, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Feb 11, 2008

Monday, Feb 11, 2008 Phillip J. Anderson

Theme: Film/TV Mr. & Mrs.


If you come to my blog today, then you probably have trouble finishing this Monday puzzle too. Ha ha, that's very comforting for me to know. Very comforting.

I worked my tail off, but I just did not know who is Lily's relative (CAMAS), I kept thinking "calla lily". Had no idea AVISO means dispatch boat. Did not know that EUROPA is another Jupiter satellite. Why did they name satellite names after Greek God & Goddess?

Across Clues:

1A: Kett of the comics: ETTA. He appeared in yesterday's crossword. Wherefore art thou, ETTA James?

2A: Go a round with: SPAR

9A: Book composition: PAGES

16A: Existing: ALIVE

17A: Mr. & Mrs.: LUCKY AND MINIVER: Never saw Mr. Lucky or Mrs. Miniver. Sound so old to me.

20A: Purloined: STOLEN

25A: Puff stuff: TALC

30A: Casa component: SALA.

32A: Temptresses: SIRENS

38A: Teases: RIBS

41A: Mr. & Mrs.: MOM AND DOUBTFIRE. "Mrs. Doubtfire" is goofy, I never watched Mr. Mom.

44A: Dispatch boat: AVISO. Unknown to me.

45A: Columnist Bombeck: ERMA. I tend to confuse her with "Joy of Cooking" author/chef IRMA Rombauer.

46A: Hefty volume: TOME

47A: Seed for a bun: SESAME. Eat more sesame seeds, your hair will be thicker and fuller.

49A: Dash gauge: TACH

52A: Farm tower: SILO

54A: Neighbor of Libya: CHAD. Anti-French riots in Chad, that's all I know about this country.

59A: Nothing in Nogales: NADA

61A: Satellite of Jupiter: EUROPA. On Sunday's crossword, the Jupiter satellite is ELARA. OK, I stole this definition for Europa: Classical Mythology. a sister of Cadmus who was abducted by Zeus in the form of a bull and taken to Crete, where she bore him Rhadamanthus, Minos, and Sarpedon.

65A: Mr. & Mrs.: MOTO AND DALLOWAY. Never watched Mr. MOTO. Love "The Hours" with Nicole Kidman as Virginia Woolf.

70A: Hawaiian goose: NENE. Another pretty thing, look at here. I still cannot believe Huckabee ate squirrels while in college (fried in a popcorn popper, Meet the Press yesterday).

71A: "Teachers" star Nick: NOLTE. Too much drug/alcohol problems. He should start doing crosswords. That will cure him. Seriously. Alice Cooper cured his alcohol problem by taking up golf.

72A: Bring up: REAR

73A: Tolkien's tree creatures: ENTS

Down Clues:

2D: Track tipster: TOUT

3D: Tex-Mex order: TACO

5D: Recognized authority: STANDARD

6D: Brooch: PIN

8D: Send payment to: REMIT

9D: Jury member: PANELIST

13D: Withered: SERE

24D: Lose traction: SLIDE

26D: Vessel: CRAFT

27D: Lily relative: CAMAS. Stared at the CA_AS for a long time. It's the prettiest thing I've seen this morning.

28D: Garlic section: CLOVE

29D: Penultimate round: SEMIS

31D: Terminate: ABORT

33D "Silas Marner" writer: ELIOT (George)

34D: Bellini opera: NORMA. I know nothing about opera.

35D: Look of a villain: SNEER

37D: Haciendas: CASAS. Look at 30A: Casa component. I don't like it when the clue word is also the answer in the same puzzle.

39D: Singer Yma: SUMAC. A fresh change. This editor loves to clue Singer Sumac a lot.

42D: Appoint: NOMINATE

48D: Flair: ELAN. Obama has plenty. Did you watch 60 minutes last night?

50D: Transport by truck: HAUL

53D: Stranger: ODDER

55D: Plane without a pilot: DRONE

58D: Lat. list-ender: ETAL (Single: et alibi, plural: et alii)

60D: For two, in music: A DUE. Never heard of it.

62D: Writer Wister: OWEN. Never read any of his books.

63D: Huff and puff: PANT

67D: Coach Parseghian: ARA. The "Era of Ara." Here in MN, we have our own Tubby Time. Go Gophers!

Please let me know if you spot any mistake. I am just terrible at spelling and very prone to typo. Thank you & have a wonderful week.

C. C.