, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Apr 10, 2024

Wednesday, April 10, 2024 Trent H. Evans

Theme:  How does your garden grow?  Chaotically, as it turns out.  But in an unremarkable way.  Can we separate the crops from the weeds?  Grab your hoe and lets dig in.  Best to start with the unifier, I think.

59 A. Run-of-the-mill, or what can be found in the answers to the starred clues?: GARDEN VARIETY. Ordinary.  Not special or unusual.  But what is unusual is the use of the word "VARIETY" to indicate a scrambled letter, hidden word theme.  Here, the word is GARDEN.  Don't feel bad it you found this theme to be opaque.  I couldn't suss it, and had to appeal to my fellow corner bloggers for assistance.  I'm bad at anagrams, too.  I guess my brain doesn't work that way
20 A. *Splashy arrival: GRAND ENTRANCE.  To appear in or enter into some place in a very dramatic, ostentatious, or conspicuous manner.  But that is not what this is about.  I was wondering what a " GRAND GARDEN" might be.  Sounds plausible, especially in, frex., an English manor.  But, no.  That's also not what this is about.  Our GARDEN is discontinuous.

37 A. *Like a conversation covering many topics: WIDE RANGING.  Extending over a large area; extensive or diversified in scope.  A wide garden would have expansive with and not much depth.  But, instead, the GARDEN is scattered.

44 A. *Friendly signoff: KIND REGARDS.   A common sign-off in emails and other forms of correspondence.  It's used to wish the recipient well without being overly familiar.  By now we should be familiar with the various locations of our GARDEN.

Hi, Gang, JazzBumba here, green thumb at the ready.  Let's head out to the GARDEN and see what we can harvest.


1. Bit of quick inspiration?: GASP.  An indrawn breath, not a clever thought.

5. Saucy dance?: SALSA.  Salsa encompasses a variety of sauces used as condiments for tacos and other Mexican and Mexican-American foods, and as dips for tortilla chips. But that is not what this is about. On the other hand - or perhaps foot - Salsa is a Latin dance, associated with salsa music, which was first popularized in the United States during the 1960s in New York City. Salsa is a mixture of Cuban dances, such as mambo, pachanga, and rumba, as well as American dances such as swing and tap.

10. Personalize a trophy, say: ETCH.  Engrave a name or other information.

14. Gone but not forgotten: AWOLAbsent Without Official Leave, for a military location.

15. Far from skilled: INEPT.  Incapable.

16. Organ part: PIPE.

17. Webb designer?: NASA.   The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a space telescope designed to conduct infrared astronomy. Its high-resolution and high-sensitivity instruments allow it to view objects too old, distant, or faint for the Hubble Space Telescope.  The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) led Webb's design and development and partnered with two main agencies: the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA).   This is not about spiders or computer engineers.

18. Like music with traditional harmony: TONAL.   Relating to music written using conventional keys and harmony.   Salsa, por ejemplo.

19. Big name in big screens: IMAX.   A technique of widescreen cinematography which produces an image approximately ten times larger than that from standard 35 mm film.

23. Meal that features a retelling of the story of Exodus: SEDER.  a Jewish ritual service and ceremonial dinner for the first night or first two nights of Passover.

24. ID-issuing org.: SSA.   Social Service Administration.

25. Org. that says no to some drugs: FDA.   The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, medical devices, our nation's food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation.

28. Paint finish: SATIN.  Satin is a paint sheen or finish that falls directly in the middle of the range of interior or exterior paint sheens. Satin paint is glossier than eggshell finish paint, but flatter than semi-gloss paint.

32. Lion of Narnia: ASLAN.   Aslan  is a major character in C. S. Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia series. Unlike any other character in the Narnian series, Aslan appears in all seven chronicles. Aslan is depicted as a talking lion and is described as the King of Beasts, the son of the Emperor-Over-the-Sea, and the King above all High Kings in Narnia.

34. Synthetic drug similar to psilocybin: LSD.   Lysergic acid diethylamide, commonly known as LSD, and known colloquially as acid or lucy, is a potent psychedelic drug. Effects typically include intensified thoughts, emotions, and sensory perception. At sufficiently high dosages LSD manifests primarily mental, visual, and auditory hallucinations.

40. Côte d'Ivoire pal: AMIE.  The official language of the republic is French, mes amis, with local indigenous languages also being widely used that include Baoulé, Dioula, Dan, Anyin, and Cebaara Senufo.

