Name that Dog!
21-Across. * Tennis racket's optimal impact point: SWEET SPOT.
58-Across. * Explorer on the red planet: MARS ROVER.
3-Down. * Sophocles tragedy: OEDIPUS REX.
29-Down. * Athletic shoe introduced in 1987: NIKE AIR MAX.
And the unifier:
39-Across. Military IDs on chains, and what can be found at the ends of the answers to the starred clues?: DOG TAGS. The last word of each theme answer is a stereotypical name, or Tag, for a Dog.
1. Unemotional: STOIC.
6. "Buzz off!": SCAT.
10. Football penalty indicator: FLAG.
14. Concert setting: ARENA.
15. Animal's den: LAIR.
16. Daughter of Darth Vader: LEIA. A Star Wars reference.
17. In the __ of: MIDST.
18. Foam darts, for a Nerf Blaster: AMMO.
19. Quaint quarters: INNS.
20. Angler's supply: BAIT.
23. Llama's cousin: ALPACA. Alpacas and llamas are both domesticated camelids from the Andes Mountains of South America. They have several differences in size and face shape.
25. Stop holding on: LET GO.
26. Mom's brother: UNCLE.
28. Apple Music predecessor: iTUNES.
32. Sense of style: TASTE.
34. "__ Yankees": DAMN. The only thing I know about this 1958 movie is this silly song.
37. Clock display: TIME.
38. Mo. with the signs Aries and Taurus: APR. Aries is in March and the beginning of April and Taurus is in the end of April and beginning of May.
42. Cereal with Honey and Berry Berry varieties: KIX.
43. Applications: USES.
45. Turn off course: VEER.
46. "__ Rose Has Its Thorn": Poison hit: EVERY.
48. "You have my cell number": TEXT ME.
50. Salami type: GENOA. Did you know the word Salami is derived from Latin meaning Salt? Genoa salami is a dry-cured salami made from pork and seasoned with garlic, salt, and pepper. The name refers to the preparation style, and is commonly attributed to the Italian port city of Genoa.
52. Dos + tres: CINCO. Today's Spanish and Math lesson.
55. Forms a line?: AD LIBS.
61. Canadian First Nations people: CREE.
62. Literary detective Wolfe: NERO. Nero Wolfe, the brilliant, obese and eccentric fictional armchair detective, first appeared in 1934 in the novel Fer-de-Lance, by Rex Stout.
63. Scored 100% on: ACED.
64. World-renowned: FAMED.
65. Sleeveless top, for short: CAMI. Short for Camisole. They even come in camouflage.
66. Feature of a landline: CORD.
67. Ludicrous: INANE.
68. Black gem: ONYX. Everything you wanted to know about Onyx but didn't know to ask.
69. "Swish Swish" singer Perry: KATY. Katy Perry (née Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson; b. Oct. 25, 1984) Perry started singing in church as a child.
70. Athlete in a weight class: BOXER.
1. Brazilian dance: SAMBA. You, too, can learn the Samba in just 5 minutes!
2. "Law & Order" proceeding: TRIAL.
4. __ coffee: INSTANT.
5. Friskies muncher: CAT.
6. Shredded side dish: SLAW.
7. Caravan animal: CAMEL.
8. "Lucifer" actress Garcia: AIMEE. I am not familiar with Aimee Garcia (née Aimee Sandimés Garcia López de Ordóñez; b. Nov. 28, 1978), nor am I familiar with Lucifer.
9. Moving briskly: TROTTING.
10. Fly off the handle: FLIP OUT.
11. Television Hall of Famer Jay: LENO. Jay Leno (né James Douglas Muir Leno; b. Apr. 28, 1950) is known for his observational and deadpan comedy.
12. Informal contraction: AIN'T. When I was a kid, we used to say "Ain't ain't in the dictionary." Kids can't say that now because Ain't is in the dictionary.
13. Furnace fuel: GAS.
21. ESPN football reporter Paolantonio: SAL. Since I don't generally watch ESPN, I was not familiar with Sal Paolantonio (né Salvatore Anthony Nicholas Paolantonio; b. June 13, 1956).
22. USMC rank: SGT. As in Sergeant. // And 62-Down. 22-Down, e.g.: Abbr.: NCO. As in Non-Commissioned Officer.
24. Looped in via email: CC'ED.
27. Outer rim: EDGE.
30. Dubai dignitary: EMIR. Dubai is a city in the United Arab Emirates. The word Emir (أمير) comes from an Arabic word for "commander."
31. Alluring: SEXY.
32. Pulled tight: TAUT.
33. Chapel recess: APSE.
35. Devoured: ATE.
36. Actress Helgenberger: MARG. Marg Helgenberger (née Mary Margaret Helgenberger; b. Nov. 16, 1958) portrayed Catherine Willows on CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.
40. Cookie sheet holder: OVEN RACK.
41. Place in the outgoing mail: SEND.
44. Largest of the U.S. Virgin Islands: ST. CROIX.
47. Mount St. Helens, for one: VOLCANO. Mount St. Helens last had a major eruption in May 1980.
49. Scale notes after res: MIs.
51. Organ with a drum: EAR.
53. Tiramisu topper: COCOA. Yummers! The name of this delicious Italian dessert from the Italian phrase tirami su, which literally means: pick me up/cheer me up.
54. Plain to see: OVERT.
56. Geoffrey of fashion: BEENE. Geoffrey Beene (né Samuel Albert Bozeman Jr.; Aug. 30, 1924 ~ Sept. 28, 2004) was born in Louisiana and studied medicine at Tulane University, but dropped out to study fashion design.
57. Ceremonial Passover meal: SEDER. Passover is an 8-day holiday the commemorates the exodus from Egypt. This year, Passover begins at sunset on Saturday April 12 and runs through Sunday April 20.
58. Lean and __: MEAN.
59. Group of troops: ARMY.
60. Swirling current: EDDY.
64. Minor untruth: FIB.
Here's the Grid: