, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jun 9, 2024

Sunday June 9, 2024 Amanda Cook & Kelly Richardson

Theme: "DJ Remix" - D and J are swapped in each common phrase.

22. College administrators who never skip gym class?: RIPPED DEANS. Ripped jeans.

28. Mistake a bluebird for a blue bird?: CALL IT A JAY. Call it a day.

41. Finally breaking up with that no-good, pool hall hustler?: DUMPING THE SHARK. Jumping the shark.

64. Tiny bells added to an ugly Christmas sweater?: JANGLING MODIFIERS. Dangling modifers.

85. Honorific for San Francisco's top athlete?: THE JOCK OF THE BAY. The Dock of the Bay.

103. Beaver construction party?: DAM SESSION. Jam session.

111. "Good news! The animals living under the deck aren't skunks!"?: JUST BUNNIES. Dust bunnies.

Ah, I grokked the theme immediately. I bet many regulars did also.

I suck at this type of letter change themes and I always admire how others clue their wacky theme entries.

Love the fill today. So smooth and clean.


1. Center: HEART.

 6. Visibly nervous: SHAKY.

11. BCBS offering: HMO. Blue Cross Blue Shield.

14. Beaker's sound: MEEP. OK, Beaker the Muppet.

18. Wabbit hunter Fudd: ELMER.

19. Like a foggy graveyard: EERIE.

20. Brim (with): TEEM.

21. Minnesota representative Ilhan: OMAR. Most famous Minnesotan in crossword world.

24. Panache: ELAN.

25. Score symbol: NOTE.

26. Mattel product: DOLL.

27. Whoops: YELLS.

30. Harder to hike: STEEPER. Nothing beats the thrill of climbing Huashan, world's deadliest hiking route. My hometown.

32. "Big yikes": HOO BOY.

34. Court orders: WRITS.

35. __ Talks: TED.

36. Shinbone: TIBIA.

37. Podcast equipment: MIC.

38. Iverson in the Basketball Hall of Fame: ALLEN.

48. Nintendo Switch precursor: WII.

49. Carolyn Bertozzi, notably: CHEMIST. Did not know her. She received the Nobel in 2022.

51. One with niblings: AUNT. Google shows that "Nibling is a gender-neutral term used to refer to a child of one's sibling as a replacement for "niece" or "nephew". Learning moment for me also.
52. Regret: RUE.

53. Massachusetts state tree: ELM.

54. "__ Nagila": Hebrew folk song: HAVA. And 6. Occasion to read the Haggadah: SEDER.

55. Made brownies, say: BAKED.

57. Crafty platform: ETSY.

58. Gwen of No Doubt: STEFANI.

60. Penalty shot defender: GOALIE.

63. Queues up: WAITS.

68. Still-life subject, often: FRUIT.

70. Man cave locale, maybe: GARAGE. Not in MN. Too cold in winter.

71. In the spotlight for bad behavior: ON BLAST.

74. Freight option: RAIL.

75. Nick of "Cape Fear": NOLTE.

77. Purple bloom: IRIS.

78. Once called: NEE.

79. "Exit full screen" button: ESC.

80. "Toodles": CIAO.

81. Indian flatbread: CHAPATI.

84. Some undergrad degs.: AAS.

89. Churchyard peals: TOLLS.

91. Scrape (by): EKE.

92. Opera solos: ARIAS.

93. Muscle mag muscle: PEC.

94. Space Invaders console: ATARI.

97. Marzipan nut: ALMOND. Never had Marzipan.

99. Abandons: DESERTS.

105. Concert platform: RISER.

108. Heavenly glow: AURA.

109. NYC drama award: OBIE.

110. Vegan pho protein: TOFU. This is my favorite Tofu brand at the moment.

113. Bridesmaid's handful: POSY.

114. Tinnitus docs: ENTS.

115. Balance sheet entry: ASSET.

116. Sty sounds: OINKS.

117. Lob: TOSS.

118. Director Anderson: WES. Prolific. "Asteroid City" is his latest hit.

119. Big bangs: WHAMS.

120. Like a windbag: GASSY.


1. Ranch groups: HERDS.

2. "Daniel Deronda" novelist: ELIOT (George)

