, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jul 27, 2022

Wednesday, July 27, 2022, Peter A. Collins


17. *Small Hershey's treats: CHOCOLATE KISSES.

23. *Cabbagelike ornamental plant: WHITE KALE.

38. *Baker's pan: CAKE TIN.

51. *Pedicabs: BIKE TAXIS.

59. Misinterpret, or what is hidden in each of the answers to the starred clues?: TAKE THE WRONG WAY.

TAKE straddles two words, and is scrambled ('the wrong way') four different ways.  

Melissa here. Besides the clever theme, lots of fun stuff today - lets get on with it.


1. Manicurist's tool: FILE.

5. Windex target: PANE.

9. Blackjack stack: CHIPS.

14. Black Card co.: AMEX. American Express.

15. "Hey, sailor!": AHOY.

16. Largest city on the Red River: HANOI. Capital of Vietnam.

20. Some pore minimizers: TONERS. Skin care product applied after cleansing to remove residue, close up pores, and prime the skin for moisturizer.

21. Chowder head?: CLAM. Haha.

22. "Outlander" cable network: STARZ.

28. Sit for a portrait: POSE.

30. More iffy: DODGIER. Funny word.

31. Pool toy: RAFT.

34. Orecchiette shape: EAR. Pasta. Good for trapping thick sauces.

36. Henrik whose last play was "When We Dead Awaken": IBSEN.

37. Tetris shape: ELL. A "falling block puzzle" video game. Ell is one of the block shapes - I bet you didn't know that they have personalities. Play free online.

41. Mormons, initially: LDS. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

42. Prom queen topper: TIARA. Sometimes clued as "crownlet," or small crown.

44. Links standard: PAR. What exactly does it mean?

45. Left on a map: WEST.

46. Reason for a makeup test: ABSENCE.

49. Transmission selection: GEAR.

53. Sacramento team: KINGS.

57. Apropos of: AS TO.

58. Stuff one's face: PIG OUT. I was just in Portland, Oregon, and saw a bbq place by that name.

64. String quartet instrument: VIOLA. String quartet: A chamber music ensemble consisting of first and second violins, viola, and cello. Here's an unconventional one.

65. Get just right: NAIL. I've never seen this show but it looks entertaining.

66. Old Italian bread?: LIRE.

67. Poetry fests: SLAMS.

68. General __ chicken: TSO'S.

69. Pulls the plug on: ENDS. Sometimes you have to know when to call it quits.


1. Trivia quiz fodder: FACTS.

2. "Can we turn on the ceiling fan?": I'M HOT. That's me, every day.

3. "Glassheart" singer Lewis: LEONA. Title track from her third studio album.

4. Passage quoted in a book review, say: EXCERPT.

5. Buds: PALS.

6. "That's it!": AHA!

7. Top-__: NOTCH.

8. Lens cover: EYELID. Nice.

9. Added one's opinion: CHIMED IN.

10. Experiences: HAS. Verb, not noun.

11. Some connections: INS.

12. Baltimore Ravens mascot named for a writer: POE. Edgar Allen Poe was a resident of Baltimore, Maryland. For us non-sports fans, The Link Between the Baltimore Ravens and Edgar Allan Poe. If you're in town, the Poe House Museum would be a cool way to spend an hour.

13. Mom, to Auntie: SIS.

18. Ricelike pasta: ORZO.

19. Green Hornet sidekick: KATO. This character has appeared with the Green Hornet in radio, film, television, book and comic book versions.
23. Watered-down: WEAK.

24. USSR secret service: KGB.

25. Flight path?: AISLE.

26. City near Manchester: LEEDS.

27. Accounting giant __ & Young: ERNST.

29. __ salt: SEA. For cooks: Three salts you must have and why you should never use kosher salt again.

31. Adjust a paragraph setting: RETAB. Remember these?

32. Defensive line?: ALIBI. I like it.

33. Lab container: FLASK. Wikipedia lists five distinct kinds of lab flasks.

35. Iron-pumping unit: REP.

38. Some Bach creations: CANTATAS. From Italian cantare, “to sing,” originally, a musical composition intended to be sung, as opposed to a sonata, a composition played instrumentally; now, loosely, any work for voices and instruments.

39. Puts a glove on, in a way: TAGS. Baseball. For a legitimate tag, the fielder must have the ball held securely in either the hand or the glove. Nowhere else. With the ball held securely in hand or glove, the fielder can, in a force situation, touch (tag) a base with any portion of his body, including his gloved hand, foot, non-glove hand, and so forth.

40. Wrath: IRE.

43. Food writer Drummond: REE. She lives on a working ranch outside of Pawhuska, Oklahoma with her husband.

45. Squirm: WRIGGLE.

47. "Ring of Fire" singer: CASH. I never knew all this about the song.

48. Scope: EXTENT.

50. Comparable (to): AKIN.

52. Siouan speakers: IOWAS.

54. Lose-lose: NO WIN.
55. Keep safe: GUARD.

56. Ocular woes: STYES.

58. D.C. veterans: POLS. Politicians, I assume.

59. Sets in a bar: TVS.

60. Feel poorly: AIL.

61. RVer's stopover: KOA. Kampgrounds of America. Is membership worth it?

62. Common name for a tree-lined street: ELM.

63. Ipanema's city: RIO.