, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Friday, December 6, 2024, Joseph A. Gangi


Dec 6, 2024

Friday, December 6, 2024, Joseph A. Gangi

Theme:  It's hip to be square

Puzzling thoughts:  Calling all nerds!   

The "reveal" today gives the solver the chance to look back and see how the symmetric quartet of "T's Squared" are the feature of today's crossword puzzle:  40-across. Drafting tool, and a feature found four times in this puzzle: T-SQUARE.  When you look below at the image of the completed grid, you'll see that I've highlighted the four "t-squares" 

I think this Joseph Gangi's debut puzzle @ LAT, but I could be mistaken

Here is a look at Joseph Gangi's NYT puzzle dates and his biography

Not sure that this was a "Friday-tough" puzzle, but it was fun to solve.  Several trite entries (ALOU, ALOE, EDIE, ODOR, EENIE, OLE, SLOE, EEN, ADO) but not a lot of proper nouns nor 3LW's.  Since there are too many word entries that intersect to form the "t-squares", I won't describe them in my intro

The Grid

Overall rating for the puzzle: ⭐⭐⭐ + 1/3 ⭐

On to the clues and other entries:


1. 2023 title role for Chalamet: WONKA. Actor Timothée Chalamet

6. Mournful sounds: WAILSCRIES was not mournful enough for this clue.  Odd to see that a word that is in a clue is also an entry today: 45-down. Grieve: MOURN.

11. __ of the land: LAY. Moe-ku #1:
        The free-range chicken
        Checked out her food source to get
        The LAY of the land

14. How zeppole are fried: IN OIL. Italian doughnut

15. Classified charge: AD FEE.

16. Fútbol cheer: OLE. Trite entry #1

17. Small brawl: SET TO

18. Folded fare: SOFT TACOS. My favorite way to order tacos is with a soft tortilla shell - nice clue

20. Glib pitch: PATTER.  Moe-ku #2: 
        Star hurler for Mets
        Threw an insincere fastball:
        The hitter PATTER

22. Rare-earth element whose atomic number is 39: YTTRIUM.  I was surprised to find that this word has been used quite often in crossword puzzles

23. Blackthorn: SLOE.  Trite entry #2

24. Run out of power: DIE.

27. Tree with serrated leaves: ELMOAK fits, too

28. "To victory!": ONWARD.

30. Activate again, as a tab: RE-OPEN. I do this often when I am blogging my recap.  A similar word was used in 38-across. Try again: REDO.

34. Western band?: POSSE.  Friday clue

36. French friar: ABBE.

39. Part of a valedictorian's address: EDU.  Cute clue.  As in their email address:

43. Clear (of): RID.

44. Average: NORM.

46. Like a schnauzer's coat: WIRY. This canine breed: 

47. Casual eateries: CAFES.

49. Cactus bump: AREOLE.  These:

51. Small lump: NODULE.

53. Federation in OPEC: UAE.

54. __-dried tomatoes: SUN.

55. Clicked pic: ICON. Moe-ku #3:
        A smart camera
        Uses a clickable app
        Called: Nikon ICON

58. Web-integrated den fixture: SMART TV.

62. Intermission follower, perhaps: ACT TWO.  In many puzzles we see this entry as: ACT II

64. Destined: MEANT TO BE. It is destined that in Moe's blogs there will be several "ku's"

67. Swimming mammal in Native American totems: OTTER.

68. "This is the worst!": UGH.  Glad this wasn't a five-letter entry that revealed "GROSS"

