, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Apr 29, 2010

Thursday April 29, 2010 James Sajdak

Theme: NIGHT OWLS (54A. Hard-to-see critters lurking in 20-, 28-, 33- and 43-Across) - OWL is embedded in each two-word theme entry.

20A. Indoor gardener's tool: GROW LIGHT. Its emitted light spectrum is similar to that from the sun, allowing indoor growth with outdoor conditions, a la Wikipedia.

28A. Big drinker's "secret": HOLLOW LEG. New idiom to me. Also big eater's "secret", isn't it?

33A. Tutor's charge: SLOW LEARNER. I am one.

43A. Golden retriever?: YELLOW LAB. Labrador. Yellow is the same as "Golden"?

Great rhyming symmetry with the antonymous LIGHT and NIGHT. I don't get the unifier though. Why the addition of "NIGHT"? Just to form a symmetric partner to GROW LIGHT? Aren't all owls hard to see in the evenings?

Lots of excellent Down fill today. My favorite is ROE V. WADE (38D. 1973 landmark case). Also adored the overall cluing today. Very much to my liking.


1. Ivory alternative: DIAL. Plunked in DOVE.

5. Lumps of earth: CLODS

10. They're full of beans: PODS. Nailed it. Sometimes I just rock!

14. In that event: IF SO

15. Center: HEART

16. Stat start: RHEO. Rheostat. Got me.

17. What the hyphen in an emoticon represents: NOSE. In the emoticon :-)

18. Like many microbrews: ON TAP

22. Vigilant: ALERT

23. "Eek!" elicitor: BOO

24. __ Vandelay, recurring fake "Seinfeld" character who turns out to be a real judge in the final episode: ART. I do recall Vandelay. Can't remember his given name.

25. Reagan court appointee: SCALIA (Antonin). Appointed in 1986.

26. Wing, perhaps: ANNEX

31. Greenish blue: TEAL

32. Come down hard: POUR. Nice clue too.

39. Churlish sort: BOOR

40. Piano, to a pianist: SOFT. Piano can mean "soft" or "softly". Stumper.

48. __ d'Alene: COEUR

49. Hardy and North: OLLIES

50. It brought Hope to the troops: Abbr.: USO. Capitalized H. Bob Hope was actively involved in USO tours. Brilliant clue.

52. Sign of peace: VEE

53. Dr. J's alma mater: U MASS (University of Massachusetts). No idea.

57. Milquetoast: WIMP

58. String quartet part: VIOLA. And OBOES (34D. Wind section)

59. Like Granny Smith apples: TART

60. Wrath, in a classic hymn: IRAE. "Dies Irae", literally "Day of Wrath".

61. Played a part: ACTED

63. Former OTC watchdog: NASD (National Association of Securities Dealers). Who knows?!

64. Visibly moved: TEARY

65. Give up: CEDE


1. Birdbrain: DINGBAT. Archie's name for Edith.

2. Start of an opinion: I FOR ONE. And OH WELL (11. Words of resignation) & YOU WIN (43. "I give up"). Great entries.

3. Right after: AS SOON AS

4. Movie mogul Marcus: LOEW. MGM cofounder.

5. Gospel singers: CHOIR

6. Pool measure: LENGTH. Five consonants.

7. Curse: OATH

8. "Curses!": DRAT. Nice consecutive "Curse/Curses!".

9. NASCAR sponsor: STP

10. Course for a budding DA: PRE-LAW

12. Sweetheart: DEARIE

13. "In America" novelist Susan: SONTAG

21. Loose: LAX

22. Squash variety: ACORN. Love freshly baked acorn squash.

25. Talk like thish: SLUR. And LISPED (46. Talked like thith). Good pair.

27. Pipe fitting: ELL

29. "William Tell," e.g.": OPERA

36. Cybercackle: LOL

37. Pedro's "that": ESO

41. Nuclear reactor component: FUEL ROD. Not a familiar term to me. Maybe our rod expert Lois knows.

42. Amtrak canyon crosser: TRESTLE. Didn't come to me readily. I am used to the "Bridge support" clue.

44. New York city where Mark Twain is buried: ELMIRA. Unknown to me also.

45. Pack animals: LLAMAS

47. Base player?: BUGLER. Military base. Fooled me last time. Fooled me again.

48. Base bunk: COT. Again, loved the base echo.

51. Not on the up and up: SHADY

54. "Good one!": NICE

55. Scintilla: IOTA

56. Narc suffix: OTIC. Narcotic.

58. Vintner's container: VAT

Answer grid.
