Theme: BE MINE
aw. this would be a good valentine's day puzzle. each theme answer ends with a synonym for either kiss (x) or hug (o).
18A. Method of looking for keys? : HUNT AND PECK
28A. Finishing by the deadline, sometimes : TIGHT SQUEEZE
48A. Bad-mouthing someone : TALKING SMACK
64A. Call waiting diversion : MUSIC ON HOLD
the unifier:
63. Love letter closing, and in sequence, a hint to the ends of 18-, 28-, 48- and 64-Across : XOXO
and a few bonus entries:
24A. Love god : EROS
67A. Big name in kitchen gadgets : OXO
54D. X-rated : ADULT
55D. Hale : LUSTY
melissa here.
gonna make it a quick one, got a late start.
1. "Les __" : MIZ. short for les miserables.
4. As a friend, in French : EN AMI
9. Actor Romero : CESAR
14. N.L. West team, on scoreboards : ARI. arizona diamondbacks.
15. Noble gas : XENON
16. Latin stars : ASTRA
17. MLK birthday month : JAN. holiday for most in the u.s.
20. Relay race closer : ANCHOR. several sports include relay races, including track and swimming. the anchor is usually the fastest competitor on the team.
22. Peace Prize winner Wiesel : ELIE
23. Wide shoe size : EEE
26. Working parts : INNARDS. evokes an image, but i'll leave it to your imagination. you're welcome.
32. Computer pioneer Lovelace : ADA. who knew?
33. Young newt : EFT
34. Many Semites : ARABS
38. Reveal : TELL
40. Knight's ride : STEED
43. Harald V's capital : OSLO. king of norway. made a touching speech after the recent attacks in norway. "I cling to the belief that freedom is stronger than fear. I cling to the belief of an open Norwegian democracy and society. I cling to the belief in our ability to live freely and safely in our own country."
44. Capital on the Willamette : SALEM. willamette river, oregon. according to the usgs, 100% of u.s. rivers and streams are contaminated with carcinogens.
46. Future fish : ROE
47. World games org. : IOC. international olympic committee.
53. Food packaging unit : CALORIE. technically, it is a unit of heat required to raise one gram of water, one degree celsius. amazing the things that stick in your head from school.
56. German river : SAAR. looks so still and peaceful.
57. Soccer star Freddy : ADU. born in ghana, at 14 years of age, became one of the youngest athletes to sign a professional contract in the u.s., just signed with philadelphia union.
58. In __: moody : A PET. not sure i've ever actually heard this phrase used.
60. Like Chris and Pat, genderwise : UNISEX. it's pat.
68. Violet lead-in : ULTRA. ultra-violet.
69. Steve of country : EARLE
70. Nth degree : MAX
71. Eyelid annoyances : STYES
72. In small pieces, as potatoes : RICED
73. Punk rock offshoot : EMO
1. Whom Goya painted both nude and clothed : MAJA. should be a gimme by now.
2. OPEC co-founder : IRAN. organization of the petroleum exporting countries.
3. Penultimate element, alphabetically : ZINC. the last would be zirconium (zr).
4. Encourage : EXHORT
5. Couch disorders : NEUROSES. psychiatrist's couch.
6. Raggedy gal : ANN. raggedy ann. i can't stand the word 'gal.'
7. Speck of dust : MOTE. "... every saint and sinner in the history of our species, lived there on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam." carl sagan's pale blue dot.
8. How perjurers may be caught : IN A LIE. how else would they be caught?
9. Concerto highlight : CADENZA
10. Sixth sense, briefly : ESP. extra-sensory perception.
11. Brisket source : STEER. beef.
12. Curved : ARCED
13. Works in the garden : RAKES.
19. Lofted iron : NINE. golf.
21. Villainous laugh syllable : HEH
25. Acre's 43,560: Abbr. : SQ. FT.
27. Prefix with space : AERO
28. Fashion statements in the 'hood : TATS. Tattoos. not so much just in the 'hood anymore.
29. "Eureka!" elicitor : IDEA
30. Sass : GALL. okay then.
31. Early development sites? : UTERI. didn't we just have this?
35. 2-Down's location : ASIA
36. Political group : BLOC
37. __ puppet : SOCK
39. Actor Jared : LETO. guess i should know him, but i don't.
41. Ages and ages : EONS
42. He succeeded Coty as French president : DE GAULLE
45. Latin percussion pair : MARACAS
49. Plastic surgeon's job, for short : LIPO. no thank you.
50. Sharper, as eyes : KEENER
51. Smoothed in a shop : SANDED
52. Hosp. picture : MRI
53. "The Stranger" author : CAMUS. novel by albert camus, published in 1942.
59. Pad __: Asian noodle dish : THAI. popular cuisine in california.
61. A portion (of) : SOME
62. Checkup : EXAM
65. Wrath : IRE
66. Hobbit enemy : ORC