, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Feb 7, 2008

Thursday, Feb 7, 2008 Alan P. Olschwang

Theme: William Hepworth Thompson Quote

20A: We're none of us
35A: Infallible
42A: Not even the
43A: Youngest of us

Never heard of this Thompson guy, but the quote is familiar to me. Bush could not think of ANY mistake he made when asked on a live press conference, then some pundit called upon this "none of us infallible" quote.

I was bogged down on the UNAU/ROUE part, and could not get myself out of the mess. I decided to try Mike's advice (Comments yesterday) and go to oneacross. I only cheated a little bit.

Here are some of the highlights:

Across Clues:

14A: Hoof beat: CLOP

15A: Dental exam: ORAL

17A: Charmer's instrument: OBOE

19A: River frolicker: OTTER

25A: Overthrows: USURPS.

29A: Chef Rombauer: IRMA. She wrote The Joy of Cooking.

39A: Two-toed sloth: UNAU. They look ugly.

46A: Pith: GIST

48A: Pioneering TV Co.: RCA (Radio Corporation of America)

49A: Spoils: LOOT

51A: Beaver hat: CASTOR. I put in CASPER.

61A: Abyss: CHASM

64A: Yankee Berra: YOGI. The Transcendental Meditation Yogi (guru to the Beatles) died on Tuesday.

65A: Flag fabricator: ROSS (Betty). I don't like the word "fabricator" in the clue.

69A: Man who played Chan: OLAND (Warner). I blogged about "Chan Portrayer" a few days ago, then I forgot it quickly. My brain simply refuses to absorb certain information.

71A: Charon's river: STYX. Basically I hate most of the crossword rivers.

Down Clues:

1D: Angry frown: SCOWL

2D:"A Delicate Balance" playwright: ALBEE

3D: Harmonizes an effort: COORDINATES

4D: "Pursuit of the Graf __": SPEE

5D: Hawaiian island: MOLOKA'I. Never been there.

7D: Chummy: MATEY. I heard of MATE/CHAP.

9D: Awakening: AROUSAL

10D: Taiwan Strait island: MATSU

22D: Roll up: FURL.

26D: Lucky charm: RABIT's FOOT. I never heard of this phrase. "A rabbit's foot is the foot of a carried as an amulet believed to bring good luck, American folklore". It has to be the left foot!

30D: Reprobate: ROUE. Could not get this one, and could not get that silly two-toed UNAU sloth from across.

31D: Wild party: BASH. I still could not believe those young kids would set fire on the antique furniture at Frost's home, why? Why did you pick up this road?

33D: Of an ancient alphabet: RUNIC (sorry for the mistake earlier).

37D: Airplane ride: FLT (Flight)

38D: "Othello" evildoer: IAGO. Maybe Orange can add this word on the "100 Must-Know Words" chapter on the next edition of her book.

43D: Sped like a toy truck: VROOMED

45D: Hard to catch: ELUSIVE

50D: Giant slugger?: OTT. Why question mark on the clue?

52D: Actress Cicely: TYSON. Unknown to me.

53D: Greek marketplace: AGORA

54D: Sired: BEGOT

56D: Sled dog: HUSKY

62D: Linden or Roach: HAL

63D: "Take on me" group: A HA. Norwegian band.

The Merv Griffin's Crossword is shown here at the Twin Cites at 3:00pm ONLY. I was misled by their website time (3:00pm & 5:00pm). Missed the opportunity to see how Orange looks like.

C. C.