, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday February 17, 2025 Janice Luttrell


Feb 17, 2025

Monday February 17, 2025 Janice Luttrell


Happy Presidents Day, everyone! sumdaze here on another holiday Monday. Constructor Janice Luttrell gave us a puzzle with an Executive Branch-adjacent theme. Let's take a look:

17 Across. Chocolate treat from Reese's: PEANUT BUTTER CUP.  
They were created in 1928 -- almost 100 years ago!

25 Across. Replacement on the mound: RELIEF PITCHER.  In baseball, a RELIEF PITCHER is called up to enter the game after the starting pitcher (or another relief pitcher) has been removed.
From the MLB rulebook:  Pitchers must either face a minimum of three batters in an appearance or pitch to the end of a half-inning, with exceptions for injuries and illnesses. If a pitcher faces one batter to end an inning, he may be removed, but if he is brought back for a second inning, he must still face two more batters for a total of three. Once removed, players are not permitted to return to the game in any capacity. 

42 Across. Venue for summer concerts in Los Angeles: HOLLYWOOD BOWL.
The HOLLYWOOD BOWL is an amphitheater and public park in the Hollywood Hills of Southern California. In case you were wondering, it did survive the recent fires.  
Anchors Aweigh  (1945)
In this scene, filmed at the HOLLYWOOD BOWL, 
Spanish conductor and pianist JosΓ© Iturbi plays Hungarian Rhapsody No.2 
... accompanied by 17 other pianists!

The reveal:

56 Across. High-level government post, and what the ends of 17-, 25-, and 42-Across may have?: CABINET POSITION.  Established in Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution, the CABINET's role is to advise the President on any subject he may require relating to the duties of each member's respective office.
Also, a CUP, a PITCHER, and a BOWL might all be found POSITIONed in a CABINET.  
sort of like this
Works for me. Let's see how the other clues stack up.


1. "Speak of the __!": DEVIL.

6. Pick up a newspaper: READ.     and     50 Down. Solemn bio: OBIT.  
10. __ Valuable Player: MOST.

14. Singer Menzel of "Frozen": IDINA.  John Travolta famously botched her name at the 2014 Oscars but she got him back the following year.

15. "Uh, that's wrong": UM, NO.

16. Culturally pretentious: ARTY.

20. NBC sketch show since 1975, familiarly: SNL.  SNL 50: The Anniversary Special aired last night. Did anyone watch it?

21. "Disgusting!": GROSS.

22. Lady Gaga's instrument: PIANO.  Earlier this month, Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars won the Grammy for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance for this song, Die With A Smile.  

23. Many a restaurant owner: CHEF.

24. One-named "Chandelier" singer: SIA.

31. Pampering place: SALON.     and     31 Down. Pampering place: SPA.

32. Tomato sauce brand named for a New York restaurant: RAO'S.  pronunciation

33. Chicken serving: LEG.  CSO to Splynter!

35. Storyline: PLOT.

36. Put one's foot down: STOMP.  

38. "Dancing Queen" pop group: ABBA.  
39. Spring mo.: APR.  month and APRil

40. Molecule part: ATOM.

41. Slender woodwinds: OBOES.

46. Ginger __: ALE.

47. Partnership for Peace gp.: NATO.  group and North Atlantic Treaty Organization

48. Dwelling: ABODE.

51. Actress Hayek Pinault: SALMA.  (b. September 2, 1966 in Coatzacoalcos, Mexico)
Salma began dating French businessman FranΓ§ois-Henri Pinault in 2006.
They married in 2009.
53. Civil rights monogram: MLK.  

59. Buffalo's lake: ERIE.  

60. City near Phoenix: MESA.  
61. Viking language: NORSE.  

62. Sinks out of sight, as the sun: SETS.  
a scientific explanation of the 'green flash'

63. Ready for customers: OPEN.  

64. California, for one: STATE.  This puzzle is published in the LA Times, after all.  
Led Zeppelin   ~   Going to California   ~  (1971) 

1. Salsa, and some salsa moves: DIPS.  This was my favorite clue today. The first salsa is of the edible variety.

2. Biblical garden: EDEN.  
3. Lab container: VIAL.

4. B and B: INN.  Bed & Breakfast

5. Classic TV show hosted by Rowan & Martin: LAUGH-IN.  
Arte Johnson (1929-2019) was a regular on this sketch comedy program.

