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Jun 4, 2024

Tuesday, June 4, 2024 ~ Taylor Johnson

Party On!
Aurora, IL Party Animals

It took me a second for the party-penny to drop but each creature is proceeded by a type of party.

17. Vegetable patch pest: GARDEN SNAIL. Garden Party.

25. Feline who lives indoors: HOUSE CAT. House Party.

37. Workplace companion: OFFICE DOG. Office Party.

52. New York City rodent that went viral in 2015: PIZZA RAT. Pizza Party.

In case you missed the viral video

62. Really fun person, or an apt descriptor of 17-, 25-, 37-, and 52-Across?: PARTY ANIMAL.
My kids loved this book.

1. Pool or polo: GAME. Pool as in billiards not swimming.

5. Groups of troops: ARMIES.

11. Understood, as a joke: GOT.

14. Persian Gulf country that borders Armenia: IRAN.

15. Noggin: NOODLE. Brain.

16. NPR host Shapiro: ARI. He also plays with Pink Martini.

17. [See: Theme]

19. "Mm-hmm": YEP.

20. Lawyer's org.: ABA. American Bar Association (the antithesis of AA ;-))

21. Unwilling (to): LOATH.

22. Band bookings: GIGS.

23. Native Costa Ricans, informally: TICOS.

25. [See: Theme]

28. Anthem heard in Nova Scotia: O CANADA. (Hi C, Eh!)

31. Olympic gymnast Biles: SIMONE. She grew up in Spring, TX.

And is Amazing!

32. Vanity Fair publisher Condé __: NAST. Publisher of The New Yorker, GQ, Wired, [see: clue], Vogue, etc.

33. Tooth's outer layer: ENAMEL.

36. Neither's partner: NOR.

37. [See: Theme]

40. Cable network with many reruns: TBS. Turner Broadcasting System.

43. "Good enough": IT'LL DO.

44. Job inspection org.: OSHA. Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

48. Baltimore ballplayer: ORIOLE.
You know #8

50. Walked stealthily: SNEAKED.

52. [See: Theme]

55. Mixes: STIRS.

56. School support orgs.: PTAS.

57. Coral producer: POLYP.

60. Combat sport, briefly: MMA. Mixed Martial Arts.

61. Ad-__: improvise: LIB.

Two of the best at Ad-libbing.

62. [See: Theme]

65. Subj. for some new immigrants: ESL. English as a Second Language.

66. Zoo section with birds: AVIARY.

67. Actress Russo: RENE.

68. __/her pronouns: SHE.

69. Prime-time soap opera set in Texas: DALLAS.

70. Commotions: ADOS.

1. Unit of explosive force: GIGATON. ~50 megatons is biggest nuclear bomb tested; a gigaton is on the order of a mile-wide asteroid's impact.

2. Coffee bean variety: ARABICA. Arabica beans are grown in high-altitudes and have a smoother, sweeter, and more complex flavor than other coffees.

3. Seed-filled percussion pair: MARACAS.
I read these are not found in Spain but in
Mexico / S.A. because of the African slave trade.

4. Stop: END.

5. __ Domini: ANNO.

6. Civil rights activist Parks: ROSA.

7. Calendar viewing option: MONTH.

8. Washington neighbor: IDAHO.

9. Former quarterback Manning: ELI.

10. Salt, in French: SEL.

11. Judy Garland or Cher: GAY ICON.

12. Herb in Italian seasoning: OREGANO.

13. Bettor's adviser: TIPSTER.

18. Anna's sister in "Frozen": ELSA.

22. Precious stone: GEM.

24. Not fooled by: ONTO.

26. Applied to: USED ON.

27. Storage tower: SILO.

29. More adroit: DEFTER. ? I'd say more deft.

30. Deep blue dye: ANIL.

34. Oft-torn knee pt.: ACL. Austin City Limits, er... anterior cruciate ligament.

35. Rx items: MEDS.

38. Seoul-based athleisure brand: FILA.

39. Billy __: GOAT.

40. Brings down: TOPPLES.

41. "The Great __ Baking Show": BRITISH.

42. Quite large: SIZABLE.

45. Read quickly: SKIMMED. Cute - past tense.

46. Spanish brother: HERMANO. Just learned this on Duolingo.

47. Revenue source for magazines: AD SALES.

49. Parts of lbs.: OZS. Pounds / Ounces.

51. "SportsCenter" network: ESPN.

53. Earth Day time: APRIL.

54. Add up to: TOTAL.

58. Harp-shaped constellation: LYRA.
If you say that's a harp, um, OK.

59. Celebratory shouts: YAYS.

62. Cushion: PAD.

63. Filmmaker DuVernay: AVA.

64. Nest egg letters: IRA.

The Grid
The Grid

The WOs, ESPs, etc. will have to wait; I left my original grid at the office.

Cheers, -T