Theme: Darling, food is love!
Constructor Daniel Hrynick treats us to a Valentine's Day feast, introduced by terms of endearment.
The theme clues and answers, all Across, are:
17. "My love, borscht for the first course of our Valentine's dinner!": SUGAR, BEETS! Hey, Sugar, I prepared SUGAR BEETS in a delicious Russian soup!
1. Clipped: TERSE.
6. Per: EACH.
10. Binary pronoun: SHE.
13. __ trail: VAPOR. Contrails (short for "condensation trails") or VAPOR TRAILs are line-shaped clouds produced by aircraft engine exhaust or changes in air pressure. They are composed primarily of water in the form of ice crystals. Unfortunately, these high altitude clouds absorb thermal radiation from the Earth and then warm the atmosphere.
14. March Madness org.: NCAA. The National Collegiate Athletic Association organizes this annual basketball tournament in -- you guessed it -- March.
15. Aviation prefix: AERO.
17. [Theme clue]
19. Avian mimic: MYNA. MYNA (or mynah) birds are prized as pets because of their ability to mimic human speech. They are perching birds in the starling family, native to Iran and Southern Asia. The common MYNA (AKA Indian Myna) has been declared one of the world's most invasive species and is one of only three birds listed among "100 of the World's Worst Invasive Species" that pose a threat to biodiversity, agriculture and human interests.
20. D.C. figure: POL. Short for politician. Some of these also pose a threat to biodiversity, agriculture and human interests! In this neutral space, we shall not opine as to which ones.
21. Site traffic stat: PAGE HIT. Website owners like to see PAGE HITs. It means someone is looking.
23. [Theme clue]
28. __ loss: AT A. Puzzled or uncertain what to think, say, or do.
29. Balkan natives: SERBS.
30. Cybergiggle: LOL. Texting shorthand for Laugh Out Loud.
31. "Whipped Cream" musician Alpert: HERB.
33. Ceremonial pile: PYRE. A ceremonial pyre is a structure of combustible material that is set on fire for a variety of purposes, including funerals, celebrations, and executions.
34. Strong cleaners: LYES. LYE is a strongly alkaline solution, especially of potassium hydroxide, used for washing or cleansing.
36. Princeton team: TIGERS. The Princeton Tigers are the athletic teams of Princeton University. The school sponsors 35 varsity teams in 20 sports.
41. First name in animation: WALT. WALT Disney.
44. Touchpad toucher: USER.
45. "__ be an honor!": IT'D.
46. Filmmaker Kurosawa: AKIRA.
48. Moo goo __ pan: GAI. Moo goo gai pan is a Chinese-American dish that translates to chicken with mushrooms.
49. [Theme clue]
53. Taking five: ON BREAK.
54. __ mode: A LA. "À la mode" is a French phrase that means "according to the fashion". It is used to describe something that is stylish or fashionable, or something served with ice cream.
55. Free __: REIN. Free REIN is the freedom to do or say what you want. The expression comes from horseback riding: when you give a horse free rein, you hold the reins loosely so that the animal may wander where it wants. In contrast, if you keep a tight rein on something, you control its every move.
56. [Theme clue]
62. Prefix between micro- and pico-: NANO.
64. Digestive aid brand: BEANO.
65. Winter hrs. in Utah: MST. Mountain Standard Time.
66. "Last four digits" IDs: SSNs.
67. Change channels?: SLOTS. I think the clue refers to coin slots -- where you insert your "change."
1. Hotel room sets: TVs.
2. __ Claire, Wisconsin: EAU. The name of this city in Wisconsin is French for "clear water."
3. WoW or D&D: RPG. World of Warcraft and Dungeons and Dragons are Role Playing Games.
4. Like the taste of cilantro, to some: SOAPY. I love cilantro. DH hates it. My love language involves keeping cilantro out of the house.
5. Blunders: ERRORS.
6. Chemistry suffix: ENE. A suffix used to form the names of hydrocarbons having one or more double bonds, such as benzene.
23. Thai coin: BAHT.
24. Ordered room service, say: ATE IN.
25. Spots for priced-to-sell items: BARGAIN BINS.
26. Not at all humid: DRY.
27. Beer letters since the 1800s: PBR. Pabst Blue Ribbon.
32. "Actually, bad idea": BETTER NOT.
35. Cut close: SHEAR.
37. Touch up, as a fading salon job: RE-DYE.
38. Barely run?: STREAK. To STREAK is to run bare naked through a public place for publicity, for fun, as a form of protest, or to participate in a fad. It was a big fad in the 1970s.
39. Actor Estrada: ERIK. Henry Enrique "Erik" Estrada is an American actor and police officer. He is known for his co-starring lead role as California Highway Patrol officer "Ponch" Poncherello in the police drama television series CHiPs, which ran from 1977 to 1983.
41. Buildings without elevators: WALK-UPs.
42. Alias letters: AKA. AKA is an abbreviation for Also Known As, which might precede an alias.
43. Fashion's Claiborne: LIZ. Liz Claiborne's success was built on stylish but affordable apparel for career women featuring tailored separates that could be mixed and matched. I loved wearing her clothes during the decades I spent as a college librarian. She left this mortal coil in 2007.
