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May 24, 2012

Thursday, May 24, 2012 Bernice Gordon

Theme: The Boxer Rebellion.

Bernice Gordon turned 98 in January of this year! She usually constructs early week puzzles, so it is a great honor to write up this Thursday offering. Four grid-spanning theme entries define the common word BOXER, and she gives us a pangram just for good measure. Impressive!





Marti here for your Thursday dissection. Let's see what Ms. Gordon has to offer us.


1. Pilgrim to Mecca : HAJI. One who had completed the Hajj (pilgrimage) to Mecca is called a hajji (alternate spellings: haji, hadji).

5. Pop singer Miley : CYRUS. She gained fame as Miley Stewart / Hannah Montana on the Disney channel.

10. Window part : PANE. Damn you JazzBumpa! I automatically filled in "sill" without even looking at the downs!

14. Blackberry lily's family : IRIS

15. First lady before Michelle : LAURA. Bush. Michelle Obama.

16. Caddie's suggestion : IRON. My caddie's suggestion? "Take up tennis!"

20. They're seen on airport carousels : IDS. Identification tags on luggage.

21. Sculling tools : OARS

22. It gets into a lather : RAZOR. Fun clue, had me going for a minute.

23. Suggestion opener? : AUTO. Auto-suggestion, or the art of self-hypnosis.

24. Former Heathrow-based flier : BOAC. British Overseas Airway Company, merged with British European Airways in 1974 to form British Airways. And 59-Down - Merged Dutch airline : KLM. Can you say Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij N.V.? Now merged with Air-France.

33. Some coins : CENTS. Makes sense to me.

34. Holliday and a dwarf : DOCS. I love it when a plural proper noun can have such a fun clue.

35. Single : ONE. One hundred cents?

36. Join forces : ALLY

37. Corpulent : OBESE. That's just wrong...

39. Not perjured : TRUE

40. Padua possessive : MIO. Not Neapolitan? 3:22

41. One of the Marxes : KARL. I laughed out loud at this one - I went through all five Marx Brothers before I realized Ms. Gordon was pulling my leg!

42. Drawn weapon : SWORD. Did you read the article? She once got an editor fired writing a clue as "The ___ mightier than the sword..."

47. Extreme desire : LUST. What do you lust for?

48. Team that pulls together : OXEN

49. Bottom deck : ORLOP. Maybe Spitzboov can elucidate. Isn't that the deck where the crew usually sleeps?

52. Old Broadway title beau : ABIE. A Jewish fellow and an Irish Catholic gal marry, despite their family's objections. Hilarity ensues.

53. Canada's largest prov. in area : QUE.bec. Map, so you can see for yourself.

60. Hoard, say : SAVE. Anyone watch "Hoarders"?

61. "Air Music" Pulitzer winner, 1976 : ROREM. Ned.

62. Screened fuzz : LINT. Oh, great clue! Who just mentioned the other day, that they thought lint was composed of missing socks? C' know who you are!

63. Copied : APED

64. Q-tips : SWABS. We all know where not to put them!

65. ___ en scene: stage setting : MISE. From the French "to place".


1. Music maker : HI-FI. I filled in "Harp" from the "h" off HAJI. grr...

2. Nothing like swampland : ARID.

3. Lively dances : JIGS

4. Suffix suggesting degree : -ISH. Ish thish how I shpeak when I have had a great degree to drink?

5. Some athletic shoes : CLEATS. Do any of you other golfers still have metal cleats? Our course banned them long ago. I don't miss them at all.

6. Plant with feathery leaves : YARROW. I have some in my garden. Lovely!

7. It spans nine time zones: Abbr. : RUSS.ia. Here's the map. (Can't find 9? Check out the little teal-colored blip on the left side.)

8. Ocean State sch. : URI. University of Rhode Island. Gimme.

9. Leader of Jose and Juan? : SAN. Fun clue for a crossword staple. San Jose and San Juan.

10. Maritime crime : PIRACY. Don't sail off the coast of Somalia!

11. St. that turned 100 in February : ARIZ.ona. Oh! I was thinking of St. Valentine!

12. Forbidden thing : NO-NO

13. One working on the RR : ENGR. Abbr. for "Engineer". Working on the railroad.

18. Tipsters : TOUTS. One who "touts" his skill at predicting the outcome of races, and sells those tips to desperate bettors.

19. Most Lebanese : ARABS

23. Superficially cultured : ARTY

24. Family business abbr. : BROS. Brothers.

25. Start of a story : ONCE. upon a time...

26. Troublemaker : SCAMP

27. Sun: Pref. : HELIO

28. Keeping food warm, as an oven : ON LOW

29. Children's author Scott : O'DELL. Don't know him. I was more into Nancy Drew mysteries...

30. Dimwit : MORON. And 37-Down: Bozos : OAFS.

31. Habituate : ENURE

32. They can't be ignored : NEEDS. What do you need?

38. Cologne first launched by Faberge : BRUT

39. Baseballer named for two cities : TWIN. Minneapolis and St. Paul are the Twin Cities.

41. Essen industrial family name : KRUPP. 400-year old German dynasty of manufacturers. Not to be confused with the Krups coffee maker - that's a different family.

42. Look of scorn : SNEER. JazzBumpa, you explained "leer" and "ogle" so well yesterday!

44. Fled to Gretna Green, say : ELOPED. Gretna Green is the Las Vegas of Scotland.

45. Finespun trap : COBWEB

46. Self-evident truths : AXIOMS

49. Greek mount : OSSA. Mount Ossa. Beautiful!

50. Gershwin wrote one "in Blue":Abbr. : RHAP. I never knew Gershwin was into rhap music. 7:03

51. Risky, TV show-wise : LIVE. Other than the news, are any shows still "live"?

52. Indian city on the banks of the Yamuna : AGRA. India - city - four letters: agra.

53. Cunard flagship for 35 yrs. : QEII. Queen Elizabeth II. She was re-fitted to help the troops in The Falklands. Then she was revamped again and sailed until she was retired in 2008.

54. Samovars : URNS.

55. Tivoli's Villa d'___ : ESTE. This place. You can see why it is a UNESCO world heritage site.

57. Taxing org. : IRS. Thank goodness that's over for me this year. Anyone file an extension?

58. The present : NOW. This instant! (Sorry - gotta go!)

Answer grid.


Note from C.C.:

Here is a lovely picture outside Dummy Dennis' condo. He has his breakfast in the deck every morning. Heavenly!