6. Wear away: RUB OFF.

7. Tall birds in some insurance ads: EMUS.  
8. Aardvark snacks: ANTS.  
Can you see its long tongue in the tube?
Actually I think this is an anteater, not an aardvark.
Anteater cannot be used to clue ant because they share too many letters.

9. Ellipsis element: DOT.  Let me think....

10. Grammy winner Carey: MARIAH.

11. Killer whale: ORCA.  
Did you catch this one on Mal-Man's last blog? LOL!
12. Shock: STUN.

13. Keyboard blunder: TYPO.  

18. Genealogy chart: TREE.  as in a family TREE

19. Long stories: EPICS.

23. Form a clump: CLOT.

24. Hit the brakes: STOP.  
25. Designer Lauren: RALPH.

26. Spanish Olympian's goal: EL ORO.

27. "Coming soon" ad: PROMO.

28. First words of "Green Eggs and Ham": I AM.  Speaking of elementary poetry....

Hello dear Chairman!
Today's your birthday, so I
Wrote this Hi-Moe-Ku.

29. Macaroni shape: ELBOW.

30. Defy authority: REBEL.

34. Highway sign: GAS.  The Deets on the Blue Highway Signs  
36. Eyelid problem: STYE.

37. AAA service: TOW.  

38. Suffix with bug or peek: -ABOO.  
bugaboo is something that causes fear, alarm, or worry.
Peekaboo is a game played with children who have not yet developed an understanding of object permanence.

40. __ wrench: tool that comes with flatpack furniture: ALLEN.  
41. Gets: OBTAINS.  I
t took me a bit to get this one because we have been trained to associate this clue with the answer SEES.  

43. Women: LADIES.  
Flight of the Conchords   ~   Ladies of the World   ~   (2008)
Flight of the Conchords was an HBO comedy series in 2007-2009.

44. Checked out, as a library book: ON LOAN.  I am currently reading The Wilderness Idiot by Ted Alvarez, ON LOAN from my library.

45. River barriers: DAMS.

48. The tops: ACES.  Green's Dictionary of Slang

49. Plain: BARE.  
51. Ladder rung: STEP.

52. Church recess: APSE.  A four-letter church architecture word is going to be either APSE or nave. The former is the location of the altar while the latter is the seating area leading up to the altar. Memory trick:  APSE begins with an A, as does altar and arc.
53. Actress Sorvino: MIRA.  (b. 1967)  her IMDb page

54. Baffled: LOST.  Back in 2004 DH and I were driving on Oahu's North Shore. We saw small, red signs nailed to posts and trees, much like the signs people buy when they want to sell their own car. Someone had written "LOST" on the signs with an arrow pointing which way to turn. We wondered if maybe they were directions for someone who was potentially LOST on their way to a party. We followed them to a beach. There we found what looked like a plane wreck and suitcases strewn about. Upon closer inspection we could see that the plane was staged. We wondered if this was some sort of training exercise. The following Fall, ABC aired a new TV show called Lost. It ran from 2004 to 2010.

55. Leg joint: KNEE.  Oops! LEG is the answer to 33-Across so it is not supposed to be in another clue. Perhaps it's OK to bend the rules for KNEE.

57. Angsty music genre: EMO.

58. Tyke: TOT.  
I like the looks of this 15-13-13-15 grid.

Enjoy your day!
Notes from C.C.:

1) Happy Birthday to our Friday blogger, Chairman Moe. Chris mentioned that he is doing well post-surgery and will have his second eye done in another week.

2) Happy 58th anniversary to the sweetest, most caring couple I've ever met: Husker Gary and his wife Joann. Here's a picture of us from 2014 when Gary attended a wedding here in Minnesota. 


Subgenius said...

Unknowns (including “Raos”) were easily perped.. Therefore, though some may disagree, I’m awarding this puzzle the title “walk in the park.” FIR, so I’m happy.

And Happy Birthday, C-Moe! I enjoy your “Mo-kus!”

desper-otto said...

Good morning!

Wow, this was a quickie. Zip, zip, done. There was even a subtle theme for d-o to miss. Thanx, Janice and sumdaze. (Nice memory trick. Now, if I can just remember it...) HBD C-Moe, and happy anniversary, Husker.

SNL: Tried one hour of it last night. Gave up. I was hoping for funny clips, not live action and in-jokes.

ERIE: The Erie Canal made it possible for Great Grandad to move his family from upstate NY to WI in the mid-1800s.

Jinx in Norfolk said...

