, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Bettina Eilas Siegel


Showing posts with label Bettina Eilas Siegel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bettina Eilas Siegel. Show all posts

Mar 11, 2023

Saturday, March 11, 2023, Bettina Elias Siegel and Dan Elias

 Saturday Themeless by Bettina Elias Siegel and Dan Elias 

Bettina and Dan give us a lot of wide-open spaces with only 22 blocks and 99 open squares.

I had a lovely 20-minute tiptoe through these tulips.


1. Stress-relieving gifts: SPA PACKAGES.

12. Title in an order: FRA - A title for an Italian monk or friar in a religious order

15. Feature of the Bush and Johnson White Houses: TEXAS ACCENT.

16. Court call: LET.

17. Fox on TV: AGENT MULDER.

18. Prelude to a kiss?: I DO.

19. Podcast feed letters: RSS - Really Simple Syndication

20. Zelle and Venmo: APPS - I have podcast APPS that keep me entertained

21. Editor's tool: RED PEN.

23. Any of 12 popes: PIUS - Where our granddaughter attends in Lincoln, NE

24. Run: OVERSEE - OPERATE worked until it didn't 

25. Some highlands musicians: PIPERS.

28. Salt Lake Bees and Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp: AAA TEAMS.

29. "Who's better than me?!": I RULE.

30. Drops in the air: MISTS.

31. Red choice: CAB - Often found on our crossword wine list

32. Tips for a writer: NIBS.

33. 2020 Isabel Wilkerson bestseller subtitled "The Origins of Our Discontents": CASTE.

34. Stud locale: LOBE - It was not in a wall or a horse farm but in an ear

35. Night sch. class: ESL.

36. Gals, in dated slang: MOLLS - Clyde Barrow's MOLL, Bonnie Parker, leapt to my mind

37. Winds: COILS.

38. Member of a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame girl group: SHIRELLE - C'mon, ya gotta love 60's rock and roll. SHIRley Ross and three classmates for Passaic, NJ were the first black, girl group to have a #1 hit with this memorable song.

40. Polarizing figure?: MAGNET.

41. Agreements: ACCORDS

42. "Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are __!": 1978 album: DEVO.

43. Opening night invitee: CRITIC.

44. Untimely?: LATE.

45. Evil computer who says, "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that": HAL - A forerunner of AI?

48. Bulls and bucks: HE'S - Males

49. Tailor's device: TAPE MEASURE.

52. "Dig in!": EAT.

53. Actor who played Tony Rodriguez on "NYPD Blue": ESAI MORALES - We have seen his vowel-rich first name here quite often

54. Some corporate IP: TMS - Corporate TradeMarkS ™ are Intellectual Property

55. Display that may have rotating shelves: DESSERT CASE.


1. Nicola Yoon's "The Sun Is Also a __": STAR.

2. Cribbage pieces: PEGS.
3. x, y and z, in math: AXES and in space flight

4. All-Clad product: PAN.

5. "Steps in Time" memoirist: ASTAIRE - An autographed copy can be had for $375.00

6. Intellectual property?: CAMPUS - Where I got my first degree, Wayne State College

7. Keurig pods: K-CUPS.

8. Concerns for some orthopedic surgeons, initially: ACLS.

9. HS proficiency test: GED.

10. Sap: ENERVATE.

11. Doja Cat hit with the lyric "Send your location, come through": STREETS.

12. Ensures that change is in the air?: FLIPS A COIN - If you flip a coin (piece of change), it will go in the air. 😀

13. Scrooge, ultimately: REDEEMABLE - All it took was three ghosts

14. In top form: AT ONE'S BEST.

22. One of the "Black-ish" parents: DRE - Anthony Anderson plays Andre (DRE) Johnson in this show

23. NOLA cagers: PELS.

24. Brewery equipment: OASTS.

25. Pouch with a woodsy scent: PINE SACHET.
26. Mudslide element: IRISH CREAM.

27. Attention getters: PUBLICISTS - There's no such thing as bad publicity 

28. Target section: AISLE - The AISLE is in a Target

30. Shop keepers?: MALLS - Omaha had three huge MALLS and two are now shut and the other one soon will be

33. Focus of many a true crime podcast: COLD CASE - Who killed JonBenet Ramsey?

34. Letterhead feature, often: LOGO.

36. Just: MERITED.

37. The Lascaux bulls, e.g.: CAVE ART - One of 600+ such images in this network of caves in SW France

39. Rubbish: ROT.

40. Shower element: METEOR - An event that occurs when Earth's orbit crosses the path of a group of meteors that burn up in our atmosphere.

42. Actor Jean-Claude Van __: DAMME - "The Muscles from Brussels"

44. Fragrant neckwear: LEIS and 45. Dance with a kahiko styleHULA.

46. Trojan War god: ARES.

47. __-majestÈ: LESE - Disrespect or a crime against a Royal head of state. Example: Article 112 of Thailand's criminal code says anyone who "defames, insults or threatens the king, the queen, the heir-apparent or the regent" will be punished with a jail term between three and 15 years.

50. Pops: PAS - They are/were usually married to MAS 

51. Pollen holder: SAC.