, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Evans Clinchy


Showing posts with label Evans Clinchy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evans Clinchy. Show all posts

Apr 27, 2024

Saturday, April 27, 2024, Evans Clinchy

Saturday Themeless by Evans Clinchy

Evans is a master scrabble player who lives in Tacoma Washington. Obviously he is also a great crossword constructor as you can see by his first LA Times entry we get today. I moved right along in my solve but had a natick at the jumping off point of 1 Across/1 Down. I do not know any New Orleans neighborhoods, old or new, and joining that with uber obscurely clued T-RAP made for some very unsettling final minutes for me. 😖 I guessed at a "K" but I had other equally bad/desperate options. Boo!


1. One of the oldest neighborhoods in New Orleans: TREME - Excuse my ignorance Big E!

6. Into footwear?: SHOD - A well SHOD unit

10. Included, in a way: CCED.

14. Settle down: RELAX - Aaron said this in 2014 when the Packers started 1 - 2. They then made the playoffs and massed making it to the Super Bowl by 6 points.

15. Come down: POUR - N.W. Ayers and Son ad agency came up with this slogan in 1914 for Nebraskan Joy Morton's salt company.

16. Barcelona's Fundació Joan __: MIRO - Joan MIRO's foundation has the biggest display of MIRO's works and supports many new artists in Barcelona. More info

17. units: APARTMENTS - Our granddaughter is very familiar with this site in her job in D.C.

19. Like a kumquat: OVAL.

20. Fair activities for kids: PONY RIDES.

21. Carrot family plant: ANISE 

22. Academic domain: EDU.

23. Took a spill: TUMBLED - The source of Wide World Of Sports' "The Thrill Of Victory, The Agony Of Defeat"

25. Nightie nights?: PAJAMA PARTIES 😀

30. Young egg cells: OVULES.

31. "It's not you, it's me," maybe: LIE.

32. Web-footed divers: AUKS.

35. Struggles with sigmatism: LISPS.

36. Nurse: SIP 😀 Make that drink last!

37. Resolve: SPINE.

38. Swear words: OATH.

39. State on the Arabian Sea known for beautiful beaches: GOA - West coast of India 


40. Vandyke kin: GOATEE.

41. World Chess Champion from 2013 to 2023: MAGNUS CARLSEN - Norwegian 
Sven Magnus Øen Carlsen

44. "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman" star: SEYMOUR.

46. Waze suggestion: Abbr.: RTE.

47. Facility for tech-savvy HS kids: AV LAB - Every student in America these days is pretty tech-savvy and goes to an AV LAB. 

48. Election map figure: BLUE STATE - Here is the 2020 election by county

54. Long-handled hammer: MAUL - I split a lot of wood with my splitting MAUL

55. Fan attribute: TEAM SPIRIT.

56. Part of YOLO: ONCE.

57. Belgrade native: SERB.

58. Possible warning signs: OMENS.

59. Uses Siri, maybe: ASKS.

60. Holy chests: ARKS - Opening the Lost ARK was not a good decision

61. Cantankerous: TESTY.


1. Genre of Ariana Grande's "7 Rings": T-RAP - I threw a flag on this play where this ludicrous cluing with TREME seemed unfair for a common word! In case you're interested: "7 Rings" is a trap-pop song with elements of hip hop and R&B that runs for 3 minutes, with Grande rapping the hook and final verse."

2. Used car, perhaps: REPO.

3. Great exuberance: ELAN.

4. Barra of General Motors: MARY.

5. Highs and lows: EXTREMES - For April 27, Nebraska's EXTREMES are 95°F in 1989 and 24
°F in 1950.

6. Got the lead out: SPED UP.

7. Give an edge: HONE.

8. Surpass: OUTSTRIP.

9. MRI orderers: DRS.

10. "Help me out here": C'MON BE A PAL.

11. Means of settling some disputes: CIVIL SUITS - OJ was found not guilty (not innocent) in his criminal trial but was found guilty in the CIVIL SUIT charging he caused wrongful death.

12. Take marks off: ERASE - There was a time...


13. Gave out: DOLED.

18. Touchy one?: MIDAS 😀

21. "__ wrong?": AM I.

24. SLC athlete: UTE - In Salt Lake City

25. Game that may be played on horses, bicycles, or elephants: POLO.

26. Brand of slip resistant shoes: AVIA.

27. "Short straw again": JUST MY LUCK.

28. Figures in a dominance hierarchy: ALPHA MALES.

29. Protective cover?: ALIAS.

33. __ sock: KNEE.

34. Spotted: SEEN.

36. Gose or lambic: SOUR BEER  - "Sour beer is beer which has an intentionally acidic, tart, or sour taste. Sour beer styles include Belgian lambics and Flanders red ale and German Gose and Berliner Weisse."

37. Subject worth avoiding: SORE SPOT.

39. Masai Mara mammal: GNU - The great migration in the Masai Mara (Kenya) in Kenya and Tanzania 


40. Airport listings: GATES - Hartsfield/Jackson Airport in Atlanta has more GATES than any airport in the world - 195

42. Lump: GOB.

43. Remnants: CRUMBS.

44. American __: SAMOA - You deserve a break today in Pago Pago, Samoa

45. "Captain America" star: EVANS.

49. Willa Cather's "The Song of the __": LARK.

 D.C.'s Statuary Hall

50. Life partner?: TIME - Speaking of people from Nebraska

51. Mars counterpart: ARES - Gods of war

52. Windshield treatment: TINT.

% of light allowed in

53. Artisan's platform: ETSY.

55. Org. that conducts lots of searches: TSA.

Really, you thought you'd get this
stuff through?