, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Mar 2, 2025

Sunday March 2, 2025 Jill Singer

Theme: "In a Manner of Speaking" - Each common expression is reinterpreted literally.

22. "It's so cold my fingers are going numb": DIGITAL COMMUNICATION.

35. "I love my new down comforter": BLANKET STATEMENT.

52. "You should have seen that game-winning throw": PASSING COMMENT.

74. "I only carry one if there's more than a 50% chance of rain": UMBRELLA POLICY.

89. "Granite is best because it's heat-resistant and easy to clean": COUNTER-ARGUMENTS.

108. "Eve and I really wanted that apple": FIRST PERSON NARRATIVE.

I think this is our Jill Singer, a filmmaker in the Boston area. 

She has a fondness for this type of rephrasing theme type. Chuckled at the clues. Fun. 

This grid only has 138 words. Normally we have 142 or 144.


1. Go from ice to water: MELT.

5. Penn State rival: PITT. Roc the Panther.

9. Church topper: SPIRE.

14. Not stick around: BAIL.

18. Old short film: ONE-REELER.

20. Like an escaped balloon: ALOFT.

21. "Free Willy" mammal: ORCA.

25. Conceptualism debate starter: IS IT ART.

26. Cursed: DOOMED.

27. Cattle markers: BRANDS. San Gu's son-in-law has a huge cattle farm. This is her grandson Er Cong. Don't think he wants to be a farmer.

29. Polar bear platforms: FLOES.

30. Piano key wood, traditionally: EBONY.

32. Laugh half: HEE.

33. Langley org.: CIA.

34. Craving: YEN.

40. Period of time: SPELL.

42. Really annoys: DEVILS. Did not know devil can be a verb. OK, deviled egg. 

43. Creep: EDGE.

44. Escort: SQUIRE.

47. Beats by __: DRE.

50. Collapsible shelter: TENT.

51. Tangy salad herb: CRESS. Just had it last Sunday.

55. S.F. and L.A. locale: CAL.

56. Crème de la crème: A TEAM.

57. __ silence: RADIO.

58. Soak (up): SOP.

59. Starts of some logic problems: IFS.

62. __ photography: still-life genre: TABLETOP.

64. Business letters: LLC.

66. Wine grape variety: CABERNET.

68. Texter's apology: SRY. Sorry.

69. Like sashimi: RAW.

70. Ann __, Michigan: ARBOR.

72. Dye used in mehndi: HENNA.

73. Josh: KID.

78. Big shot: NABOB.

81. Court entry: PLEA.

82. Jimmy Eat World genre: EMO.

83. Rings around pupils: IRISES.

84. "__ be great!": IT'LL.

85. Part of the largest ethnic minority in the U.S.: LATINO. Hispanic and Latino. Han is the largest in the world. I'm a Han.

87. Very thin: GAUNT. And 99. Gray-faced: ASHEN.

93. Half of hexa-: TRI.

96. WSW reversal: ENE.

97. Urban scourge: RAT.

98. Composer Maurice: RAVEL. "Boléro".

101. Some field day races: RELAYS.

103. Peppermint __: PATTIE.

106. Sticks: ADHERES.

111. "Got that, boss": ON IT.

112. Brother's wife or wife's brother: IN-LAW.

113. Transfers legally: SIGNS OVER.

114. Cincinnati players: REDS.

115. Festoon: ADORN.

116. Cookie one might twist to open: OREO.

117. Robin's home: NEST.


1. Alter: MODIFY.

2. Maroon: ENISLE.

3. Roman military group: LEGION.

4. Overused: TRITE.

5. Comice or Seckel: PEAR. Seckel pears.

6. Tattler's refrain: I'LL TELL.

7. Private eye: TEC. Detective.

8. Trampled: TROD ON.

9. Siberian dog breed: SAMOYED.

10. Reddish purple hue: PLUM.

11. "La Brea" actress Skye: IONE.

12. Microchip initialism: RFID. Radio Frequency Identification.

13. "You know the rest," briefly: ETC.

14. Buddha's meditation spot: BO TREE.

15. Oratorio solo: ARIA.

16. Words following a loss: I CONCEDE.

17. Positions to stick after vaults: LANDINGS.

19. Airport pickup figs.: ETAS.

23. One living a life of prayer: MONK. Nice clue.

24. Offers some bad advice?: ABETS. Really bad advice.

28. Quenches: SATES.

31. Part of an Uncle Fester costume: BALD CAP.

32. Stop: HALT.

35. "Where have you __?": BEEN.

36. Spot for un béret: TETE.

37. Cartoon reindeer: SVEN.

38. Eyelash treatment: TINT.

39. Reagle who was a special guest on a crossword episode of "The Simpsons": MERL. Had a few nice email exchanges with Merl when I first started making puzzles.

40. Natural fiber in rugs and rope: SISAL.

41. Steakhouse selection: PRIME RIB.

44. Quarrels: SPATS.

45. Saudi Arabia neighbor: QATAR.

46. Important date: USE BY.

48. Towel holder: ROD.

49. Wakim of "SNL": EMIL.

51. Meeting point of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans: CAPE HORN.

53. "Oh, __ up!": GROW.

54. Wisdom tooth, e.g.: MOLAR.

55. Kernel holder: COB.

58. "Love Song" singer Bareilles: SARA.

59. Civil rights leader Roy: INNIS.

60. Ideal yard feature for pet owners: FENCE.

61. Legal postponements: STAYS.

63. Small amount: TAD.

65. Indigenous Canadians: CREE.

66. City on the Rhine: COLOGNE. 73. 66-Down, in German: KOLN.

67. Got going again, as a gas lamp: RE-LIT.

71. Anti-racism gp.: BLM.

74. Cosmetics chain with beauty salons: ULTA.

75. Golda of Israel: MEIR.

76. Sound of a slamming door: BANG.

77. Name of 12 popes: PIUS.

78. More sympathetic: NICER.

79. Right, as a wrong: ATONE FOR.

80. Transit option to Boston's Logan Airport: BLUE LINE.

81. Hair band?: PART

85. "It's the __ I can do": LEAST.

86. Play in which the Stage Manager is a character: OUR TOWN.

88. On the loose: AT LARGE.

90. Secret meetups: TRYSTS.

91. Common street name: MAIN.

92. "Nevertheless ... ": EVEN SO.

93. Not just survive: THRIVE.

94. Actor Keanu: REEVES.

95. Magazine addition: INSERT.

99. Exclamations of understanding: AHAS.

100. Determined to have: SET ON.

102. Like the Namib: ARID. The Namib is world's oldest desert.

103. Await settlement: PEND.

104. Folk singer Guthrie: ARLO.

105. Peter the Great or Nicholas II: TSAR.

107. Spy film starring Sean Connery: DR NO.

109. Actress Zadora: PIA.

110. Affectation: AIR.
