, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Aug 30, 2022

Tuesday August 30, 2022 Ella Dershowitz

Theme:  NOT MY CUP OF TEA (60. Dismissive response when offered chai in the ends of the answers to the starred clues?) - Last word is a not tea holder.

15. *"The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas" writer: GERTRUDE STEIN.

23. *Folk instrument named for the Greek god of nature: PAN FLUTE.

37. *Buffing tool for some jewelry-makers: ROCK TUMBLER.

51. *"This American Life" host: IRA GLASS.

Boomer here again. Hahtoolah is taking care of her mother-in-law in Texas. She will be back next Tuesday. 

Two in a row.  A bowler may call it a double.  In golf it's a two putt green. Or a birdie on a par three.       


1. Stories often used for storage: ATTICS.  Our townhome has no ATTIC. We use the garage.

7. Painter or sculptor: ARTIST.  Does "Paint by Number" count ?

13. Impulse-conducting cell: NEURON.

14. Elton John's "__ in the Wind": CANDLE.  The Crests sung about 16 of them.

17. "Fool Us" judges __ & Teller: PENN.

18. Gp. for good drivers?: PGA. And two putters.

19. Fossey subjects: APES.

21. Superfun times: BLASTS.  We had enough on July 4.

27. Easy pace: JOG.  Around our lakes. Not me anymore.

28. Gun, as an engine: REV.  Al Sharpton thinks he's a newsman now.

30. Debtor's note: IOU.

31. Pro bono TV ad: PSA.  In my world it's Prostate Specific Antigens.

32. Soft leather: SUEDE.  If they are blue shoes, Elvis said stay off of them.

34. Join the club: ENROLL.  Lots of schools are open now.

40. Prius maker: TOYOTA.

41. Nourishes: FEEDS.  And the schools need a lunchroom for the kids!

44. Campaign funding org.: PAC. Lots of these going on also. Voting in November!

47. Cal. neighbor: ORE.

48. DOD intel arm: NSA.  National Security!

50. "All __ Well": Taylor Swift song: TOO.  End of the line -- Me TOO!

54. Punctuation in an email address: AT SIGN.  "Stop" at the octagonal one.  Who remembers when they used to be yellow??

56. Actress Campbell: NEVE.

57. Industrial-sized tub: VAT.  Making root beer in yours?

59. Random __ of kindness: ACTS.  Sharing the root beer ??

65. Debated: ARGUED.  Twins Rocco gets kicked out of games for this.

66. "I'm not __ it": "You've yet to convince me": BUYING.

67. Does some traditional winemaking: STOMPS.

68. Job durations: STINTS.


1. "And Still I Rise" poet Maya: ANGELOU.

2. Fake ID user, maybe: TEENAGER.  I would not know how people get these.

3. Changes direction: TURNS.  To everything TURN, TURN, TURN.

4. NYC subway line: IRT.  LBJ took the IRT through the USA, what did he see?  The youth of America on LSD.

5. __ flower: foul-smelling rare plant: CORPSE.

6. Like a bug in a rug: SNUG.

7. Best pitcher in a team's rotation: ACE. Justin Verlander for sure.

8. Peer leaders in a dorm, for short: RAS.

9. Explosive letters: TNT.  We had enough of the neighbors on July 4.

10. Perfect: IDEAL.  Maker of wire-nuts.

11. Mention the surprise party to the birthday girl, say: SLIP UP.  Or maybe it was hanging below the dress.

12. Core convictions: TENETS.

16. Big name in caulk and sealant: DAP.  This stuff has been around since Lincoln was president !

17. Kid-friendly sandwiches, for short: PBJS.  My mom made lunch for us on school days.  I had plenty of these sandwiches.

20. __ urchin: SEA.  Mariners of Washington.

22. Green Day drummer: TRE COOL.

24. Guy in the sky: AIRMAN.

25. Gaming rookie: NOOB.  Some are a BOON to a new team.

26. Whole, milkwise: FULL FAT.  We only use 1% so we are only "Half Fat"

29. Presidential rejections: VETOES.  Now college kids are getting some debt forgiven.  I guess things are different.  

33. Eye on a stick figure: DOT.  Ditto's sister.

35. Pecan pie morsel: NUT.  Pecans and cashews are my favorite,  Not too happy with Trader Joe's price though.

36. Jeans name: LEE.  Never wore blue jeans myself.

38. Actress Sedgwick: KYRA.

39. Far from forthcoming: RETICENT.

42. Soldiers' IDs: DOG TAGS.  I had these, even though I was not a dog.  I spelled it DOUG!

43. Male deliveries: SONS.  I was one of these also, years ago.

44. Brooch holder: PIN. NOPE -- Look down the lane.  There are ten of them.

45. Play grounds?: ARENAS.

46. Frolic: CAVORT.

49. Watched from the sidelines: SAT OUT.  No sidelines in high school Latin class.

52. Very beginning: GET GO.

53. "Law & Order" spinoff, familiarly: SVU.  Not as good as the original.  

55. Chemise fabric: SATIN.

58. Emer. alerts: APBS.  All Points Bulletin.

61. Ornamental flower: MUM.  First to bloom in the spring.

62. "You betcha": YEP.  Yeah right!

63. LP successors: CDS.

64. "Here's an update," briefly: FYI.  For your information.


Notes from C.C.:

Here are a few pictures of baby Boomer and his siblings.

My big sister Barbara with her young brother Douglas.  We were both polio survivors and she needed crutches while Douglas had lung problems and recovered okay.    

Hi Ho Silver.  I seem to have lost my horse.   

 Everyone my age needed training wheels when learning to handle a bicycle.

The whole family of kids under the Christmas tree. Barbara, Constance, Amy, and Douglas.  This was about 60 years ago, and we are all still alive today.

Our Dad, Ralph with Barbara and Douglas in front of our new family car, a 1949 Ford.  I think it was a lemon.

The Fabulous Burnikel foursome: Constance, Barbara, Amy and Douglas