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May 11, 2009

Monday May 11, 2009 Lila Cherry

Theme: Shades of RED (59D: The starts of this puzzle's three longest answers are shades of it)

20A: Lust, gluttony, greed, etc.: CARDINAL SINS

34A: Alabama team nickname: CRIMSON TIDE

51A: Ice cream flavor honoring a Grateful Dead icon: CHERRY GARCIA

(Note from C.C.: Today's post is blogged by Argyle. And today's puzzle is just another work from our editor Rich Norris. Lila Cherry is his alias name, anagram of "Really Rich". And he worked CHERRY into the grid. I love how PSI (3D: Trident-shaped Greek letter) parallels PITCHFORK (4DD: Tool in haystack). Greek god of the sea Poseidon is often portrayed as carrying a trident/PITCHFORK-shaped spear.)

Back to Argyle.

I am disappointed that our constructor, Lila CHERRY, didn't include a ROSE for MOMMA but she probably didn't know it would run the day after Mother's Day so I'll blame the editor. ;~)

The Grateful Dead icon was Jerry GARCIA, one of its original founders. The founders of Ben and Jerry's ice cream were a good fit with the philosophy of the Grateful Dead.

There seemed to be tres many French connections today.


10A: Rum-soaked cake: BABA. These are small cakes made from yeast dough containing raisins or currants. They are baked in cylindrical molds and then soaked with sugar syrup usually flavored with rum. In French, the word baba means "falling over or dizzy." (Any truth to that?) BABA au Rhum.

15A: Ark builder: NOAH. No, not Moses, you Densa's.

16A: like a happy dog's tail: AWAG. Another word used mostly in crosswords.

18A: About, in legal memos: IN RE. In re, Latin for "in the matter [of]".

19A: Lee seen in freezers: SARA. SARA Lee has been seen in my freezer, but not for long.

23A: "Charlotte's Web" author: E. B. WHITE. Elwyn Brooks White, 1899-1985. Because of the movie, I had no idea he was that old.

27A: Toy (with): TRIFLE.

28A: Brush fire operation, briefly: EVAC. Unfortunately, a common term in CA.

30A: Fed. stipend: SSI. Supplemental Security Income.

31A: Roughly: OR SO.

32A: Show proof of: EVINCE. And the proof you show is the evidence.

46A: The Virginian" actor Joel: McCREA. The Virginian was the only name his character had.

48A: You might have to pay one to get cash: ATM FEE

54A: Matador's opponent: TORO

56A: Singing group: CHOIR. and 10D: Lowest 56-Across members: BASSI. A plural of basso.

60A: "Sign me up": I'M IN.

61A: "Editorially speaking," in e-mail: IMHO. In My Humble Opinion. Really? I thought most editors would be just IMO.

63A: Boston NBAer, briefly: CELT. Boston Celtics.


1D: "Bill Nye the Science Guy" airer: PBS. Public Broadcasting Service

3D: Trident-shaped Greek letter: PSI. and

4D: Tool in a haystack: PITCHFORK. This and then this.

7D: Author Morrison: TONI. TONI Morrison wrote Beloved.

9D: Bird served "under glass": PHEASANT. (From C.C., I guessed. Not familiar with this dish - PHEASANT under glass.)

12D: Noble's partner: BARNES. BARNES & Noble. The book seller.

13D: Tennis great Andre: AGASSI. and 53D: Tennis star for whom a stadium is named: ASHE. Who would have won if Andre had played Arthur?

21D: 66, e.g.: Abbr.: RTE. The Stones version.

22D: Soap star Susan: LUCCI. She looked OK to me in a bikini. with Emmy

23D: DDE's WWII command: ETO. European Theater of Operations.

28D: Draw forth: EVOKE. The evidence evoked a plea of the fifth ammendment from the suspect.

29D: Rouge And blanc, on la carte: VINS. Curious mixture of French and English, eh?

32D: Opal suffix: ESCE. Opalesce. Verb. The adjective is opalescent.

33D: Johnny Carson's sidekick: ED MC'MAHON. Heeeere's Johnny!

36D: House that sucks you dry, so to speak: MONEY PIT. The movie. Anybody have personal tales to tell?

37D: Bronte heroine: EYRE. From "Jane EYRE". EMMA is another 4-letter possible answer.

41D: Chapeau: HAT. More French. The plural for chapeau is chapeaux.

42D: Stratagem: TACTIC.

43D: Where telecommuters work: AT HOME.

44D: "Bam!" chef: EMERIL. Lagasse.

46D: Karaoke singer's need, for short: MIC. Microphone. A lot of karaoke singers need more than a MIC.

50D: Heated crime?: ARSON. Cool clue.

57D: Old California fort: ORD. location.

58A: Suffix with chlor_: IDE.

Answer grid.