3. Bountiful: AMPLE.

4. Brimming (with): REPLETE.

5. Three, in Trieste: TRE. Port city in Italy.

7. Tap location: HEEL.

8. North __ Sea: Central Asian lake: ARAL.

9. Bonds between friends: KINSHIPS.

10. "Absolutely!": YES.

11. "Are you even listening?": HELLO.

12. Like overripe apples: MEALY.

13. Hyatt competitor: OMNI.

14. Orange-and-black butterfly: MONARCH.

15. Fire in a text?: EMOJI. Fire emoji.

16. Patronize, as a bistro: EAT AT.

17. Hunts, with "on": PREYS.

20. Rooibos pouch: TEA BAG.

23. Made an egg into an Easter egg: DYED.

28. Invent, as a word: COIN.

29. Chocolate-and-vanilla soft serve: TWIST.

31. Inclination: PENCHANT.

33. Memorial piece: OBIT.

36. "Ew, stop talking!": TMI.

37. Resew, maybe: MEND.

38. Dazzles: AWES

39. Jaunty tune: LILT.

40. Ceviche marinade: LIME JUICE.  Looks yummy.

41. Crafty sort: DEVIL.

42. Hindu goddess also known as Parvati: UMA. Another learning moment.

43. Activist known for his time aboard the Enterprise: TAKEI.

44. Tinge: HUE.

45. Small-batch: ARTISANAL.

46. Used car concern: RUST.

47. Florida __: KEYS.

50. Get together: HANG.

55. Online journal: BLOG. And 63. Squarespace creations: WEBSITES.

56. Assistant: AIDE.

57. Former Chief Justice Warren: EARL.

59. Word in many a YouTube title: FAIL. Like makeup fails.

60. Little pest: GNAT.

61. D&D monster: OGRE.

62. "I'm an open book" Reddit sesh: AMA. Ask Me Anything.

65. Heavy-duty cooler brand: IGLOO.

66. Venture: FORAY.

67. "What's __ for you?": IN IT.

68. Sitar ridge: FRET.

69. Hasty: RASH.

72. Wax closure: SEAL.

73. Harper of "No Country for Old Men": TESS.

75. French Riviera city: NICE.

76. Iowa state tree: OAK.

77. Many a Lagunitas brew, briefly: IPA.

80. Roberts who was one of NPR's "Founding Mothers": COKIE.

81. Helmet clip spot: CHIN.

82. Result of standing up too fast: HEADRUSH. Low blood pressure.

83. Six-packs, sometimes: ABS.

86. Game day tops: JERSEYS.

87. Nathan's __ hot dogs: FAMOUS.

88. Jumbo suffix: TRON.

90. Papua New Guinea region: OCEANIA. Guess how many languages in this island nation?

93. Cuzco's country: PERU. 100. Cuzco attraction: RUINS.

94. Rescue, as a pet: ADOPT.

95. Don't: TABOO.

96. Off: AMISS.

97. In concert: AS ONE.

98. Rides: LIFTS.

99. Balance sheet entries: DEBTS.

101. Does the Tour du Mont Blanc, say: TREKS.

102. Bold: SASSY.

 104. Crockpot recipe: STEW.

106. "The Lovebirds" actress Rae: ISSA.

 107. Derive (from): STEM.

 111. Chatter: JAW.

 112. Holiday party serving: NOG.


Here are two great pictures from Lemonade, our faithful Friday Sherpa for many years. That's his sweet wife Oo taking the selfie. The other two are his granddaughters Charlotte and Harper. The little boy in the second picture is his cute grandson Owen. You can click here to see more pictures.  
