, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Oct 31, 2022

Monday October 31, 2022 Doug Peterson

Theme: Alternate Trick or Treat






Boomer here.  

Whew what a week gone by. Thanks to all you bloggers and readers who sent me a happy birthday.  I was overwhelmed and feeling a bit older. I have never been 75 before so I am not sure how to act,  However I do feel that I sleep longer now.  Happy Halloween to you all!


1. "Knives Out" actress de Armas: ANA.

4. Skin care product: CREAM.  Of the crop

9. Bread that's boiled before it's baked: BAGEL.  They always look good but I have not eaten many..

14. Not good: BAD. BAD Leroy Brown!! 

15. African animal with striped hindquarters: OKAPI.

16. Monte __: gambling resort: CARLO.  I never gambled there and never drove the sporty Chevy. 

17. Thanksgiving tuber: YAM.  Am I going to celebrate Thanksgiving?  Yes I YAM !

20. Genre of many works with "star" in the title: SCI-FI.

22. + or - atomic particle: ION.

23. Tot's scrape: OWIE.  My little sisters used to get them - not me.

28. __-Saxon: ANGLO.

29. Mar.-to-Nov. hrs.: DST.  I am now so old that I remember as a kid, we did not have DST in Minnesota.

30. "Sin City" actress Jessica: ALBA.

32. Sphere: ORB.

34. Waiting room seat: CHAIR.  The VA had plenty of these.

43. Tough to climb: STEEP.  Stairs in our home. C.C. has to help me climb.

44. Batman and Robin, e.g.: DUO.  Abbot and Costello, Punch and Judy. Laurel and Hardy.

45. Get ready, informally: PREP.  It's impossible to PREP for a birthday.

46. Flow back: EBB.

49. Flap on a jacket: LAPEL.  Great place to pin a 300 pin.

58. Email heading word: FROM.

59. Rock's __ Speedwagon: REO.

60. Honolulu-born "E Lei Ka Lei Lei" singer: DON HO.  Tiny Bubbles.

65. Spot for an AirPod: EAR.  WHAT ??

66. Stevie Wonder's "My Cherie __": AMOUR.

67. Advisory group: PANEL.  I remember all of the quiz shows that had PANELS.

68. $200 Monopoly buys: Abbr.: RRS.  Take a ride on the Reading.

69. Doesn't wear out: LASTS.  Bowling balls LAST.  Golf balls find places to hide.

70. Mean and sarcastic: SNIDE.

71. "Catch my drift?": SEE.  He joined the Navy to SEE the world.  But what did he see, he saw the SEA!


1. Vast chasm: ABYSS.

2. Rights org. that awards the Spingarn Medal: NAACP.

3. Worthy of esteem: ADMIRABLE.  Describes ALL of you crossword solvers and bloggers!!! 

4. Programmer's task: CODING.

5. Former MGM rival: RKO

6. __ de parfum: EAU.  EAU Claire - city in Wisconsin.

7. Tough H.S. science class: AP BIO.

8. Noble address: MI LORD.  Should not this be "MY LORD" ??

9. Slyly include in an email, for short: BCC.

10. "__ Burr, Sir": song in "Hamilton": AARON.  Home run King HENRY.

11. In adulthood: GROWN.  We have ADULT beans in our garden. 

12. Borden mascot: ELSIE.

13. One who draws the short straw: LOSER.  Or a pitcher on the Minnesota Twins.

19. Stops: ENDS.  Baseball season ENDS soon. Enjoy the World Series.

21. Concluding episode: FINALE.

25. Healthy aura: GLOW. In the dark on Halloween.

26. Golfer's warning shout: FORE.  Do not hit into the group ahead.

27. Calamine lotion target: ITCH.  We used to get poison ivy when we were kids. Ouch !

30. Contented sighs: AHS.  And Oooohs

31. Back muscle, informally: LAT.

33. __-and-breakfast: BED.  Don't eat it in BED.

35. "Fingers crossed": HOPE SO.  My Mother's name was HOPE.  She had sisters named Faith and Charity.

36. Passenger planes: AIRLINERS.  Pull out a credit card if you want to fly.

37. Hockey surface: ICE.  Well-known in Minnesota.

38. Agt.: REP.

40. Oil cartel letters: OPEC.  I am sure they are getting richer at $4.00 or more per gallon.

41. __ and void: NULL.

42. Christmas stocking disappointment: COAL.  We used to heat a home with COAL.

47. "Hunting Season" novelist Nevada: BARR.

48. Censoring sounds: BLEEPS.

50. Rainy day creation: PUDDLE.  We get them on our new driveway.  They did not quite get it level.

51. Scraps used by nose-to-tail chefs: OFFAL.  I have never heard of this.

52. __ donna: opera star: PRIMA.

53. Big commotions: TO-DOS.

54. Folding declaration at the poker table: I'M OUT.  Bluffing seldom works.

55. Des Moines resident: IOWAN.  Just South of the Land of 10,000 Lakes.

56. Windy City airport: O'HARE.  Been there once.  It's HUGE.

57. Viking language: NORSE.  Minnesota Vikings speak English like the rest of us.

62. Graduating gp.: SRS.  I believe this covers those who are 75 or more.

63. Singer DiFranco: ANI.

64. Checkers color: RED.  Or black which is not a color