69. "__ Meenie": 2010 pop single: EENIE.  Trite entry #3

70. Narrow valleys: GLENSDALES also fit

71. Natural __: GAS.

72. Kept going, as a sentence: RAN ON.  I can be criticized for using many sentence that ran on but not this one ...

73. Impression: SENSE.

1. Strands of smoke: WISPS.

2. Oscar winner Tatum: O'NEAL. For her role in Paper Moon

3. On the fence: NOT TOO SURE.

4. Mini mewlers: KITTENS.

5. Lotion additive: ALOE. Trite entry #4

6. Once cost: WAS.

7. Hustle and bustle: ADO. Trite entry #5

8. Questionable: IFFY. Moe-ku #4: 
        Rudyard Kipling wrote
        A poem about courage. 
        It wasn't IFFY

9. Comic book writer?: LETTERER.  This was the image I saw: 

Stan Lee was Marvel-ous

10. Wrap up: SETTLE.  Not as a present; as an agreement

11. Centers of activity: LOCI. HUBS also fit

12. Outfielder Matty who played 15 seasons in the MLB: ALOU.  Trite entry #6

13. Quaint affirmative: YES'M.

19. Strong suit?: ARMOR.

21. Nutrition fig.: RDA.

25. Najaf native: IRAQI.

26. Writer/producer who frequently collaborates with David Simon: ED BURNS.

29. Sauced up, to a pitmaster: WET. A pitmaster is a person who oversees the barbecue.  When you "sauce up" the ribs, they're wet.  And now you know how this fits

31. Score for Comaneci and Retton: PERFECT TEN.  Olympic gymnasts

32. Actress Falco: EDIE. Trite entry #7

33. Dozes (off): NODS.

34. "Ant-Man" actor Michael: PENA.  

35. Distinctive feature of a corpse flower: ODOR. Trite entry #8

37. Ecosystem susceptible to eutrophication: BAYOU.  I wondered if SWAMP would also fit here.  Turns out that A bayou is a type of creek or river, while a swamp refers to low-lying land that is often saturated and spongy with water but can still have some species of tree growing in the area

41. Sugary Southern brew: SWEET TEA.  I'm not a true Southerner as I like my tea un-sweetened

42. Old French coin: ECU.  This could've been another trite entry, me thinks

48. Somewhat: A LITTLE.

50. Second of a pair: LATTER.  Moe-ku #5, and a pun on the entry word:
        Some firemen formed
        New religious cult called "Church
        Of Ladder-Day Saints"
52. 23andMe stuff: DNA.

56. Dana Elaine __: Queen Latifah's given name: OWENSHer
57. Like some gods: NORSE.

58. Like some gods: SMUG. Clecho

59. Huge: MEGA

60. Massage sighs: AAHS.

61. Olympic gold medal skier Lindsey: VONNFormer Tiger Woods girlfriend

63. Machine parts: COGS.

65. Short life story?: BIOOBIT didn't fit

66. Poetic dusk: EEN. Trite entry #9

See you in a couple of weeks
Notes from C.C.:

Happy 87th birthday to Lucina! Here's a 2011 picture of Lucina and our old California blog regulars JD, Chickie, Clear Ayes and Garlic Gal and Dodo.

L-R back row: Chickie, Clear Ayes, Garlic Gal
   Front: JD, Lucina, Dodo (June 23, 2011)


Subgenius said...

I wouldn’t say this puzzle was easy, with such entries as “yttrium.” But it was definitely doable. FIR, so I’m happy.

desper-otto said...

Good morning!

D-o noticed the frequent double-t's in today's answers, but not that they were laid out in squares. Interesting. Well done, Joseph. Thanx for your yeoman service, C-Moe.

BAYOU: Older brother got his Phd in civil engineering. His special interest was lake/pond eutrophication. It gave him an excuse to study with fishing pole in hand.

Happy birthday, Lucina. Hope it's special.

Jinx in Norfolk said...

FIR, but soso->NORM, hubs->LOCI, yeah->YESM. pete->PENA, biome->BAYOU, and cams->COGS.

Double CSO. BAYOU Tony and -T.

Yeah, I was gonna make a joke about Tiger, VONN, PERFECT TEN and LAY of the land, but thought better of it. I must be getting old.

DNK Chalamet, EENIE, PENA, OWENS and YTTRIUM. Had to wait for the speling of ONEAL.

I'm not much into mythology, and I don't understand some gods->SMUG. There was that Narcissus cat, but was he a god?

Thanks to Joseph for the fun challenge. My favorite was strong suit->ARMOR. And thanks to our Chairman for another fine tour.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the commentary. Always enjoy them. Help me understand the smug gods clueing.

Anonymous said...

Friday puzzle, ttedious……greet the day..

Anonymous said...

It took 8:52 to get the beTTer of this one,
while sitting in my kitcheTTe.

I didn't know today's actress's real name (Owens), the spelling of today's other actress's name (Oneal), the smug god thing (still don't get it), and yttrium.

KS said...

