, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Mar 16, 2025

Sunday March 16, 2025 Ryan Mathiason

Theme: "I Have To Ask" -  Each common phrase is humorously reinterpreted as a question fitting the corresponding clue.

23. "Is he really the best actor for the role?": CASTING DOUBT

34. "Why is this keyboard key bigger than the others?": SPACE PROBE.

50. "How did the magician do that?": TRICK QUESTION.

68. "Is this actually a vegan burger?": BEYOND SUSPICION. Beyond Burger.

91. "Can you do me a favor?": FRIEND REQUEST.

103. "It's 'abracadabra,' not 'hocus-pocus,' right?": SPELLCHECK.

119. "How many Grammy Awards has Ms. Nicks won?": STEVIE WONDER.

I enjoyed very much this puzzle. Fun theme clues. Perfect title. So many gorgeous Down fill.

Another LAT debut. And a Sunday. I think this is our Ryan. Congrats, Ryan!



1. South American dances: SAMBAS. Not TANGOS.

7. Cumin, for one: SPICE. Essential seasoning in Xinjiang lamb kabobs.

12. Sci. class: BIO.

15. Nile cobras: ASPS.

19. "Seinfeld" character: ELAINE. Benes.

20. Church instrument: ORGAN.

21. Estimate qualifier: ISH. 62. Estimate qualifier: OR SO.

22. Fuss: FLAP.

25. Opening: GAP.

26. Lawn care brand: TORO. Based here in Minnesota.

27. U-turn from NNW: SSE.

28. Soaps, e.g.: DRAMAS.

29. Close tightly: SEAL.

30. CPR experts: EMTS.

31. Superlative suffix: EST.

33. "College GameDay" airer: ESPN.

36. Dream stage: REM.

38. Jedi played by Daisy Ridley: REY.

40. Long-snouted animals: TAPIRS.

42. Goal: AIM.

43. Makes blank: ERASES.

45. Incision: SLIT.

46. Rating systems: SCALES.

55. Go to a cafe, say: EAT OUT.

56. Caramel candies: ROLOS.

57. Lion voiced by Moira Kelly and Beyoncé: NALA.

58. Superfan: STAN. With a negative connotation.

61. Water line: SHORE.

63. Golden Arches sandwiches: MCRIBS.

65. Own (up): FESS.

67. Cut: MOW.

73. Mud bath spot: SPA.

76. Ivy League school in Connecticut: YALE.

77. Lot attendants: VALETS.

78. Other, in Spanish: OTRO.

82. Not mainstream: NICHE.

84. Very little: A DAB.

87. Apple variety: GALA. Can't wait for the peach and nectarine season. Had enough apples this winter.

88. Work __: ETHIC.

89. Wealthy family on HBO's "The Gilded Age": ASTORS.

94. "Beauty and the Beast" villain: GASTON.

95. Snack introduced in 1912: OREO.

96. "You, Me and __": rom-com starring Owen Wilson: DUPREE.

97. Director Roth: ELI.

98. Gear for benched players: PIANOS. Piano bench.

101. "Houdini" singer Lipa: DUA.

102. Colony worker: ANT.

107. Seized auto: REPO.

109. Sass: LIP.

111. Pic takers: CAMS. Hey, first cache for me.

112. Hawaiian coffee region: KONA.

113. Subway handholds: STRAPS.

115. Connections and Spelling Bee publisher, for short: NYT.

117. Jessica of "Fantastic Four": ALBA.

118. Geologic span: EON.

122. Snorkeler's spot: REEF.

123. Pi follower: RHO.

124. "Understood": ROGER.

125. Cactus bud: AREOLE. Learned from a previous LAT puzzle. 

126. Cry from a bad driver?: FORE. Golfer after a bad tee drive.

127. Adage: SAW.

128. Tablets at some checkout counters: IPADS.

129. Came together: MERGED.


1. Min. portion: SEC.

2. Word of regret: ALAS.

3. Blasted messages: MASS EMAILS. More great fill: 12. Conference with Providence and Villanova: BIG EAST. 14. "You're being ridiculous!": OH PLEASE. 69. Dad joke reaction, perhaps: EYE ROLL. 79. Spot that might make people feel comfortable?: THERAPY DOG. 83. Where people on vacation may store their bread?: HOTEL SAFE. 95. Filter option on some search results: OPEN NOW.

4. Gives more than a licking?: BITES. Fun clue.

5. Singer DiFranco: ANI.

6. Wire: SEND.

7. Crushes, e.g.: SODAS. This Crush.

8. Cue: PROMPT.

9. Tropical lizard: IGUANA.

10. Airport waiters: CABS. Wait-ers.

11. Doc who treats sinusitis: ENT.

13. Physicist Newton: ISAAC.

15. Consequence: AFTERMATH.

16. Replay speed: SLO MO.

17. Second installment: PART B.

18. Slangy "Let's say ... ": S'POSE.

24. Earl __ tea: GREY.

29. Netflix series featuring track stars: SPRINT.

32. Long hikes: TREKS.

34. Buildings near barns: SILOS.

35. Fashion designer Paloma: PICASSO. Daughter of Pablo Picasso.

36. Old-school: RETRO.

37. Goof: ERROR.

39. Law firm abbr.: ESQ.

41. Trident-shaped Greek letter: PSI.

44. Nickname used by Shaggy: SCOOB.

47. Weaving device: LOOM.

48. German currency: EURO.

49. Hearty meal: STEW. Chinese stew.

51. 7UP nickname, with "the": UNCOLA.

52. Made: EARNED.

53. Moved smoothly: SLID.

54. Surfer's subwindows: TABS.

59. Off the beaten path: AFIELD.

60. Divine drink of Greek mythology: NECTAR.

63. "Smoove Jones" R&B singer: MYA.

64. Santa Fe, for one: SUV. Our car.

66. Fam member: SIS.

70. Herb in some rituals: SAGE. Smudging.

71. Strategy: PLAN.

72. Still in bed: NOT UP.

73. Hiccup: SNAG.

74. Tuscan tower town: PISA.

75. Takes steps: ACTS.

80. Out of bed: RISEN.

81. A side of pawns, in chess: OCTET.

85. Continent that's home to Victoria Falls: AFRICA.

86. Shatter: BREAK.

88. Peer: EQUAL.

90. Official chocolate bar sponsor of the NFL: SNICKERS.

92. Charged particle: ION.

93. Ending for some college addresses: EDU.

99. "Wednesday" actress Jenna: ORTEGA.

100. Started a tennis rally: SERVED.

101. "Cool!": DOPE.

103. Winter wrap: SCARF.

104. Prefix with -lithic: PALEO.

105. Bonfire remnant: EMBER.

106. Ruckus: HOOHA.

108. Socks, hopefully: PAIRS.

110. Baltimore's __ Harbor: INNER.

113. Halt: STOP.

114. Freestyled, perhaps: SWAM. More into breaststrokes. Finally off the month-long predisone. Steroid withdrawal symptoms are real.

116. Lead-in to health: TELE.

119. __ Lanka: SRI.

120. Minecraft block: ORE.

121. Checkers side: RED.
