, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Sep 3, 2018

Monday September 3, 2018 Victor Barocas

Theme: CHANGE HANDS (61. Be sold, as property ... and a hint to each set of circled letters) - HANDS is scrambled in each theme entry.

17. Not in need of drying or ironing: WASH AND WEAR.

25. Gets settled: FINDS A HOME.

40. "I do not like them with a fox" Seuss poem: GREEN EGGS AND HAM.

50. "... What a Feeling" movie: FLASH DANCE.

Boomer here. Wishing all of you a safe and restful holiday. I never understood why they called it Labor Day and then 80% of our friends and neighbors get the day off work. A sad week saying farewell to Senator McCain. I was most impressed by the rendition of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" performed by the U.S. Naval Academy Glee Club.  "His truth is marching on".


1. Laughing sounds: HAHAS.

6. Charged, bull-style: RAN AT.

11. Diagram of streets, highways, etc.: MAP.  Most people have one on their Smartphone.  I still have to go on the internet to see where I'm going.

14. Egg-shaped: OVATE.  Okay, if this is the shape of an egg, What is it called if you cheer for somebody?

15. Football venue: ARENA.  I am pretty sure a football venue is a Stadium.

16. In the style of: ALA.  Crimson Tide.

19. Unit of sunlight: RAY.  We have a Sun Ray Shopping Center with Sun Ray Bowling Center in the same area of Saint Paul.

20. Scottish monster, familiarly: NESSIE. I have heard of the Loch Ness monster, but I think he hates to be called Nessie.

21. Former name of the Congo: ZAIRE.  When I was a kid, I believe it was called the Belgian Congo. Then it was changed to Zaire and I think it hosted a Foreman Ali fight,  Now they have changed the name back.

23. "Let's do it!": C'MON.  When I bowled a tournament in Billings Montana, we stayed at the C'mon Inn.

28. Salary increase: RAISE.

30. Philosopher Descartes: RENE.

31. Put two and two together: ADD.

32. Turkish hospice: IMARET.  In this case, a hospice is like a hotel.

36. Org. with a "Speak Freely" blog: ACLU.  American Civil Liberties Union

43. Walrus cousin: SEAL. We were in San Francisco once near "Seal Rocks" and I bet we saw 100 or more seals relaxing near the shore of the Pacific.  Did not see a Walrus though.

44. Throws gently: TOSSES.  I am old so I roll my bowling ball gently.  But I don't toss it. (Because I am old).

45. Lawyer's gp.: ABA.

46. Cupcake finisher: ICER.  My first thought of an ICER is a Zamboni.

48. Productive city for van Gogh: ARLES.  "I could have told you, Vincent, this world was never made for one as beautiful as you."  "Starry Night" - Don McClean

56. 90-degree pipes: ELLS.  Not to be confused with Golfer Ernie.

57. French farewell: ADIEU.  I took two quarters of French in college.  Then I bid it Adieu.

58. Where most Russians live: EUROPE.

60. Cruise on-screen: TOM.  Can he handle the truth??

66. Large primate: APE.  And his name is Harry.

67. Divided Asian peninsula: KOREA.  Lots going on there recently.  Not too much of it any good.

68. Landlocked African country: NIGER.

69. Young fellow: LAD. Los Angeles Dodgers on the scoreboard.

70. Brewery supply: YEAST. An interesting product. I used it frequently when preparing pizza dough.  Not sure what it does for beer.  I am not a beer drinker.

71. Cookies commonly in cookies and cream ice cream: OREOS.  Cookie watch.  This is the 4,688th time that Oreo has appeared in a crossword.


1. Addendum to the five W's: HOW.  Who, What, Where, and Why is this the answer ?

2. "A Wrinkle in Time" director DuVernay: AVA. Gardner would be my first clue choice.

3. Is completely stumped: HAS NO IDEA.

4. Parthenon city: ATHENS.  It's Greek to me.

5. Wet septet: SEAS.  All seven of them are near Italy.

6. Wheel spokes, geometrically: RADII.

7. Aragorn's love, in Tolkien: ARWEN.  Played by Liv Tyler.

8. Formerly, in bridal bios: NEE.  The season is upon us!! Do not take a nee in an NFL game.

9. NHL's Ducks, on ESPN crawls: ANA.  Hockey in Southern California is questionable, but I can't believe the NHL put a team in Las Vegas.  A pretty good one too.  They almost took home the Stanley Cup.

10. Hero in a loincloth: TARZAN.  Jane's boyfriend

11. Video game plumber: MARIO.  I hate to admit how many hours I spent guiding Mario through mazes.  Now I just waste time on Candy Crush.

12. Antitheft device: ALARM.  This could be an American League pitcher.

13. Check recipient: PAYEE.

18. Bad check letters: NSF.

22. Trailing no one: AHEAD. Or maybe a coin flip.  Remember when Bill Cosby used a coin flip to describe the upcoming battle between Sitting Bull and Custer?

23. Rock outcroppings: CRAGS.

24. Niña's mother: MADRE.

26. Prom gown, e.g.: DRESS.

27. Bristles, to a biologist: SETAE.

29. A, in German class: EIN.  Actually, I think it's "One".  If you go to the gasthaus and order "Ein Bier" they will know what you want.

33. Doled (out): METED.  One for you, two for me.

34. Plato's marketplace: AGORA.  Greece's answer to the "Mall of America".

35. Some QB protectors: RGS.  These are Right Guards.  In retail they are "Returned Goods".

37. Dare: CHALLENGE.

38. Clotheshorse's concern: LABEL.  In baseball we used to call the "Louisville Slugger" trademark the label.  Keep it facing up or you might break the bat.

39. Amherst sch.: UMASS. Interesting how these abbreviations develop.  The University of Minnesota is frequently referred to as the "U of M" not UMINN.

41. Beethoven's "Für __": ELISE.

42. Org. chronicled in "The Puzzle Palace": NSA.

47. Killer doll in "Child's Play": CHUCKY.  This guy spoiled the lives of a lot of guys named Charles.

49. Fix: REPAIR.

50. Lethal: FATAL. Michael Douglas' Attraction

51. Parkinson's drug: L-DOPA.

52. Zeroed in: AIMED.

53. Barcelona babies: NENES.

54. Bandleader Xavier: CUGAT.  This guy lived to 90 years old and had 5 different wives. (Not all at the same time),  The most famous was Charo.

55. Prior to, poetically: ERE.

59. "Yikes!": OH NO.  Apolo OHNO was an Olympic skater.

62. Flat-bladed garden tool: HOE.

63. Coach Parseghian: ARA. Very famous Notre Dame Football Coach.  He won two national championships.

64. __ volente: God willing: DEO.  Yes I had four years of Latin, and DEO is God in Latin.  Et Cum Spiritu tuo is not the Pope's phone number.

65. Oldest H.S. students: SRS. Some are on their fourth year of Latin!
