, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Dec 14, 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010 Billie Truitt

Theme: J_N - Fill in the space with a vowel, A thru U, and create an entry that starts with it.

18A. Actress in a classic shower scene: JANET LEIGH

23A. Weight management guru: JENNY CRAIG

38A. 1996 Schwarzenegger Christmas comedy: "JINGLE ALL THE WAY"

51A. Comedy Central satirist: JON STEWART. All the other J?N words are embedded in another word.

56A. Kipling story collection, with "The": JUNGLE BOOK

Argyle here.

I checked twice, today is Tuesday. Puzzle feels harder than normal.


1. Pathfinder org. : NASA. The Mars Pathfinder was designed to be a demonstration of the technology necessary to deliver a lander and a free-ranging robotic rover to the surface of Mars.

5. D-Day carriers : LSTs. There were other ships but we only get this one.

9. Hi-tech classroom : PC LAB

14. Sixth Jewish month : ADAR

15. Tuckered out : BEAT

16. Bowl, e.g. : ARENA. "Are you ready for some football?" Well, maybe not the Metrodome.

17. Siamese checkers? : VETS. Siamese cats and veterinarian doctors.

20. Geometry truth : AXIOM

22. Low-lying area : VALE and 27. Low-lying area : DALE

31. Lieut. producer : OCS. Officer Candidate School (OCS) Graduates are brown bars(due to the subdued gold color of the single bar insignia), second lieutenants.

32. Beaujolais's department : RHONE. Quincié-en-Beaujolais is a commune in the Rhône department in eastern France.

33. Through : VIA

34. Blast from the past : A-TEST

35. Like this answer : ACROSS

42. Consensus builder : UNITER

43. Mountaineer's tool : ICE AX. Image. Used in mountain climbing.

44. Sleepy colleague? : DOC. Has anyone been keeping track of how many of the dwarves we've had?

45. Pops : SODAS

46. Inflation stat. : CPI. Consumer Price Index (CPI)

49. Most eligible for the draft : ONE A

53. Leeway : ROOM

55. First name in morning talk : REGIS. "LIVE! with Regis & Kelly" Regis Francis Xavier Philbin and Kelly Maria Ripa.

62. Prefix with -gon : DECA

63. "The Interpretation of Dreams" author : FREUD. Dr. Sigmund Freud.

64. Italian bread? : EURO

65. Golfer Norman : GREG. AKA, the Shark. His 2010 Shark Shootout was last week.

66. Patched pants parts : KNEES

67. Barbecue specialty : RIBS. Ummm! Bar-B-Q.

68. Standard Oil name : ESSO. In Canada.


1. Hogan dweller : NAVAJO. The hogan was much more permanent than the teepees of the plains Indians.

2. Madison Ave. VIP : AD EXEC

3. Some lustrous dresses : SATINS

4. Flaming offense : ARSON

5. Successor to 56-Down : LBJ. Lyndon Baines Johnson. 56. He defeated RMN : JFK. John Fitzgerald Kennedy defeated Richard Milhous Nixon.

6. Bounding main : SEA

7. Salon acquisition : TAN

8. Wonder of music : STEVIE. Started out as "Little Stevie Wonder". I like the way this song(4:45) starts out.

9. Cloud of gloom : PALL

10. Words to live by : CREED

11. Wahine's gift : LEI

12. Director Lee : ANG

13. Dickensian cry : "BAH!". Trivia: Scrooge uttered "Bah! Humbug!" only twice in the entire book.

19. Luggage label : TAG

21. __ Beach: South Carolina resort : MYRTLE

24. Shout of approval : CHEER. Not the actual word; had me going for quite awhile.

25. Parks on a bus : ROSA. But not on the back of the bus.

26. Adult doodlebug : ANT LION. The larva is often called "doodlebug", the adult is often called "lacewing". So where do they get the name Ant Lion? Well it's mainly because they are deadly predators (like lions) and their main diet is usually ants. Want some of your own? Buy 'em here, LittleAussieProducts.

28. Declare : AVOW

29. Maggie Simpson's sister : LISA. Part of the animated TV family.

30. Like pie? : EASY. I know a lot of cooks wonder where "easy as pie" came from.

34. Author's rep. : AGT.. Agent.

35. Really got to : ATE AT

36. Milder drink than the one before it : CHASER. I tried WEAKER for awhile.

37. "Oedipus __" : REX. The Latin title of a Greek play, Oedipus the King, an Athenian tragedy by Sophocles that was first performed c. 429 BC.

38. Karate kin : JUDO

39. Privy to : IN ON

40. "Good one!" : "NICE!"

41. Watch readouts, for short : LCDs. Think wristwatch, liquid crystal displays.

45. Melancholy : SOMBER

46. Court shooters : CAGERS. On the basketball court, shooting baskets. Trivia: An early rule of the game was that when the ball went out of bounds, the team who touched it first got possession of the ball. This resulted in scuffles with the fans getting involved! So a fence of cage wire was erected around the court to keep the ball in bounds; whence the term, cagers, for the players inside. Finally, they decided changing the rule was easier than maintaining the fence.

47. Inflation drives them up : PRICES

48. "We're on!" : "IT'S A GO!"

50. Have a dispute : ARGUE

51. Average guy? : JOE

52. Club for most greenside shots : WEDGE. Golf.

54. Auto pioneer : OLDS. Ransom Eli Olds.

57. Coffee source for a crowd : URN

58. Originally called : NÉE

59. Yes, to Yvette : OUI. French.

60. Poetic planet : ORB

61. Levels, briefly : KOs. Knocks out.

Answer grid.