FIR. For a Friday puzzle I found this to be not too challenging. However, having said that, the theme completely escaped me. I had to come here to have it explained.
The only mystery for me still is patter. Sorry I just don't see it. How is that a glib pitch?
But overall, a quite enjoyable puzzle and a lot of fun.

inanehiker said...

Creative theme with a lot of TTs within words to make the squares

YTTRIUM was discovered in a small Swedish village of Ytterby. It has 4 chemical elements named after it in all, including Ytterbium, erbium and terbium
BAYOU is pronounced Bye'-oo in NOLA and most places , but in Houston some people pronounce it Bye'-oh
WEES about SMUG gods??
Thanks CM and Joseph

TTP said...

CM, good choice for the opening number.
It is his 5th LAT CW.   Fun puzzle with a neat design and clear reveal.
I used to have a drafting table and T SQUARE.
Learned a new word today.   Eutrophication.
Thank you, Joseph, and thank you, Chairman Moe.

58D "Like some gods: SMUG.   IMHO, this probably refers to the Greek and Roman gods of myth.   Some of them were often portrayed as arrogant, selfish, and petty.   For a good reference, watch the actions of the gods in the 1983 movie "Hercules", starring Lou Ferrigno in the title role.  

Anonymous said...

Fun note about this puzzle: the only T's in the whole thing are found in the squares and in the revealer!

Irish Miss said...

Good Morning:

This was an interesting theme, executed very well, but the awkward and confusing cluing detracted from the solve, as did the abundance of “trite” fill that Moe mentioned. It was certainly not of Friday-level difficulty, not with C/As
such as ___ dried tomatoes=Sun, ___of the land=Lay, and Natural ___=Gas. Yet the clues for Smug and Patter were unnecessarily clunky, not to mention the head-scratching clue for Bayou.

Thanks, Joseph, and thanks, Moe, for the concise and clear critique and the many chuckles along the way. Favorite Moe-ku was the Ladder Day Saints and favorite visual was the regal Schnauzer.

Happy Birthday to our dear Lucina and sincere wishes for a very special day to honor a very special lady! 🎂🎁🎊🎈💕

Have a great day.

YooperPhil said...

Well I FIRed it but not in good time today, had to change PITTER to PATTER to get the congratulatory message. As usual it took perps to get the unknown names, OWENS, PINA, and WONKA. I know ED BURNS but not his collaborator. Gods = smug is baffling to me also. YTTRIUM just looked wrong but it was the only word that fit. I liked the theme and the reveal, no circles needed. Thank you Joseph for the Friday challenge, and to the Chairman for your enlightening review, and of course the Moe-kus.

YooperPhil said...

Oh I forgot ~ Happy Birthday to our sweet Lucina, hope you have a great day! 🤗

YooperPhil said...


Anonymous said...

Saw the double “tt” words, but totally missed they formed a square.
Smug gods ?
Happy Birthday to Lucina, my fellow Arizonan.

Yuman said...

Cady and I are no longer anonymous

RosE said...

Good Morning! Definitely Friday fare with a few kinder spots. I liked the mix.
Clever theme made my pause to review and could have helped me in the NE, but I had already googled second letter of YTTRIUM so T-SQUARE fell into place. I liked that the 4 T’s appeared in each sector.

I never heard of a LETTERER, but when I looked up the definition, it made sense. Still, crossing YTTRIUM was harsh.

Perps for ED BURNS, PENA, ECU, then WONKA and OWENS (as clued).

Happy Birthday wishes to Lucina! 🥳🎂🎈🥳!!
Thanks C-Moe for your recap and Moe-Kus, always a treat.

Jinx in Norfolk said...

When I was thinking about PATTER, I remembered a very old story of a new door-to-door vacuum salesman. He had to memorize his sales PATTER before they would let him hit the streets. When he finally rang his first doorbell, the lady of the house answered and he said "good morning, sir or madam." (Guess in today's world this might be accepted practice.)

Lucina said...

Thanks to Joseph for an easier than usual Friday puzzle! But I did have a couple of wite-out spots, nothing to WAIL about. To me SMUG describing gods is contradictory as I perceive gods as being above human frailties but then it is a small "g" and not God.
Wow! Thank you, C.C., for remembering my birthday and thank you all for the good wishes. I don't know yet what we'll do today but Sunday is scheduled for the big bash; I share my feasting with my youngest granddaughter whose birthday is December 7th. I wish you al a fabulous Friday!

