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Jul 2, 2022

Saturday, July 2, 2022, Angela Olson Halsted

 Saturday Themeless by Angela Olson

Angela Olson Halsted is a legal secretary in Washington, D.C., and the mother of two college students. She is also a baseball fan and her favorite team is the Washington Nationals.

Angela's puzzle contained some very interesting and fascinating fill for which I can say, I was "TODAY'S YEARS OLD" when I became enlightened! The Chase slide rule was fabulous! So now, while I'm still wondering how I knew about WARNERS intimates, let's explore Angela's puzzle.


1. Acknowledged mistakes: ERRATA - I had some but they self-corected

7. Leads: CHAIRS - CHAIRperson over CHAIRman is fine by me

13. Secure, in a way: SEAL OFF - How we SEAL OFF our garden from the bunnies

15. One cog in the Big Red Machine: GRIFFEY.

16. Bach work: CANTATA What is a CANTATA?

17. Birthplace of Kamala Harris: OAKLAND - California, October 20, 1964

18. Ron Rifkin spy series: ALIAS - Ron and Jennifer Garner are front and center

19. Shortsighted one: MYOPE - Nearsightedness is MYOPIA so...

21. Number of Olympic medals won by Katie Ledecky: TEN - Here's some of them

22. Map marker: PIN.

23. Many chords: TRIADS - C E G
25. Saltimbocca flavor: SAGE - Mistaking Saltimbocca for the liquor Sambuca sent me into a blind alley before the herb appeared.

26. Spanish 101 word: ESTA.

28. Troubles: ILLS.

29. Chase with a slide rule: UTLEY - My favorite clue. This vicious slide by Chase UTLEY broke Ruben Tejada's fibula and so MLB rewrote the "slide rule" and it has informally been called the Chase UTLEY slide rule ever since. I knew the name and baseball fan Angela must have as well.


30. Age of enlightenment?: TODAY YEARS OLD - Another fun clue. I was TODAY YEARS OLD when I learned about the information below.

35. Oscar nominee who voiced Michelle Obama on "The Simpsons": ANGELA BASSETT.

33. Brody of "The O.C.": ADAM - Second from the left w/Saturday cluing 

34. Like one due for an inheritance?: MEEK - Another great clue! Yeah sure, you didn't first think of HEIR like I did. Unfortunately having HEIR in the clue violated crossword protocol. 

40. It may be pulled by an athlete: GROIN

41. Polo who played Rebecca on "Sports Night": TERI - Second from the left. I thought is was a smart, funny show but it couldn't find an audience after two seasons 

42. Emulate Kelly Slater: SURF.

44. __ buco: OSSO - Frequent crossword fare 

45. Beer mugs: STEINS.

47. Drag queen Bianca Del __: RIO.

48. Present mo.: DEC - The present (adj.) month is July but in DEC. you get presents (noun)

49. All thumbs: INEPT - Not him

50. Freezes, say: NUMBS.

52. Unavailable, in a way: ON ORDER - The couch for our sunroom has been ON ORDER since May 2.

54. Like Romeo and Juliet: AMOROUS.

56. "All You Need" intimates brand: WARNERS - Google if you must

57. Carriage return creation: NEW LINE - A remnant of manual typewriters with its own song.

58. Nats division: NL EAST - Angela's team.

59. Theologian for whom a Connecticut university is named: WESLEY Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT. My Father's Day puzzle constructor was Dr. Fred Ohles who is the President Emeritus of Nebraska Wesleyan University. He also was the constructor for the Feb. 3, 2021 LA Times Crossword.


1. "__ at Dannemora": Arquette miniseries: ESCAPE.

2. Pragmatic sort: REALIST - They would choose possible over insisting on perfect.

3. Met: RAN INTO.

4. Resort near Deer Valley: ALTA - It looks like a one hour drive

5. Done for: TOAST - Custer was TOAST when he underestimated the Lakota and Cheyenne warriors at Little Big Horn

6. Back on board: AFT - Back of the boat

7. Casino game: CRAPS.

8. Sharp increase: HIKE - You want how much for a gallon of gas?

9. Samuel Gompers' org.: AFL.

10. "... maybe not even that": IF AT ALL.

11. Went back (on): RENEGED.

12. World's largest natural harbor: SYDNEY - If you look closely, you can see SYDNEY's most famous landmark jutting out into the harbor 

14. Jaleel White's show: FAMILY MATTERS - He was the irrepressible Urkel

15. Roadside assistant?: GOOD SAMARITAN.

20. Lupita Nyong'o's alma mater: YALE - From a 2/1/22 Julian Lim puzzle: "50-Across. Oscar-winning actress for "12 Years a Slave": LUPITA NYONG'O"

24. Saudi capital: RIYAL - Either of these meals will run you 20
 RIYALS ($5.33) in Riyadh 

25. Stirs up: STOKES.

27. Not quite lento: ADAGIO - Both are slow, ADAGIO is 66 - 76 beats/min and lento is 45 - 60 beats/min

29. Presses into service: USES.

31. Arabian port: ADEN - If you want to drive from ADEN to Riyadh for that McDonalds deal, it'll take a lot of gas.

32. Frankincense or myrrh: RESIN Where can I get these?

35. Football club founded in 1886: ARSENAL - We say soccer, in London they say football

36. Love all?: NO SCORE - 0 - 0 in tennis's arcane scoring system

37. Honk: BEEP.

38. Unrest: TURMOIL.

39. Chicago daily: TRIBUNE.

40. Happen: GO DOWN - Everybody knew when the confrontation would GO DOWN in this minute-by-minute movie. 

43. "Woman in the Mists" subject: FOSSEY - Her book and a book about her

45. Comics dog in a Viking helmet: SNERT.

46. Olympia from Maine: SNOWE.

49. Time to beware: IDES - Last Saturday, Nova and Matthew had the very clever "55. Mid day?: IDES" 

51. Bing returns: URLS - Bing is a search engine 

53. Messenger __: RNA Interested? Here's a 2 min. video

55. Catlike Pokémon: MEW - There are 905 
Pokémons and I think you can pick MEW out of this limited assortment.

Angela, we would love to have you comment on your puzzle by clicking below.