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Jul 20, 2024

Saturday, July 20, 2024, Emily Biegas

 Saturday Themeless by Emily Biegas

After last Saturday's cake walk, the karma fairy got me today as obscure names abounded. While the NW corner appears fun looking back, it caused had some real difficulty for me.

Sometimes you are on the constructors wavelength but this time I had trouble seeing where Emily (or Patti) was going in certain places until my doggedness got me to the end..


1. Groundbreaking: EDGY - I definitely think this was groundbreaking/EDGY TV.  I remember thinking, "I can't believe they just said that! It'a about time somebody did."

5. Nae sayer: SCOT 

9. Hosp. area: PRE-OP.

14. Do-re-mi: SIMOLEONS - Slang3.  Do-re-mi is slang for dough meaning money.
SIMOLEONS is also slang for money!  blend of simon (dollar) from simon (sixpence coin) (17th century British slang), and Napoleon (“French gold coin worth 20 francs, bearing the image of Napoleon III"). Peportmanteau. 🤔

16. Beard dye in some cultures: HENNA.

A Bengali Man

17. Boiling point?: TEA KETTLE 😀

18. Tore: RACED.

19. Vouch for: ATTEST TO.

20. __ rock: YACHT - Soft rock of the 70's and 80's Pick from this list for listening 

21. Enduring style?: SLOW FASHION - New to me but makes sense

24. Shared surname in cinema: COEN - My first thought

25. Red __: ALE.

26. Extended time off, briefly: LOA - Leave Of Absence

27. Checkpoint container: BIN - At a DMV checkpoint this week, I was told to take my 1 1/2" Swiss Army knife back out to my car.

28. Tony Gwynn's "The __ of Hitting": ART - Written by the man who had 3141 hits in his 20-yr MLB career

29. "Mental Illness" Grammy winner: MANN - MANN's on the bench: Educator Horace, Singer Manfred, Jazz flautist Herbie, Field of Dream's Terrence.

30. "Genius!": THAT'S A GREAT IDEA - Hey, let's change the formula for Coke! 🙄

35. "Calm down": EASY.

36. Coldwater breed that originated in Niigata, Japan: KOI.

A KOI farm in Niigata

37. Funds to supplement HDHPs: HSA - A Health Savings Account can help with a High Deductible Health Plan  

38. Spots: ADS.

39. Sloth, for one: SIN.

40. Oreo __ cake: DIRT.

42. French Laundry offering: TASTING MENU.

45. Tibetan singing __: BOWLS - How about a meditation session with them?

46. Over the line, in a way: OFFSIDES - Although seldom called, being over the line by 6" cost the Chiefs a touchdown on this amazing fourth quarter  trick play.

51. Monk who won the 2017 Jerry West Award: MALIK.

52. Window on the house: FREE TRIAL - A window denotes how long you get a FREE TRIAL (on the house) 🤔

53. Cut off: ALONE.

54. Seasonal salutation: DEAR SANTA - Ho, Ho, Ho!

55. Elizabeth of "Love & Death": OLSEN.

56. Extra social media accounts, casually: ALTS - Alternates

57. Likely to root around in someone else's medicine cabinet: NOSY.


1. Spanish pronoun: ESTA - Esta computadora Macbook Pro es mía

2. Soft drink option: DIET.

3. B-school entry req.: GMAT - Graduate Management Admissions Test. Used for admission in some Business Schools.

4. Bind: YOKE 😀

5. Finalize: SETTLE.

6. Part of many a linen blend: COTTON.

7. Simmering: ON LOW 😀

8. "Sweeney Agonistes" monogram: TSE.

9. Musical sentence: PHRASE - Nobody did it better.

10. Get a hold of: REACH.

11. Whole food?: ENCHILADA 😀

12. Arnold Palmer ratio: ONE TO ONE.

13. Stuff: PAD.

15. "__ in Chemistry": Bonnie Garmus novel: LESSONS.

20. Crimean resort: YALTA - The Big Three discuss the shape of the post-war world in 1945. FR died two months later.

22. Food: FARE.

23. Gran: NANA.

24. Eugene or Gary: CITY 😀

27. Low points of some performances: BASS SOLOS 😀

28. "Midsommar" filmmaker Aster: ARI.

29. Air drops?: MIST.

30. Udder part: TEAT.

31. Whooped it up: HAD A BALL.

32. Zoë who won a Pulitzer Prize for the 1935 play "The Old Maid": AKINS.


33. Mallet target: GONG.

34. Hip-strengthening exercises: THRUSTS.

39. __ tofu: SILKEN.
40. Loss: DEFEAT.

41. Gathers: INFERS.

43. Jute binder: TWINE.

44. Mushroom hunter's prize: MOREL.

47. 1979 revolution site: IRAN.

48. Critter on some pj's: DINO.

49. Brunches, say: EATS 😀 - Brunches as a verb

50. Crush it, informally: SLAY - Here George Carlin SLAYS Johnny Carson with a bit that SLAYED me

51. Eponym of a tunic suit: MAO - These Chinese Communists of the 50's all are wearing MAO suits. Fashion plate MAO is in the front row in the lightest version.

52. Vax overseer: FDA.