42. Triglyceride, for one: LIPID.   A lipid is any of a class of organic compounds that are fatty acids or their derivatives and are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents. They include many natural oils, waxes, and steroids.   A triglyceride is an ester formed from glycerol and three fatty acid groups. Triglycerides are the main constituents of natural fats and oils,

43. Côte d'Ivoire head: TETE.   The official language of the republic is French, with local indigenous languages also being widely used that include Baoulé, Dioula, Dan, Anyin, and Cebaara Senufo.  Now we're getting a head.

47. "To be," in Spanish: SER.  Ser o no ser, esa es la cuestión.

48. Chosen few: ELITE.   A select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society.  Or so they would have us believe.

49. Naughty and nice: LISTS.   Santa's record keeping.

51. One of a D.C. 100: SEN.  Senators.

52. Bring out in the open: AIR.  Show something publicly.

55. Existential dread: ANGST.  A feeling of anxiety, apprehension, or insecurity.

64. Social finesse: TACT.  A keen sense of what to do or say in order to maintain good relations with others or avoid offense.

66. Message in a drafts folder: E-MAIL.

67. Air Force Two exec: VEEP.  Air Force Two is the air traffic control designated call sign held by any United States Air Force aircraft carrying the vice president of the United States, but not the president

68. Hoax: SHAM.  Malicious deception.

69. Singer-songwriter Mann: AIMEE.   Aimee Elizabeth Mann is an American singer-songwriter. Over the course of four decades, she has released more than a dozen albums as a solo artist and with other musicians. She is noted for her sardonic and literate lyrics about dark subjects.  Still - she sounds friendly.

70. Salinger heroine: ESME.  From the short story For Esmé With Love And Squalor.

71. Norms on the links: PARS.  The expected numbers of strokes to complete golf holes.

72. Ruminates bitterly: STEWS.  Thinks hard or worries about something, not necessarily bitterly.

73. End to end?: LESS.   I do not understand this at all.  Anybody got a clue? 


1. Factions in "West Side Story": GANGS.  Sharks and Jets.

2. Already informed: AWARE.  Having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.

3. "Such a shame": SO SAD.  Alas.

4. Piper Cubs, e.g.: PLANES.   American light aircraft that was built between 1938 and 1947 by Piper Aircraft. The aircraft has a simple, lightweight design which gives it good low-speed handling properties and short-field performance.

5. Place to build: SITE.   An area of ground on which a town, building, or monument is constructed.

6. In a sec, quaintly: ANON.  Soon; shortly.

7. Pre-Easter time: LENT.    The solemn Christian religious observance in the liturgical year commemorating the 40 days Jesus spent fasting in the desert and enduring temptation by Satan, according to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, before beginning his public ministry.

8. Dukes it out in practice: SPARS.  Engages in a practice or exhibition bout of boxing

9. Sky supporter of myth: ATLAS.    In Greek mythology, the Titan Atlas was responsible for bearing the weight of the heavens on his shoulders, a burden given to him as punishment by Zeus. Father of many stars and a protagonist in one of Hercules' famous labors, Atlas was also known as a wise man and the founder of astronomy.

10. Big picture: EPIC.  A movie of large scope, rather than an image of large dimension.

11. "Can't believe it's been that long!": TIME FLIES.  When it seems to pass quickly.  Time flies like an arrow.  Fruit flies like a banana.

12. Balancing pro: CPA.  A Certified Public Accountant balances the financial books. 

13. Bad spelling?: HEX.  An evil spell, bringing bad luck and trouble.  Clever clue, spelt correctly.

21. Tie: DRAW.  A game or team event in which the final score is even, so there is no winner or loser. 

22. Bread brushed with ghee: NAAN.  A round flat leavened bread especially of the Indian subcontinent.

26. Poet who was guided through paradise by Beatrice: DANTE.  Dante Alighieri  [c. 1265 – September 14, 1321], most likely baptized Durante di Alighiero degli Alighieri and often referred to as Dante, was a Florentine poet, writer, and philosopher. The referenced poem is Dante's Divine Comedy.

27. Fury: ANGER.  At an extreme degree.

29. Backsplash piece: TILE.  A backsplash is, essentially, an extension of your countertop. It can extend as low as a few inches off the wall or as high as the ceiling. The purpose of any kitchen backsplash is preventing water, grease, and other messes from damaging your walls, particularly behind stoves and sinks.  Typically, it is made from ceramic tiles.