Jinx in Norfolk said...

BTW, if you are interested in old computers, you might get a kick out of my old Apple II. I finally decided to sell it, now that downsizing is imminent. (I'm not advertising, I just thought some might find it interesting.)

Copy Editor said...

I thought you might joke about those cactus buds.

Monkey said...

I agree with Sub-genius, kinda crunchy puzzle this morning, but doable. Interesting theme indeed and well executed. I saw the double Ts but not the stacked ones. I should have lingered.

YTTRIUM is new for me. I’m not sure I understand LETTERER.

C-Moe, thanks for the nice recap and for that picture of the schnauzer who looks just like my beloved Bogey.

Happy birthday, Lucina. 🎂🎉🎊

Copy Editor said...

T-SQUARE came to me easily, and took me back to the only thing I enjoyed even a whit in seventh-grade shop. The metal and wood shop teachers were old and didn’t care whether I gained any skill in their classes. At least they didn’t flunk me. The theme was more memorable than anything else about the puzzle, which wasn’t quite Friday-difficult. I agree with CMoe’s assessment.

I should have come up with OWENS more easily. I needed perps. I also should have known ED BURNS without perps but didn’t.

Hand up for “law” before LAY of the land. I’m a fanatic about the lay-lie distinction, but “lie of the land” sounds “as hell,” so . . . One of my least favorite entries was IN OIL. I couldn’t come up with any other answer. AD FEE was even worse.

I’m with the Chairman on SWEET TEA. I do like strong orange pekoe iced tea, but I consume too much sugar as it is, so none in my iced tea, please.

Jinx in Norfolk said...

Like. Happy birthday!

Husker Gary said...

-This time the trees got in the way of the forest for this clever gimmick.
-My son-in-law is a very accomplished architect in Lincoln and he and I were talking on Thanksgiving about how T-SQUARES were once a big part of his craft that is now digital.
-You’ve got some miles on your tires if you remember this ED(D) BYRNES
-Newly elected officials have to get the LAY of the land before they can be effective
-State Fair pitchmen have to repeat their PATTER many times per day
-OAK leaves are also serrated and hang on well into the winter
-WISPS of smoke are not what you want to see around your household appliances
-Jinx, I have many fond memories of my Apple II and IIe
-Happy Birthday, Lucina!
-Nice elucidation, Chairman and mind reading, Irish!

desper-otto said...

Guilty about those miles. That's who came to mind when ED BURNS showed up.

TTP said...

Happy birthday, Lucina!

That's also why I think the gods the clue was referring to were the Greek (or Roman) gods of myth. I think that particular clue should have been different for the word smug, but I think they may have been trying to amp up the difficulty a little bit.

Time to get back to the tasks and errands

Chairman Moe said...

Let's see if I can end the italics ...

TTP said...

CE, we used yo get a different image of AREOLE, but that was before Blogger cracked down on images in G-rated blogspots.

TTP said...

Does it play YouTube videos? (asking for a friend)

Chairman Moe said...

Italics seem to be over ... just an additional "thought": HBTY Lucina, or is it feliz cumpleaños? Enjoy your weekend, all

TTP said...

Moe, I think the only way you can get the italics formatting to change back to normal is to delete the comment that started it.

I'm not seeing italicized text on my laptop (unless I go to the Archives and view the comments)

Chairman Moe said...

TTP @ 11:45 -> I didn't have to delete the post that started the italics. I just "closed" them with my post @ 11:40 and voila! They be gone, and the original post remains ... funny how the comments look when you post versus when you look at the web/blog version

CrossEyedDave said...

Happy Birthday Lucina! here's someth8ng a little different...

Typical Friday toughie, fun to suss out... except I never grokked the theme correctly. I'm like, ok, it must be T's crossing somewhere. There they are! Four crossing T's, Meh! Let's go to the Blog to see if I'm missing someth8ng (as usual)

4 T's in a square time four! Arg! Another V8 can to head! Ouch!

Also, Google is annoying me because it thinks t-squares must have something to do with underwear...

TTP said...

Nice job, Moe. I think I saw what you did with the end tag. Perhaps you have to be either the comment author, or the blog author to issue the end. I've tried it before and it didn't work for me, even though I'm admin. Weird.

Now it's time to get back to the chores and errands!