FIR, but erased mere for BARE. I got RELIEF PITCHER and HOLLYWOOD BOWL without a single perp, so I got that goin' for me. Which is nice. I had the privilege of seeing Jimmy Buffett and Jefferson Starship at the HOLLYWOOD BOWL. Great experiences.

I wasn't BOWLed over by the Mars / Gaga Grammy winner. And I was saddened to see Gaga smoking again. I fear that her voice will sound like Louis Armstrong's if she keeps it up. When I moved from Kentucky to California nearly a half-century ago, I moved from a culture where smoking was more common than not, to a culture where smoking was a social liability. I quit within a year of arriving in LA. I now think of smoking as GROSS. (Hey Gaga - know the definition of a "three?" It's a "nine" who smokes!)

Thanks to Janis for another gentle start to the week. Ektorps SIA, OBOES and ABBA are old friends. And thanks to sumdaze for the tour. I didn't know about the three-batter rule. It wasn't in effect when I got my divorce from MLB some 35 years ago. And I loved the MLK quote.

Anonymous said...

Took 4:11 today without the need for an hour glass.

I knew today's actress (Mira) and squeezed by today's Spanish lesson.

I agree with SubG, it was a W in the P.

Irish Miss said...

Good Morning:

The theme was obvious early on, as is most often the case with early week puzzles, but the reveal was a true surprise, at least for me. No w/os or unknowns, therefore a quick and smooth solve.

Thanks, Janice, for a pleasant start to the week and thanks, sumdaze, for the fun and facts. Loved the Adam and Eve comic and also the Ballet Parking and the Crash Dummy. Also enjoyed the piano-fest with JosΓ© Iturbi.

Speedy recovery to Chairman Moe!

Happy Anniversary to Gary and Joann! πŸ’•πŸ₯‚

Have a great day.

KS said...

FIR. Well placed perps helped with unknowns like Rao's and Idina. Beyond that this was definitely Monday easy.
I got the theme early on, not that it mattered a lot with solving.
So overall this was an enjoyable puzzle.

Ray - O - Sunshine said...
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Yellowrocks said...

Happy anniversary, Gary and Joann. What a great couple. Gary I look forward to your interesting Saturday blogs.
Happy birthday. Moe. I hope you recover quickly from your surgery. I miss you on the Corner.
SNL-I fell asleep after the first hour. I like the satires that spoof real foibles. The ones on Queen Elizabeth years ago were so off the mark, they were not humorous. There was much more pertinent fodder there to exploit.

Ray - O - Sunshine said...

Ms. Lutrell compares our current cabinet positions to inanimate objects? One is a PEANUT? Oh my bad, a CUP. Was the editor asleep?

NATO. What ever happened to SEATO? (Just LIU dissolved in 1977)

UMNO as an answer? I agree with what the clue says “Uh, that’s wrong.

Is pariah the male version of MARIAH

“The Tops” ACES: Actually there were 4 of them in each group πŸ˜‰

Did my interest in CWs ___ on my kids? UMNO!… RUBOFF ….
Adman who hypes headache remedies … ____ RELIEF PITCHER
Hanks, Cruise, or Thumb … ATOM
“Very interesting” Laugh-in’s ____ Johnson …. ARTY

That map of NYS shows why Buffalo is subject to Lake effect (Erie) snow. While we (Utica) get the tail end of lake effect off Ontario and my neighbor in Troy IM☘️ 2 hrs east does not.

HBD to our πŸͺ‘πŸ§”‍♂️ Happy anniversary G & J πŸ‘

Tehachapi Ken said...

Janice has given us another satisfying and enjoyable puzzle. I think my only nit to pick is UMNO. Such conversational non-entities I find annoying.

I liked that you gave 31Across and 31Down the identical clue. Cute!

It was nice to see Lady Gaga make an appearance. In my view she is one of the very few current pop singers who is an actual musician. And her voice is heavenly; she has perfect pitch. Now if only someone could knock some sense into her that smoking is STUPID!

Janice, I was interested in the construction of your puzzle, particularly the theme (which was clever). So you started the puzzle by laying out the three long theme answers and reveal. All of which were really long--14 or 15 letters. As a lover of baseball, I'm intrigued that out of all the possibilities you must have had for the long theme answers, one of the three you selected was on baseball. I love it. Was C.C.--another baseball aficionado--whispering in your ear?

Thanks again, Janice, for such a smooth and fun Monday challenge. And thanks, sumdaze, for your usual helpful guidance. I will now remember your memory trick on APSE.

Happy anniversary, Gary. And happy birthday, Chris. It's great that you'e doing well post-op on Eye #1; now for the right eye!