47. Improvises: AD-LIBs.
49. Instrument in a toot suite?: HORN. Silly! Horns "toot." "Tout de suite" (which sounds like "toot sweet") is French for "right away." And of course, a suite in music is a collection of short musical pieces that are played in sequence. Maybe it's a French HORN for a toot suite!
50. Wee hour: ONE AM.
51. Stares slack-jawed: GAPES.
52. Advisory group: PANEL.
57. Max. opposite: MIN. Maximum vs MINimum.
58. Dells, e.g.: PCs. Dells are Personal Computers ... Dell being a brand name.
59. Kung __ tofu: PAO. More good eats!
60. QB misfire: INT. Interception. The quarterback gets the blame if his throw is intercepted by a member of the opposing team. Amirite?
61. Goddess of the dawn: EOS. In Greek mythology, Eos is the goddess and personification of the rosy-fingered dawn, who drives a chariot each morning from her home at the edge of the river Oceanus to deliver light and dispel the darkness.
23. "My love, ruby spuds as a side": BABY, RED POTATOES! Hey, Baby, I boiled BABY RED POTATOES to go with our main dish!
49. "My love, sweet-and-sour chops for our entree": HONEY, GLAZED PORK! Hey, Honey, I made HONEY GLAZED PORK for dinner!
56. "My love, I didn't forget dessert!": PUMPKIN, PIE! Hey, Pumpkin, I baked PUMPKIN PIE!
I like how the terms of endearment are part of the names of the food. Food is love.
Across:1. Clipped: TERSE.
6. Per: EACH.
10. Binary pronoun: SHE.
13. __ trail: VAPOR. Contrails (short for "condensation trails") or VAPOR TRAILs are line-shaped clouds produced by aircraft engine exhaust or changes in air pressure. They are composed primarily of water in the form of ice crystals. Unfortunately, these high altitude clouds absorb thermal radiation from the Earth and then warm the atmosphere.
14. March Madness org.: NCAA. The National Collegiate Athletic Association organizes this annual basketball tournament in -- you guessed it -- March.
15. Aviation prefix: AERO.
17. [Theme clue]
19. Avian mimic: MYNA. MYNA (or mynah) birds are prized as pets because of their ability to mimic human speech. They are perching birds in the starling family, native to Iran and Southern Asia. The common MYNA (AKA Indian Myna) has been declared one of the world's most invasive species and is one of only three birds listed among "100 of the World's Worst Invasive Species" that pose a threat to biodiversity, agriculture and human interests.
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Common Myna |
20. D.C. figure: POL. Short for politician. Some of these also pose a threat to biodiversity, agriculture and human interests! In this neutral space, we shall not opine as to which ones.
21. Site traffic stat: PAGE HIT. Website owners like to see PAGE HITs. It means someone is looking.
23. [Theme clue]
28. __ loss: AT A. Puzzled or uncertain what to think, say, or do.
29. Balkan natives: SERBS.
30. Cybergiggle: LOL. Texting shorthand for Laugh Out Loud.
31. "Whipped Cream" musician Alpert: HERB.
33. Ceremonial pile: PYRE. A ceremonial pyre is a structure of combustible material that is set on fire for a variety of purposes, including funerals, celebrations, and executions.
34. Strong cleaners: LYES. LYE is a strongly alkaline solution, especially of potassium hydroxide, used for washing or cleansing.
36. Princeton team: TIGERS. The Princeton Tigers are the athletic teams of Princeton University. The school sponsors 35 varsity teams in 20 sports.
38. Ease: SOOTHE.
40. Actor Corddry: NATE. Nathan Corddry is an American actor best known for his roles as Adam Branch in the NBC drama series Harry's Law and for his role as Gabriel in the first two seasons of the CBS sitcom Mom. Sorry, NATE, all perps for me. Glad I didn't have to spell your surname.
40. Actor Corddry: NATE. Nathan Corddry is an American actor best known for his roles as Adam Branch in the NBC drama series Harry's Law and for his role as Gabriel in the first two seasons of the CBS sitcom Mom. Sorry, NATE, all perps for me. Glad I didn't have to spell your surname.
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Nate Corddry |
41. First name in animation: WALT. WALT Disney.
44. Touchpad toucher: USER.
45. "__ be an honor!": IT'D.
46. Filmmaker Kurosawa: AKIRA.
48. Moo goo __ pan: GAI. Moo goo gai pan is a Chinese-American dish that translates to chicken with mushrooms.
49. [Theme clue]
53. Taking five: ON BREAK.
54. __ mode: A LA. "À la mode" is a French phrase that means "according to the fashion". It is used to describe something that is stylish or fashionable, or something served with ice cream.
55. Free __: REIN. Free REIN is the freedom to do or say what you want. The expression comes from horseback riding: when you give a horse free rein, you hold the reins loosely so that the animal may wander where it wants. In contrast, if you keep a tight rein on something, you control its every move.
56. [Theme clue]
62. Prefix between micro- and pico-: NANO.
63. Colossal: EPIC.
64. Digestive aid brand: BEANO.
65. Winter hrs. in Utah: MST. Mountain Standard Time.
66. "Last four digits" IDs: SSNs.