Copy Editor said...

On "Pardon My Blooper," there was this: "It's 8 p.m., Bulova Watch Time. On Christmas, say 'Merry Christmas.' On New Year's, say 'Happy New Year.' "

CrossEyedDave said...

***another PSA you can skip ahead ***

All YouTube imbeds opened fine with noth8ng running in the background today, I have no idea why...

My twitchy iPad keyboard with the slide down to activate numbers feature is too annoying to typo correct, yet to useful to delete...

My crossword settings (red letter, timer etc...) have all changed!
Oh yes, now I know why, I deleted my safari cache to try and fix YouTube imbeds, and now 8 wonder how many other important things the cache did that I never knew about... I guess I will be f8nding out one by one for the next couple of weeks...

Which brings me to the to the PSA... (the above was just me complain8ng...)

iCloud 5GB free storage! Never enough! And I will never pay for more!
I thought that it was my photographs that were using up my 5GB, so every time I got a msg to pay for more, I just moved my pics to Shutterfly. It is useful that pics taken with phone get auto copied to iPad via iCloud as iPad is easier to use. But the amount of pics it took to get pay up msgs kept getting smaller and smaller. So I looked at my settings, and discovered my iPad could not be backed up due to lack of iCloud space!

I opened settings, clicked in top where my name is, and then clicked on iCloud 5GB, which opens a page that allows you to see what is using your iCloud storage. Turns out my pics were only a tiny amount! The major trouble causer was that (I don't know for how long,) iCloud had been backing up my enewspaper subscription! Yes! Years and years of The Star Ledger monthly backed up so I would not lose old already read newspapers! 4.75GB's worth!

Seriously, I cloud is useful,
But look into settings, and turn off crap you don't need...

Lucina said...

Thank you, CEDave! That was really fun! I can't believe my name is on there and it's pronounced correctly! Not many people know how to say it. And all I can say is that I am happy to have reached this advanced age!

Misty said...

Delightful Friday puzzle, many thanks, Joseph. And thank you too for your helpful commentary, Chairman Moe. Happy Birthday, Lucina, and thanks for posting that sweet photo, C.C.

Well, having the puzzle start with WAILS, then followed by MOURN a bit later made us fear that someone, or something, was sadly going to DIE or at least run out of power. But time to go ONWARD and REOPEN other possibilities. One idea would be to go to one of the CAFES and order some SOFT TACOS to enjoy along with some SWEET TEA. That gets us back to a healthy NORM and a chance to pet those sweet KITTENS before we SETTLE down for a few NODS. That makes a lot of SENSE, doesn't it?

Have a lovely, happy weekend coming up, everybody.

Jinx in Norfolk said...


Charlie Echo said...

Not too bad for a Friday, a little crunchy in spots, but very do-able (with a little help from the WiteOut bottle). Didn't see the tts until Moe pointed them out, though. A happy Birthday to you, Lucina!

Inanehiker said...

Happy birthday Lucina - earlier I was late to a meeting so forgot to send my good wishes!

Jinx in Norfolk said...

TThat ttook some ttalent! Spaces don 't work, of course, without some fancy html magic.

Jinx in Norfolk said...

Har! It's never been there, but IIRC it's been on Compuserve.

Jinx in Norfolk said...

As Judas said, "Is it I, Rabbi?”

Prof M said...

My alphabet run to catch the intersection of 39D and 49A was short indeed!

Prof M said...

ICYMI: SMUG GOD spelled backwards is “DOG GUMS.”

Kelly Clark said...

Happy Birthday, Lucina -- and on Saint Nicholas Day!

Prof M said...

That should be 34D

CanadianEh! said...

Great catch. That makes the construction even more impressive.

CanadianEh! said...

IFFY Friday. Thanks for the fun, Joseph and CMoe.
I saw the T SQUARE theme and construction, but officially FIWed.

The mid-west coast was a mess of inkblots. My “western band” was a Noose. Then I went to Google to find Michael. Michael Douglas came up first in the AntMan cast, but needing 4 letters, I entered his character’s name, Hank. That made my western band a Horse, and the whole area went downhill from there. Another Google look gave me PEÑA (we’ve had him before). UGH. My tada wasn’t MEANT TO BE today.

While I was at Google, I checked YTTRIUM because I didn’t believe my YTT fill, but perps were solid. Learning moment.

