Theme: "Extra! Read All About It!" - The ending words of four non-newspaper phrases are what you might read in a paper, followed by the unifier.
18A. Watch or clock : TIMEPIECE
20A. Second floor of a home, say : UPPER STORY
33A. With 35-Across, real McCoy : GENUINE and 35A. See 33-Across : ARTICLE. If you're wondering where "real McCoy" came from, Wikipedia. The total word count for the two entries is 14 letters, not suitable for a central theme entry. Hence the break-up in the middle by a black block.
52. Where to begin adding numbers : ONES COLUMN. You remember, adding up numbers in the pre-calculator days
54. Daily publication where you'd read the ends of 18-, 20-, 33/35- and 52-Across : NEWSPAPER
Argyle here with a Lila "Really Rich" Cherry constructed Monday puzzle.
There are 20 three-letter entries and 18 four-letter entries. The two longest theme entries are only ten letters. There are also 24 6-letter or more non-theme fill, including four vertical 8s.
Not much to comment on. Hope you all have a pleasant Labor Day. Except for some rain in the upper mid-west, pretty nice weather nationwide.
1. Moved on all fours : CREPT
6. "Snow" veggie : PEA. Image.
9. Action film high point : CHASE
14. Break off completely : SEVER
15. Select, with "for" : OPT
16. Like Cheerios : OATEN
17. Open-mouthed : AGAPE
22. Your and my : OUR
23. John who played Basil Fawlty : CLEESE. A short clip, entitled "Panic Stations".
24. QVC competitor : HSN. QVC is an acronym for Quality, Value, Convenience. HSN is the Home Shopping Network. They are cable TV shopping channels engaged in 60A. Cybercommerce : E-TAIL
25. Town, informally : BURG. From Old High German burg, a fortified town
26. Animal fat : LARD
27. Keats or Yeats : POET. Appropriately rhymed.
29. Brighton buddy : MATEY. British alliteration.
30. Ear: Pref. : OTO
31. Ernie's Muppet pal : BERT
32. Amt. still owed : BAL
39. Got ready for a lap dog : SAT
40. Ink stain : BLOT
41. Accelerate, with "up" : REV
42. Gets nosy : PRIES
45. Bump off : DO IN
46. Arrived : CAME
47. Swedish soprano Jenny : LIND. “The Swedish Nightingale”, 1820–87.
48. Tyrannosaurus __ : REX.
49. Element used in dating rocks : CARBON
51. Actress Gardner : AVA
56. Microwave alerts : BEEPS
58. Speechify : ORATE
59. Perrier, to Pierre : EAU. French alliteration. Perrier is a brand of mineral water bottled in France.
61. Justin Timberlake's boy band : NSYNC
62. AAA suggestion : RTE
63. Aromatic compound : ESTER
1. Civil War org. : CSA. Confederate States of America.
2. Control, as temperature : REGULATE
3. Argentine leader played by Madonna : EVA PERON
4. Livened (up) : PEPPED
5. Ancestral diagrams : TREES
6. Pans partner : POTS. Triple alliteration.
7. Nickname : EPITHET
8. Maximally : AT MOST
9. Xerox : COPY
10. See 25-Down : HAI and 25. With 10-Down, "South Pacific" song : BALI
11. Enjoyed a diner : ATE OUT
12. Tie tightly : SECURE
13. Pizazz : ENERGY
19. Directional suffix : ERN
21. Regret one's sins : REPENT
23. Drain obstruction : CLOG
28. Calif. neighbor : ORE
29. Damon of "Good Will Hunting" : MATT
31. Skewed view : BIAS
32. "Bucking" horse : BRONCO
34. Secondhand : USED
35. Baba who stole from thieves : ALI
36. Dungeness delicacy : CRABMEAT. American alliteration. Dungeness, Washington, now called Old Town Dungeness, is where the first commercial harvesting of the Dungeness crab was done. Image. Don't look, Sallie!
37. Tart dessert : LEMON PIE
38. All square : EVEN
40. Costlier ballpark spot : BOX SEAT
42. Expect to happen : PLAN ON. Like you should PLAN ON a second mortgage if you want to buy BOX SEATS.
43. Funny Joan : RIVERS
44. Sort of : IN A WAY
45. Farther below the water's surface : DEEPER
46. Salad oil bottles : CRUETS
48. Cell "messenger," briefly : RNA
50. "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" playwright : ALBEE
52. Oil cartel acronym : OPEC
53. Nikki Sixx/Tommy Lee group Mötley __ : CRÜE
55. RR depot : STN. Railroad station.
57. 35mm camera type : SLR
Answer grid.
