, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Sep 27, 2021

Monday September 27, 2021 Rebecca Goldstein

Theme: 33. With 35-Across, anonymous voting method, and a hint to each set of circled letters: SECRET. & 35. See 33-across: BALLOT - YEA & NAY are hidden in the four long answers.

17. Hard-to-please dinner guest: PICKY EATER

25. Did some storytelling: SPUN A YARN.

46. Photobomb of a sort involving a V sign: BUNNY EARS.

52. Early "SNL" star who was one of the Blues Brothers: DAN AYKROYD.

Boomer here. 

YEA! I Got my booster shot last Tuesday.  If anyone out there is on the fence, I can honestly say that I did not encounter any side effects from the booster shot. So, do not say BOO to the Booster.  Signed BOOMER

VA, 9/21/2021


1. "Like that's gonna happen!": AS IF.  "AS IF" Winter will not be here too soon!

5. Sleeps under the stars: CAMPS.  Preparing to build a cabin in Northern Minnesota, I spent many nights sleeping in the back of a station wagon in a sleeping bag.

10. Kid-lit author Silverstein: SHEL.

14. Clif Bar brand marketed to women: LUNA.

15. Catherine of "Best in Show": O'HARA.

16. MaĆ®tre d's question: NAME.  I suppose they need to know who you are before you can eat.

19. "Metamorphoses" poet: OVID.

20. Take, as advice: HEED.  I seldom do this.  When you get to be my age you no longer need advice.  You have seen it all.  So instead you just give it.

21. "Time for us to leave?": CAN WE GO.  Or stay as long as you like.

23. Unadorned: PLAIN.

27. Poet: BARD.  He's a poet but he doesn't know it, but his feet show it, they're long fellows.

28. Honk: TOOT.

29. Handy bag: TOTE.  I have one FOR my bowling equipment.  Sometimes I cannot even believe how much stuff I have in the bag, or why I have it.  

30. Moderate running pace: JOG.  Sorry, I am now pretty much down to a slow walk.

31. Bit of eye lubricant: DROP.  My eyes seem to lubricate themselves.

32. Prattle: JAW.  "We're going to need a bigger boat."

38. "Listen up, Luis!": OYE. Spanish.

39. Google Maps alternative: WAZE.

40. Colorful carp: KOI.  In Minnesota, we are not supposed to throw carp back into the lake.

42. Study, with "over": PORE.

44. Name on an iconic New York deli: KATZ.

45. Zeus' jealous wife: HERA.

48. Entrance: WAY IN.  Sometimes at the VA I have to "WEIGH IN".

49. Periodic table item: ELEMENT.

50. Noble title: LORD.  I think in the USA we call them Senators. or just Harry.

51. Land in un lago: ISLA.

57. "Oh, brother!": GEEZ.  GEE WHIZ, people make a contraction out of everything.

58. Skating, often: ON ICE.  Hockey season is away ON ICE. 

59. Swedish furniture chain: IKEA.

60. Advantage: EDGE.  Ford makes one. Very small for me.

61. Polishes, as a floor: WAXES.

62. Stitches: SEWS.


1. Matterhorn, e.g.: ALP.  There's a nice one in Disneyland.

2. Fashion designer Anna: SUI.  Apologies to Anna, we use this word to call pigs home.

3. Calling the shots: IN CHARGE.

4. Spy's passport, say: FAKE ID.

5. Like Columbia University, since 1983: CO-ED.  The University may be, but the football team is not.

6. Cry of realization: AHA.

7. Yoga studio item: MAT.

8. Like jigsaw puzzles: PRE-CUT.  I used to do these all the time.  My favorite is one of a bunch of old, old baseball cards.

9. Cling wrap brand: SARAN.  Careful, it sticks to itself.

10. Flying polar predator: SNOWY OWL.  We do not have many owls around Minnesota.  In the winter they may wake up snowy,

11. Attack: HAVE AT.  I HAVE AT the lanes on Monday and Thursday.

12. Political fugitive: EMIGRE.

13. Strung along: LED ON.

18. Hankering: YEN. 1172 of these equals one U.S. Dollar.

22. Venetian Christmas: NATALE.  "Buon Natale!"

23. Classic sandwich initials: PBJ.  Peanut Butter and Jelly.  Many times in my lunch on Fridays.

24. Vietnam neighbor: LAOS.

25. Chimney coating: SOOT.  Probably why I do not use the fireplace in the basement any more.

26. Pal of Snap and Crackle: POP.  I have not eaten Rice Krispies for a long time.  I like General Mills Chex.

28. Forest grower: TREE.  We just had one removed from our yard. What a mess!

31. Visine target: DRY EYE.

32. Ella Fitzgerald's genre: JAZZ.

34. Ears you can get lost in: CORN MAZE.  Most of the corn this year did not grow tall enough for a MAZE.  They are harvesting now and I think it may be going to feed animals that are not people.

35. Baseball clubs: BATS.  I still say that Louisville Sluggers are the best.

36. "All righty then": OKEY-DOKE.

37. Singer __ Amos: TORI.  Twins outfielder TORII Hunter has an extra I.

39. Card-vs.-card game: WAR.

41. Actor McKellen: IAN.

42. Throbbed: PULSED.

43. What a flamingo often stands on: ONE LEG.  They are more versatile than I.  I have trouble standing on TWO legs.

44. Single-edged samurai sword: KATANA.

45. Biden's VP Kamala: HARRIS.

46. Light brown: BEIGE.

47. Subsidize: ENDOW.

48. Stir-fry pan: WOK.  C.C. uses this a lot.  However I taught her to call it what it is.  A "frying pan"

50. Caustic cleaners: LYES.

53. Veto: NIX.  Named after President Richard M.

54. Versatile blackjack card: ACE.  The place for local hardware.  OR Knock one in the hole from the tee.

55. Archery wood: YEW.

56. County prosecutors, briefly: DAS.  Jack McCoy, e.g.

Best wishes for Agnes. Please come back to us soon!