I noted SET TO and SETTLE (very different meanings).
Like CMoe, I noted the MOURN fill and “mournful” clue NoNo.

Happy 87th Birthday Lucina!

Wishing you all a good evening.

NaomiZ said...

Solved the puzzle on my phone in Lucina's local airport, PHX. Happy birthday, Lucina! The gods were often SMUG, but Lucina is always SWEET.

Picard said...

Very clever and well constructed theme. At times I have memorized the periodic table, so I was very familiar with YTTRIUM. I think of the RARE EARTH ELEMENTs as being the ones in the separate box in the table. Learning moment YTTRIUM is also considered a RARE EARTH.

I am familiar with the SOU as an old French coin. As in "not worth a SOU". Learning moment about ECU. Hand up mystified by SMUG as clued. Gods are not a part of my world. Gene Wilder is the one and only WONKA.

Here are photos of me in the BAYOU that I have not looked at in decades. I like the cemetery.

From Wednesday:
YooperPhil Thank you for your comment "Interesting story about your Czech friends, they sure went through some tumultuous times over there." Yes, even though I was never a refugee, my immediate ancestors were. I think that made it easy to relate to them. Unfortunately, due to serious problems in the US immigration system my friend's wife cannot come back to the US.

RustyBrain said...

Unique puzzle design with lotsa singles (black squares), just like my wallet!

Michael said...

That's another trip down memory lane -- when ResEdit was the all-powerful helper for Apples.

Michael said...

"Cookie, Cookie, lend me your comb."

Anonymous said...

Niiiice! Oldest Apple I have is my original PowerBook 100. Wish I could get a working battery for it…

Lucina said...

Again, thank you for the birthday wishes. It seems impossible to be 87 but of course, it's better than the alternative!
And though I enjoy cooking and do so everynight it's nice to eat someone else's endeavors as I did tonight. Thank you for the photos, Picard.

sumdaze said...

I am late to post again but I wanted to wish Lucina a happy birthday! Since there are only a few hours left I will add a wish for your birthday weekend. Your Sunday bash sounds like a good time.

Thanks to Joseph for his Gimmicky Grid Friday challenge! I noticed the lack of extraneous T's because we recently had that B-SIDE puzzle.

Thanks to C-Moe for today's tour! Your insight is always appreciated.

Picard said...

Lucina Thank you for the kind words about my BAYOU photos. Hope you had a joyous birthday! You have had many adventures in your life and it seems like you have more good ones to come!

Anonymous said...

Holy shimoly, that’s a pile of “T” y’ poked up there, Mssr. Gangi! Thought I was seeing quadruple 😵‍💫. Pretty snazzy job; thanks for the fun crossword, and thanks to our Chairman for your erudite recap. Your Mo-ku on the Ladder-Day Saints is a keeper! However, the Nikon icon one almost escaped me, ‘cause I always pronounced the cameras’ name “NEE-con”, Japanese homeboy style — they build the things, they call ‘em that, so I got in the habit. Still shoot with ‘em, too.

Hand up for thinking “wt…” on some gods being smug — just don’t get it, “It does not compute” (if y’know who Ed Byrnes is, you will also know that one 😆).

@KS, re: PATTER, the late Billy Mays was the king of it. If you don’t recognize the name, you’ve surely seen him if you watched any wee-hours TV — Mays was the ultimate infomercial pitch man, hawking OrangeGlo and OxyClean, among other “magic” products. I think he’s the one who coined the famous sell-line “But wait — there’s more!”.

====> Darren / L.A.

Lucina said...

I believe it was Ron Popeil who always said, "but wait, there's more". And yes, I do plan on enjoying myself this weekend and beyond. My sister called and will treat me to lunch some time next week.

TTP said...

Darren, I pronounced my camera Yashica.     I did not know that Nikon was pronounced Nee-con.

I really think that the LAT editors should have kept it simple and just used a different clue, like "Self satisfied" for SMUG, but they must have really wanted to get in the clecho, by semi repeating the prior clue.

There has to be some reason for the clue to make some kind of sense, and since no other suggestions were made, we will go with what TTP said, "Greek and Roman gods."     ( •̀ .̫ •́ )✧

Wait, that sounds kind of smug, doesn't it?

It was just a bad clue.