Monkey said...

Á good start to what I hope will be another successful CW week for me. All good.

Cute theme. I can’t believe i encountered no unknown names. SALMA Hayek is Γ‘ beautiful and smart woman.

Happy birthday to C-Moe. I recognize that eyepatch.

Happy anniversary to H G and Joann.

Thank you sumdaze for the nice recap.

Ray - O - Sunshine said...


Our central New York State district representative to congress is Claudia L Tenney

”Congresswoman Tenney Moves to Make President Trump’s Birthday a Federal Holiday”
February 14, 2025
Press Release:
Washington, DC – Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24)today introduced the Trump’s Birthday and Flag Day Holiday Establishment Act to officially designate June 14 as a federal holiday to commemorate President Donald J. Trump’s Birthday and Flag Day. 

Husker Gary said...

-Bing, bang, boom and I was done, IDINA and RAO notwithstanding
-George Burns – “I get up in the morning, I check the OBITS and if I'm not in there, I shave.”
-The EMU and other insurance company ad characters do not make me think of what company they represent.
-A few weeks ago I blogged that an ambulatory is the aisle that goes around the APSES in a church
-ACES on the review, Sumdaze!
-Thanks for the notice about me and Joann. Can you even, C.C. Imagine someone living with me for that long? :-)

Stop the Bold said...

Stop The Bold

Stop the Bold said...

Not Bold?

Stop the Bold said...

Try This

Charlie Echo said...

Quick and easy entry to the week. Pretty enjoyable despite the annoying "verbalisms". Nice 'toons this morning, sumdaze. The garden of Eden one struck me as both funny and true! Watched about 45 minutes of the SNL special. It re-enforced my opinion that when the original "Not ready for Prime Time Players" were gone, so was the humor. On the other hand, I enjoyed pretty much every episode of R&M's Laugh-In. You bet your bippy on that!

CrossEyedDave said...

Happy birthday Chairman Moe!

Happy anniversary HG & Joan they call this style "vintage."

Prof M said...

IMO RAO’s is the best sauce from a jar. And priced as if!

inanehiker said...

Wow - speed solve today even being a Monday - somehow beat SS 's time which never happens!
RAO's pasta sauce is available at all the grocery store's here, even Wal-Mart
IDINA Menzel has an amazing voice and with Elsa from "Frozen" and Elphaba from "Wicked" it's easy to have been exposed to her work.

I enjoyed some of the SNL 50th anniversary - it started when I was in high school so it is engrained in my cultural upbringing.
Happy birthday CM - hope you have continued healing and success with the other eye as well
Happy Anniversary Gary & Joann - it was a joy to meet Gary last fall and one of these days hope to meet Joann as well

Thanks SD for the fun blog and Janice for the puzzle!

Misty said...

Delightful Monday puzzle, many thanks, Janice. And your commentary with all those neat pictures was a real pleasure, Sumdaze--many thanks for that too.
Also Happy Birthday, Chairman Moe.

Well, this puzzle had an ARTY setting, it seemed to me. We were encouraged to READ works about places like EDEN and other EPICS with complicated PLOTS. Then maybe we'd go to a SPA at the local INN where we could visit the SALON and get a haircut, and have lunch with a PEANUT BUTTER sandwich and some ALE to drink. If we had time in the afternoon we could create a PROMO to celebrate a PIANO concert. And in the evening lets just watch SNL on TV and LAUGH. I bet that would be a good day all around.

Have a great week coming up, everybody.

unclefred said...

The gecko doesn't make you think of GEICO? The emu's name is LIMU, as in LIberty MUtual.

unclefred said...

Hmmm. I wonder if that will be sustained after the economy collapses.

unclefred said...

The piano fest at the Hollywood Bowl was labeled "Anchors Aweigh", but didn't hear any of that. Hmmm. Only W/O: RUBout/RUBOFF. 15 names, DNK 5, but perps helped. Dopey me read EL ORO as one word, and wrinkled my brow. I'll blame it on no sleep. Like TK said, I too noticed same clue at 31A & 31D. I like it! Managed to FIR in 10, typical Monday time for me. Fun CW, thanx JL, I even got the theme. Thanx too to Sumdaze for all the time and effort that went into the (as always) terrific, informative and fun write-up. HBD C-Moe, and heal quickly. Congratulations too to Husker and Joanne on their anniversary.

Irish Miss said...

Sorry, forgot to wish Moe a very Happy Birthday! πŸŽ‚πŸŽˆπŸŽπŸŽŠπŸ₯‚

Jinx in Norfolk said...

