

41. Four score and ten: NINETY.

43. Fireplace piece: GRATE.

51. Faced: BRAVED.

52. Wedding dress option: SAREE. Pretty.

53. Chocolaty cereal brand: OREO O'S.

54. Like some conclusions: FOREGONE.

56. Withdrawing: IN RETREAT.

58. Colorful tee: TIE DYE.

60. Came out on top: WON. Who do you think will win the World Series 2023?

61. Hearth residue: ASH.

62. Welcomes: LETS IN. Windhover might visit me next year. Splynter also. Who else will come to Minnesota for a gathering if both of them come?

63. Hungers: YENS.

71. Winter coaster: SLED.

72. Deodorant brand: MENNEN.

73. Hosp. areas: ERS.

74. No-goodnik: CAD.

75. Chuck who broke the sound barrier: YEAGER.

76. Many a night owl: LATE RISER. Not me.

82. Gilbert and Sullivan work: OPERETTA.

84. Envelope: MAILER.

86. Skin care brand: NIVEA.

88. Tribal emblems: TOTEMS.

91. Govt. security: T NOTE.

92. Singer/actress Kazan: LAINIE. She was in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding".

94. Word in the names of two MLB teams: SOX.

95. Island chain?: LEI.

96. Dig: INSULT.

98. College major that may involve many museum trips: ART.

100. Bring in: IMPORT.

107. Radioactive element named for a planet: URANIUM.

110. Facility: EASE.

111. Santa __ winds: ANA.

117. Adroit: ABLE.

118. Jump the __: GUN.

119. Costello partner: ABBOTT. "Hu's on first?"

120. Outback canine: DINGO.

121. Herd noises: MOOS.

122. Place with a trough: STY.

123. Dictate: DECREE.

124. Kaitlin of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia": OLSON.


1. Like aspirin, briefly: OTC.

2. __TV: reality show channel: TRU.

3. At the wrong time: OUT OF TURN.

4. Between, in French: ENTRE. Nous.

5. Loses control on the ice: SKIDS. So much snow last year.

6. Communicate with one's hands: SIGN.

7. "Fernando" singers: ABBA.

8. Country estate: VILLA.

9. "Ghost" psychic __ Mae Brown: ODA.

10. Primary color: RED.

11. Small duck: SMEW.

12. Two-time NBA Finals MVP Kevin: DURANT. I thought he's retired already. Nope.

13. Like cheap toilet paper: ONE-PLY.

14. Beat: TEMPO.

15. Downtown street: MAIN DRAG.

16. Eager: AGOG.

17. Drop-down list: MENU.

18. PDQ: ASAP.

24. Capone cohort: NITTI (Frank). Chicago mob.

29. Wishes undone: RUES.

30. "Ditto": I AGREE.

31. Enervates: SAPS.

32. 1950s politico Stevenson: ADLAI. Haven't seen this name for a while.

34. Haughty one: SNOOT.

35. Drug bust unit: KILO.

39. __ about: circa: ON OR.

40. Brute: OGRE.

42. Drink brand with a green leaf logo: NESTEA.

44. Declarer: AVOWER. Who uses this word?

45. Mortise inserts: TENONS.

46. Paradises: EDENS.

48. Poet __ Manley Hopkins: GERARD. Unfamiliar to me. English poet and Jesuit priest.

49. Down source: GEESE.

50. "Isn't __ bit like you and me?": Beatles lyric: HE A.

51. Actor Yul: BRYNNER.

54. Come clean, with "up": FESS.

55. Cartoon canine: ODIE.

57. Queens team: THE METS. Patti's team.

59. "__ only money": IT'S.

62. ICU worker: LPN.

63. Formal agreement: YES SIR.

64. Apply haphazardly: SLAP ON. And 65. Officially give: CEDE TO.

66. In apple-pie order: NEAT.

67. Swenson of "Benson": INGA.

68. U-turn from SSW: NNE.

69. Liechtenstein's language: GERMAN.

70. Coffee machine setting: GRIND.

71. "Sicko Mode" rapper Travis __: SCOTT. With Kylie Jenner for a while.

75. Omani neighbor: YEMENI.

76. Carafe size: LITER.

77. Frazier opponent: ALI.

78. Canadian bank notes featuring civil rights activist Viola Desmond: TENS. From Wikipedia: Desmond was a "Canadian civil and women's rights activist and businesswoman of Black Nova Scotian descent. In 1946, she challenged racial segregation at a cinema in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, by refusing to leave a whites-only area of the Roseland Theatre. For this, she was convicted of a minor tax violation for the one-cent tax difference between the seat that she had paid for and the seat that she used, which was more expensive ..."

79. Thus: ERGO.

80. Dark signs: EVIL OMENS.

81. Allude (to): REFER.

83. Pension beneficiaries: RETIREES. My faithful Springbrook hiking friend Dan has just retired. He introduced Elk Creek to me, but we never hiked there together until last week. He's too fast for me. He runs a ton every day, rain or snow.

Dan the Engineer

85. Bhutan locale: ASIA.

87. In a quarrel: AT IT.

89. Big name in banking: CITI.

90. Chopping down: AXING. Dan's been chopping trees. Behind his shack, there's a huge lake. He swam yesterday when it was like 40F. Crazy, but normal for him. He polar-jumped at Antarctica last year.

92. Wheel securer: LUG NUT.

93. Hudson River capital: ALBANY.

97. Hose woes: SNAGS.

99. Architectural style: TUDOR.

101. Botch: MISDO.

102. Trainee: PUPIL.

103. Clothing line: SEAM.

104. Baja resort, familiarly: CABO.

105. Nobel Institute city: OSLO.

106. Elated: GLAD.

108. Solemn ceremony: RITE.

109. Poker stake: ANTE.

113. Simpsons grandfather: ABE.

114. Peacock network: NBC.

115. __ trip: EGO.

116. Get into: DON.