18A. Watch or clock : TIMEPIECE
20A. Second floor of a home, say : UPPER STORY
33A. With 35-Across, real McCoy : GENUINE and 35A. See 33-Across : ARTICLE. If you're wondering where "real McCoy" came from, Wikipedia. The total word count for the two entries is 14 letters, not suitable for a central theme entry. Hence the break-up in the middle by a black block.
52. Where to begin adding numbers : ONES COLUMN. You remember, adding up numbers in the pre-calculator days
54. Daily publication where you'd read the ends of 18-, 20-, 33/35- and 52-Across : NEWSPAPER
Argyle here with a Lila "Really Rich" Cherry constructed Monday puzzle.
There are 20 three-letter entries and 18 four-letter entries. The two longest theme entries are only ten letters. There are also 24 6-letter or more non-theme fill, including four vertical 8s.
Not much to comment on. Hope you all have a pleasant Labor Day. Except for some rain in the upper mid-west, pretty nice weather nationwide.
1. Moved on all fours : CREPT
6. "Snow" veggie : PEA. Image.
9. Action film high point : CHASE
14. Break off completely : SEVER
15. Select, with "for" : OPT
16. Like Cheerios : OATEN
17. Open-mouthed : AGAPE
22. Your and my : OUR
23. John who played Basil Fawlty : CLEESE. A short clip, entitled "Panic Stations".
24. QVC competitor : HSN. QVC is an acronym for Quality, Value, Convenience. HSN is the Home Shopping Network. They are cable TV shopping channels engaged in 60A. Cybercommerce : E-TAIL
25. Town, informally : BURG. From Old High German burg, a fortified town
26. Animal fat : LARD
27. Keats or Yeats : POET. Appropriately rhymed.
29. Brighton buddy : MATEY. British alliteration.
30. Ear: Pref. : OTO
31. Ernie's Muppet pal : BERT
32. Amt. still owed : BAL
39. Got ready for a lap dog : SAT
40. Ink stain : BLOT
41. Accelerate, with "up" : REV
42. Gets nosy : PRIES
45. Bump off : DO IN
46. Arrived : CAME
47. Swedish soprano Jenny : LIND. “The Swedish Nightingale”, 1820–87.
48. Tyrannosaurus __ : REX.
49. Element used in dating rocks : CARBON
51. Actress Gardner : AVA
56. Microwave alerts : BEEPS
58. Speechify : ORATE
59. Perrier, to Pierre : EAU. French alliteration. Perrier is a brand of mineral water bottled in France.
61. Justin Timberlake's boy band : NSYNC
62. AAA suggestion : RTE
63. Aromatic compound : ESTER
1. Civil War org. : CSA. Confederate States of America.
2. Control, as temperature : REGULATE
3. Argentine leader played by Madonna : EVA PERON
4. Livened (up) : PEPPED
5. Ancestral diagrams : TREES
6. Pans partner : POTS. Triple alliteration.
7. Nickname : EPITHET
8. Maximally : AT MOST
9. Xerox : COPY
10. See 25-Down : HAI and 25. With 10-Down, "South Pacific" song : BALI
11. Enjoyed a diner : ATE OUT
12. Tie tightly : SECURE
13. Pizazz : ENERGY
19. Directional suffix : ERN
21. Regret one's sins : REPENT
23. Drain obstruction : CLOG
28. Calif. neighbor : ORE
29. Damon of "Good Will Hunting" : MATT
31. Skewed view : BIAS
32. "Bucking" horse : BRONCO
34. Secondhand : USED
35. Baba who stole from thieves : ALI
36. Dungeness delicacy : CRABMEAT. American alliteration. Dungeness, Washington, now called Old Town Dungeness, is where the first commercial harvesting of the Dungeness crab was done. Image. Don't look, Sallie!
37. Tart dessert : LEMON PIE
38. All square : EVEN
40. Costlier ballpark spot : BOX SEAT
42. Expect to happen : PLAN ON. Like you should PLAN ON a second mortgage if you want to buy BOX SEATS.
43. Funny Joan : RIVERS
44. Sort of : IN A WAY
45. Farther below the water's surface : DEEPER
46. Salad oil bottles : CRUETS
48. Cell "messenger," briefly : RNA
50. "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" playwright : ALBEE
52. Oil cartel acronym : OPEC
53. Nikki Sixx/Tommy Lee group Mötley __ : CRÜE
55. RR depot : STN. Railroad station.
57. 35mm camera type : SLR
Answer grid.