67. Change channels?: SLOTS. I think the clue refers to coin slots -- where you insert your "change."
1. Hotel room sets: TVs.
2. __ Claire, Wisconsin: EAU. The name of this city in Wisconsin is French for "clear water."
3. WoW or D&D: RPG. World of Warcraft and Dungeons and Dragons are Role Playing Games.
4. Like the taste of cilantro, to some: SOAPY. I love cilantro. DH hates it. My love language involves keeping cilantro out of the house.
5. Blunders: ERRORS.
6. Chemistry suffix: ENE. A suffix used to form the names of hydrocarbons having one or more double bonds, such as benzene.
7. Expert: ACE.
8. Spine-stretching asana: CAT POSE. An āsana is a body posture, originally a general term for a sitting meditation pose, and later extended to any type of yoga exercise position.
8. Spine-stretching asana: CAT POSE. An āsana is a body posture, originally a general term for a sitting meditation pose, and later extended to any type of yoga exercise position.
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Above: CAT POSE. Below: Cow pose. Good stretches to alternate. |
9. Attacks: HAS AT.
10. "Likewise!": SAME TO YOU.
11. Repeated line in "Blitzkrieg Bop": HEY! HO! LET'S GO! Blitzkrieg Bop was the opening track on the Ramones' self-titled debut album, 1976. The line "Hey! Ho! Let's go!" became a rallying cry at sporting events.
10. "Likewise!": SAME TO YOU.
11. Repeated line in "Blitzkrieg Bop": HEY! HO! LET'S GO! Blitzkrieg Bop was the opening track on the Ramones' self-titled debut album, 1976. The line "Hey! Ho! Let's go!" became a rallying cry at sporting events.
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The song came out first as a single with this cover art. |
12. Orange Muppet who tries to learn the saxophone: ERNIE.
16. Stout grains: OATS.
16. Stout grains: OATS.
18. Censors: BLEEPS.
22. Pico de __: taco topper: GALLO. Pico de GALLO (Spanish for "rooster's beak") is a roughly chopped Mexican salsa made from tomato, onion, peppers, salt, lime juice, and cilantro. Sorry, DH! Cilantro is a key element.
22. Pico de __: taco topper: GALLO. Pico de GALLO (Spanish for "rooster's beak") is a roughly chopped Mexican salsa made from tomato, onion, peppers, salt, lime juice, and cilantro. Sorry, DH! Cilantro is a key element.
23. Thai coin: BAHT.
24. Ordered room service, say: ATE IN.
25. Spots for priced-to-sell items: BARGAIN BINS.
26. Not at all humid: DRY.
27. Beer letters since the 1800s: PBR. Pabst Blue Ribbon.
32. "Actually, bad idea": BETTER NOT.
35. Cut close: SHEAR.
37. Touch up, as a fading salon job: RE-DYE.
38. Barely run?: STREAK. To STREAK is to run bare naked through a public place for publicity, for fun, as a form of protest, or to participate in a fad. It was a big fad in the 1970s.
39. Actor Estrada: ERIK. Henry Enrique "Erik" Estrada is an American actor and police officer. He is known for his co-starring lead role as California Highway Patrol officer "Ponch" Poncherello in the police drama television series CHiPs, which ran from 1977 to 1983.
41. Buildings without elevators: WALK-UPs.
42. Alias letters: AKA. AKA is an abbreviation for Also Known As, which might precede an alias.
43. Fashion's Claiborne: LIZ. Liz Claiborne's success was built on stylish but affordable apparel for career women featuring tailored separates that could be mixed and matched. I loved wearing her clothes during the decades I spent as a college librarian. She left this mortal coil in 2007.
47. Improvises: AD-LIBs.
49. Instrument in a toot suite?: HORN. Silly! Horns "toot." "Tout de suite" (which sounds like "toot sweet") is French for "right away." And of course, a suite in music is a collection of short musical pieces that are played in sequence. Maybe it's a French HORN for a toot suite!
50. Wee hour: ONE AM.
51. Stares slack-jawed: GAPES.
52. Advisory group: PANEL.
57. Max. opposite: MIN. Maximum vs MINimum.
58. Dells, e.g.: PCs. Dells are Personal Computers ... Dell being a brand name.
59. Kung __ tofu: PAO. More good eats!
60. QB misfire: INT. Interception. The quarterback gets the blame if his throw is intercepted by a member of the opposing team. Amirite?
61. Goddess of the dawn: EOS. In Greek mythology, Eos is the goddess and personification of the rosy-fingered dawn, who drives a chariot each morning from her home at the edge of the river Oceanus to deliver light and dispel the darkness.
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Eos AKA Aurora (in Roman mythology) |
Here's the grid:
If you were old enough to listen to popular music in 1969, you might remember a song by The Archies that became the most successful "bubblegum pop" single of all time. Today's puzzle brings that old ear worm to mind:
Oh, honey, honey
You are my candy girl
And you got me wanting you
Oh, sugar, sugar
You are my candy girl
And you got me wanting you
With love to all you lovers,