, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Dec 15, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009 Joel Fagliano

Theme: Aye Aye, Sir - Eight-letter, Two-word Assonant Phrases (Long "I" vowel rhyme).

20A: Like Tater Tots: BITE-SIZE.

24A: Metaphorical site of some presidential chats: FIRESIDE.

48A: Lengthy guarantee period: LIFETIME.

53A: "Ditto": LIKEWISE.

4D: Delicate path to walk: FINE LINE.

40D: Energetic type: LIVE WIRE.

Argyle here. I don't know what to say. It's a pangram puzzle, but it has the feel of a puzzle put together by a computer program. Just not much life to it.

Would be cool if long "I" sounds were completely eliminated from non-theme fill.


1A: Valley girl's "Pshaw!": AS IF.

5A: Ere: AFORE.

10A: Facial bones: JAWS.

15A: City attacked by Godzilla: TOKYO. Movie monster

18A: Bee parts that are really cool?: KNEES. Coined in 1920s as part of the flapper language, 'the bee's knees' meant excellent, as did 'the cat's pyjamas'.

19A: Online prefix with -pedia: WIKI. I would be lost without it(but I don't always trust it.)

22A: Jeered: GIBED.

23A: Novelist Deighton: LEN.

27A: "Haste makes waste" and others: MAXIMS.

30A: Sassy: FRESH.

31A: Tree of life site: EDEN.

32A: Baked __: BEANS.

33A: Automne preceder: ETE. French. Summer (ete) precedes autumn (automne).

36A: Place for a Pinot: WINE BAR.

39A: Handyman's carryall: TOOL BOX.

41A: __-Caps: candy: SNO. Usual found in movie theaters. Sno-Caps

44A: "Dies __": hymn: IRAE.

45A: Bravery: VALOR.

46A: Chunks of fairway: DIVOTS. Something I'm familiar with. "Please replace your divots."

51A: Many a Roddick serve: ACE.

58A: Turin-based automaker: FIAT. One-time largest auto maker in the world.

59A: Dispatch boat: AVISO. Finally has become a gimme for me.

63A: Ceiling: LIMIT.

64A: Pro __: RATA.

65A: River of Hades: STYX.

67A: Prefix with distant: EQUI.


1D: Graceful horse: ARAB.

2D: "The Open Window" storywriter: SAKI. I loved that story.

3D: Part of LBJ, e.g.: Abbr.: INIT.. Initial.

5D: "Diet Revolution" doctor: ATKINS.

6D: "Aaay!" sayer of '70s-'80s TV: FONZ.

7D: Painter Georgia: O'KEEFFE.

8D: Deli request: RYE.

9D: Dawn deity: EOS. Aurora for the Romans.

10D: Like the calendar established by Hillel II: JEWISH. The Jewish calendar is lunisolar. That is, its months are synchronized with the phases of the moon, but its average year length approximates the mean length of a solar year.

11D: Cover story?: ALIBI.

12D: Roused: WAKED.

13D: Said with a sneer: SNIDE.

21D: Future father's sch.?: SEM..

22D: Plaster painting surface: GESSO.

25D: Teed off: IRATE.

26D: Attorney general under Clinton: RENO. Janet Reno.

27D: Kittens' cries: MEWS.

28D: Server's edge, in tennis: AD IN.

29D: Alien: Pref.: XENO.

32D: Dustpan's partner: BROOM.

33D: Spanish river: EBRO. Northern Spain. Map

34D: Perfectly: TO A T.

35D: It can be awkward when they run into each other: EXES.

37D: Rhythms: BEATS.

38D: "__ want for Christmas ...": ALL I.

43D: Fights before the main event, for short: PRELIMS.

45D: Highest point: VERTEX.

46D: Actress Fanning: DAKOTA. She was seven when she won a role in the movie Tomcats(2001).

47D: Rocks at the bar: ICE.

48D: Hay storage areas: LOFTS.

49D: Chucklehead: IDIOT.

50D: Like freshly poured beer: FOAMY.

54D: "__ just me, or ...": IS IT.

55D: Baghdad's land: IRAQ.

56D: In __: as found: SITU.

57D: Morales of "La Bamba": ESAI.

59D: Mont Blanc, e.g.: ALP.

60D: Through: VIA.

Answer grid.