Janice, not Janis. Guess I was thinking about Summertime and Ms. Joplin. On top of that, I'm a notorious bad spelar.

Jinx in Norfolk said...

Let's ask Elon if it's prudent to add yet another Federal holiday when we're $37 trillion in debt. I'd be for it if we removed two Federal holidays to offset the new one.

Jinx in Norfolk said...

Every big ad campaign has measurable objectives for the campaign, and if those aren't hit they try something else. Could be name recognition, could be perceived ease of doing business with, etc. If those long-running campaigns weren't hitting the marks, they wouldn't be long-running. (At GTE, we had a campaign to improve the public's image of us as a high tech company. One of our ads featured a spider's web, and connected that to the latest and greatest in tech. Our polls showed that people loved the ads and did connect it with high tech, but when asked to name the sponsor, the overwhelming majority replied "AT&T." Campaign cancelled.)

Anonymous T said...

Hi All!

Um, OK. Sure my CUPs, PITCHERs, and BOWLs have their own CABINET POSITIONs but they are all in different cabinets.

Thanks Janice for the puzzle and sumdaze for hosting an informative after-party. i always love a sumdaze expo...

WOs: ABOw @38d
Fav: LAUGH-IN. I was only 3yrs when it went off the air but Pop loved it. //and I caught up years later on Nick at Nite.

I did watch SNL50 last night. It was fun to see all the faces I grew up with. I started watching in '78 (by sneaking upstairs while Pop watched). My fav bit FLN was Eddie Murphy doing Tracy Morgan #BlackJeopardy.

Happy Anniversary HG & Joan.
Happy Birthday C. Moe!

Cheers, -T

sumdaze said...

Happy Anniversary to H-Gary & Joanne! Every once in a while H-Gary shares a secret to his successful marriage with us. It's no surprise they've made it to 58 years.

Happy birthday to C-Moe! Best wishes for eye #2.

Jinx@7:01 and T-Ken@10:03. I, too, found LG's cigarette smoking off-putting but I think they were going for an ARTY throwback scene. Perhaps the cig is fake???

-T@2:25. Thanks for the SNL link. I didn't catch the show last night.

Picard said...

Enjoyed the theme. Never heard of RAOS. RAGU did not work. But I eat pasta naked. Really. FIR.

When I saw REBEL I thought of James Dean and REBEL Without a Cause. This time I got a Two-Fer.

Here is my photo of a memorial to REBEL Without a Cause star James Dean high in the HOLLYWOOD Hills.

sumdaze Thanks for the many amusing illustrations. Favorite was the clip of unknown IDINA and Travolta.

Jayce said...

Fun puzzle.

Lucina said...

Hola! Oops. I forgot to come here and comment. It's counting Monday so I get off my routine and I'm very tired when I get home, plus I had to finish packing and was disappointed that I could not withdraw all the money I need! I don't understand why there's a limit! I'll have to go in the morning for the rest of it. Had today not been a holiday I could have gone inside.
Anyway, the puzzle was Monday easy and I finished it quickly. I've seen RAO sauce but have never bought it. I prefer Ragu or Classico. Maybe I should try RAO and see what it's like. Not this week. I'll be gone.
Happy anniversary, Joanne and Gary! You are so lucky to still have each other and to have reached such a milestone date.
I love listening to IDINA Menzel and have enjoyed watching SALMA Hayek in movies. My granddaughter loved "Desperado" and I loved, "Fools Rush In". She and Matthew Perry were outstanding in it.
Have a wonderful week everyone and please stay safe!

Monkey said...

Bon voyage.✈️

Jinx in Norfolk said...

That could be so, but in that hard-hitting periodical Harper's Bazaar wrote back in 2020: "Lady Gaga has revealed that she has quit smoking completely and went "cold turkey" on the habit. The singer told New Music Daily on Apple Music, 'I swear on my life I’m not smoking....'" If she was puffing for effect, she's playing a dangerous game. I found cigarettes harder to kick than booze.

Jinx in Norfolk said...

Sorry, reread what you wrote. Hadn't considered that it might be fake, only that she might be faking being a smoker. I hope it isn't an e-cig; those are nearly as addictive as the coffin nails I used to smoke.

Lucina said...

Thank you, Jinx. I am aware that out of state withdrawals might have a fee, but in my experience, most credit unions do not charge a fee. And thank you for pointing out those other possibilities. Those scenarios never occur to me.