30. "Got it, daddy-o": I DIG.    To like or understand something. It could also mean a combination of the two, as a general verb of approval for something. The term was particularly popular during the 1960s-1970s and is today considered slightly old-fashioned.

31. Nation between China and India: NEPAL.   Nepal, officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, is a landlocked country in South Asia. It is mainly situated in the Himalayas, but also includes parts of the Indo-Gangetic Plain. It borders the Tibet Autonomous Region of China to the north, and India to the south, east, and west, while it is narrowly separated from Bangladesh by the Siliguri Corridor, and from Bhutan by the Indian state of Sikkim. Nepal has a diverse geography, including fertile plains, subalpine forested hills, and eight of the world's ten tallest mountains, including Mount Everest, the highest point on Earth. Kathmandu is the nation's capital and the largest city. Nepal is a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, multi-religious and multi-cultural state, with Nepali as the official language.

33. Lt.'s underling: SGT.  Military ranks Lieutenant and Sergeant.

34. Finger __: LAKES.  The Finger Lakes are a group of eleven long, narrow, roughly north–south lakes located directly south of Lake Ontario in an area called the Finger Lakes region in New York, in the United States. 

35. Look happy: SMILE.   A facial expression formed primarily by flexing the muscles at the sides of the mouth. Some smiles include a contraction of the muscles at the corner of the eyes, an action known as a Duchenne smile. Among humans, a smile expresses delight, sociability, happiness, joy, or amusement

36. Place to eat while on the go: DINING CAR.   A part of a train in which passengers are served meals

38. "Disturbia" singer, familiarly: RIRI.   Robyn Rihanna Fenty (born February 20, 1988) is a Barbadian singer, businesswoman, actress, and songwriter. She is widely regarded as one of the most prominent recording artists of the 21st century.  This song has no connection to the movie of the same name.

39. Does some kindergarten math: ADDS.  Combines one number with another to get a total.  I don't remember doing this in kindergarten.  But that was a long time ago.  This garten is not connected to the theme.

41. N.H. summer hrs.: EDTEastern Daylight Time in New Hampshire.

45. __ admiral: REAR.  In the navy, Rear Admiral is usually immediately senior to commodore and immediately below vice admiral.   The term originated in the days of naval sailing squadrons and can trace its origins to the Royal Navy. Each naval squadron was assigned an admiral as its head, who commanded from the centre vessel and directed the squadron's activities. The admiral would in turn be assisted by a vice admiral, who commanded the lead ships that bore the brunt of a battle. In the rear of the squadron, a third admiral commanded the remaining ships and, as this section was considered to be in the least danger, the admiral in command of it was typically the most junior. This has continued into the modern age, with rear admiral the most junior admiralty of many navies.   Bo butts about it!

46. Guide for the Magi: STAR.   The Gospel of Matthew (2:1–12) speaks of Magi, or wise men, who followed a star from the East to Bethlehem in search of a newborn king. There they found Mary and the baby Jesus and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

50. Whine: SNIVEL.   Cry and sniff in a feeble or fretful way.

53. Creative sparks: IDEAS.   The other type of inspiration.

54. Pay: REMIT.   A transfer of money, typically to pay a fee or defray a debt.

56. "The Twelve Days of Christmas" half-dozen: GEESE.  And all of them laying eggs.

57. Watch and wineglass features: STEMS.   1) The thin rod that attaches the crown to the watch's movement; 2) the slender part of a winglass between the base and the bowl. 

58. Classifies: TYPES.  Determines to which category something belongs.

60. Bread machines?: ATMS.  Automatic Teller Machines - dispensers of cash, i.e "bread."  Ya dig?

61. Appoint: NAME.   Specify an individual to occupy a certain position.

62. Opinion: VIEW.   Regard in a particular light or with a particular attitude.

63. Pub orders: ALES.  Types of beer with a bitter flavor and higher alcoholic content.  Cf 58 D.

64. Seasoning meas.: TSP.  A teaspoon, about 2.5 to 7 ml, depending on the spoon.

65. "Now I get it!": AHA.   Used to express satisfaction, triumph, or surprise.

Hope you found this puzzle satisfying, and perhaps providing an AHA moment or 2.  It's what we try to cultivate here at the corner.

Kind and Cool Regards!