, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Apr 20, 2013

Saturday, Apr 20th, 2013, Barry C. Silk

Theme: Saturday Silkie

Words: 72 (missing Q,V,W,X)

Blocks: 28

 On my way home tonight, I suspected it was time for a Saturday Silkie~!  I am fascinated by how prolific he is with themelesss puzzles.  I actually read the two interviews C.C. had with him, here, and here, just now; I have tried my hand at crossword construction, but to no avail - yet.  My ultimate goal is a themeless; Mr. Silk suggests a lot of solving - well, I am getting there~!!! This one was fun for me; seemed like I was on Mr. Silk's wavelength on half the answers, and the other half were educated guesses.  Just a few W.A.G.s in the middle.  Triple 10's all around today, and a few answers of note;

15A. "My Word Is My Bond" autobiographer : ROGER MOORE - I ran with "James" Bond on this, and threw in the only name that would fit....Connery, Lazenby, Dalton, Brosnan and Craig didn't - gratuitous C.C. link

12D. Breakaway hit? : SOLO RECORD -Who would you argue had the best "after band" solo career?  Lennon? McCartney?  I think Ozzy Osbourne gets my vote - especially since he was kicked out of Black Sabbath

28D. Boston attraction with a permanent Space Race exhibit : JFK LIBRARY - something positive to bring people back to Boston

69. One to horse around with? : STABLE MATE - HAR-HAR~!!!

On Word ~!!!


1. Place for an old school tie? : ETON COLLAR - man, I was going to throw in "ETON---" because I wasn't fooled by the "tie" misdirection....woulda, coulda, shoulda

11. Data of concern to privacy advocates: Abbr. : SSNs - educated guess

16. __ skirt : HOOP - Mini, Maxi, Hula (I thought, not again~!); gratuitous Splynter links  (Note from C.C.: Splynter has 2 links here. You might encounter a "Forbidden" note when clicking on Splynter. In that case, just copy and paste the URL in a new window. The image will appear.)

17. Ready for anything : ON ONE'S TOES

18. "Being __: A Puppeteer's Journey": 2011 documentary : ELMO

19. Hit home? : SIDE  A - Great clue - the place where you'd find a 'hit'  music single

20. Post : MAIL - How many defs are there for POST?  The wood kind, the blog kind, ah - the sending kind

22. Odist's contraction : O'ER

23. Goes downhill fast : SKIS - I haven't skied in years, but I did like to go fast

26. Scorn : SNEER AT

28. O leaguemate : JAY - I am guessing Oprah, and Jay Leno, are the references here.

31. Major ending? : ETTE - MajorETTE

33. Tyrolean songs : YODELS -

34. Area of concern for FEMA : FLOOD ZONE - A lot of people here on Long Island are fighting their insurance companies to have this required clause removed after Hurricane Sandy - a great many "Flood Zones" did NOT actually flood

37. Li-ion cousin : NiCAD - Nickel Cadmium; I wonder why the Ni has a lower case, but not Cad....

38. Model Heidi who appeared on "Ugly Betty" : KLUM - Crossword friendly name

39. Army leader's nickname : ARNIE - Arnold Palmer's Army, here

41. Newsman's asset? : NOSE - For "sniffing" out the story

42. Rialto sections : LOGES - Rialto - the "theatre district of a city or town, especially the area around Broadway in New York City"

44. Philadelphia's "P" and Denver's "D," e.g. : MINT MARKS

46. Suspects : IS ONTO

48. Test tube fluids : SERA - plural of serum

49. Divided terr. : DAK - North and South DAKota

50. Garment looked after by Alfred : BAT SUIT - I think Bruce believes it's more than a "garment"....

52. Fax button : SEND

54. Biker's hazard : RUT

55. Shapeless thing : BLOB

57. Maples in '90s tabloid news : MARLA

61. Rock 'n' roll middle name : ARON - Thank you, thank you vury muuch....

63. Stretching out : ELONGATION

66. Bum : RUMP - ah, not HOBO - I like the rump kind better anyway~! (see 16A)

67. Put great faith in : RELIED UPON - great fill

68. Strategic river of 1914 : YSER


1. Immortal archer : EROS

2. Singer Basil with the #1 hit "Mickey" : TONI - No WAY I am linking this earworm

3. Hymn starter : O GOD

4. Iberian infants : NENEs

5. Complained underfoot? : CREAKED - another cute clue; floorboards (and joists) that make noise when you step on them

6. Sacred syllables : OMs

7. Garage alternative : LOT - Huh, I was thinking of a "workshop", not a place to park

8. Device with a warp beam and heddles : LOOM - Heddles are the sets of vertical cords or wires

9. Métiers : AREAS - Frawnch

10. Like varnished wood : RESINY - Meh

11. Tongue twister pronoun : SHE - sells seashells by the seashore; hard to type, too

13. Iditarod terminus : NOME, ALASKA - the full name

14. Bureau where stats abound : SPORTS DESK

21. L.L. Bean's first name : LEON - and his middle name is Leonwood....really

24. Chichén __ : ITZA - More here

25. Attack in a big way : STORM

27. Patsy's "Ab Fab" pal : EDINA - I did like to watch this show

29. Extinct carnivore whose name means "different lizard" : ALLOSAURUS

30. 1967 Neil Diamond hit : "YOU GOT TO ME" - I've already selected my music for today's blog....

32. Town north of Shannon Airport : ENNIS - map

35. Signs : OMENS

36. Beethoven's "some" : EINES

40. Raison d'__ : ETRE - Frawnch

43. Short piece : STUB

45. Not natural : MAN-MADE - do any of you know where to find a TRUE 90° angle in nature?

47. Persian Gulf fleet : OILERS

51. Property manager's sign : TO LET

53. Factoid : DATUM

56. Weighted weapon : BOLA

58. 2012 TV Land Awards host : RIPA - Kelly

59. Hot stuff : LOOT - Dar~!!! Not LAVA

60. Youngest Brontë : ANNE

62. "Weekend Edition" airer : NPR

64. Tip for a writer? : NIB

65. Become more solid : GEL

Today would have been my dad's 73rd birthday; we are going to the memorial park to select a headstone.
