, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


May 11, 2011

Wednesday, May 11 2011, Mike Peluso

couleurs du drapeau français

France Flag

3D. Stuffed chicken dish : CORDON BLEU. blue ribbon. chicken stuffed with ham and swiss cheese. in french culinary tradition, the cordon bleu is awarded to food or chefs of particularly high quality.

5D. Loire Valley grape : CHENIN BLANC.. a white wine grape variety grown in california and the loire valley of france.

25D. Paris nightspot : MOULIN ROUGE. red mill. cabaret in the red-light district of paris.

31. Its colors appear in proper sequence at the ends of 3-, 5- and 25-Down : FRENCH FLAG

melissa here. The theme entries are arranged vertically for visual effect.

i expect a few groans from solvers who dislike foreign words.


1. Letters on some pre-1992 Olympic uniforms :CCCP. soyuz sovyetskikh sotsialisticheskikh respublik, i.e. union of soviet socialist republics. In the russian alphabet, the equivalent of "s" looks like the Roman "c", and the equivalent of "r" looks like our "p."

5. Suze Orman's network : CNBC

9. Bygone Mideast leaders : SHAHS

14. Landlocked Asian country : LAOS

15. Take on : HIRE

16. Best Supporting Actress before Paquin : TOMEI. marisa. needed perps. would anyone besides marisa or anna know the answer from that clue?

17. Other, in Oaxaca : OTRA

18. Verve : ELAN

19. To the left, at sea : APORT

20. Divinity : GODLINESS. next to cleanliness.

22. "Gadzooks!" : YIKES

23. '70s-'90s Atlanta Hawks home : OMNI. coliseum.

24. __ day: Wednesday : HUMP. timely.

26. Intuiting : SENSING

29. Puffed-up fare : SOUFFLE

34. Stand waiter : CAB

35. Obsolescent slope conveyance : T-BAR. mostly found at beginner slopes or in locales where high winds may prevent chairlifts from running.

37. Embryo's home : UTERUS

38. Woody's boy : ARLO. welcome back.

40. Germ-killing brand : LYSOL

42. Left : WENT

43. Medit. spouter : MT ETNA. holy hotwick lava bomb.

45. eBay caveat : AS IS

47. Never, to Heinrich : NIE. german.

48. Convalescents, maybe : SHUT-INS

50. Empties upon arrival : UNPACKS

52. Some VCRs : RCA'S

54. Like some orders : RUSH

55. Fox series with Alfred E. Neuman in the opening credits : MAD TV

59. Title of respect : HONORIFIC. great word, don't remember seeing this in a puzzle before.

63. Coming or going word : ALOHA. and then the japanese say going for coming - so no one knows if they're coming or going.

64. Baseball family name : ALOU. felipe, matty, jesús, and moisés (felipe's son). the first all brother outfield.

65. Food for Fido : ALPO

66. Sure to end badly : NO WIN. a no win situation.

67. Criminal group : RING

68. Astonished reaction : GASP

69. Medicinal plant : SENNA

70. Chick follower? : ADEE. chickadee.

71. Ornate molding : OGEE


1. Stop up : CLOG

2. Opponent of Caesar : CATO

4. Longest Bible book : PSALMS

6. River through Sudan : NILE

7. Foolhardy : BRASH

8. Population profile : CENSUS. did everyone complete your form last year?

9. Remain in place : STAY PUT

10. Early Grand Canyon settlers : HOPI. moonrise from hopi point.

11. Out of control : AMOK. great word.

12. The Beatles' "__, There and Everywhere" : HERE

13. Is in session : SITS. clue feels a bit awkward.

21. Not out of contention : IN IT. so does this one.

26. Puts one over on : SCAMS

27. One of eight, now : EARTH. planets - pluto was demoted.

28. Merry : GAY. anyone see the jason jones bit on the daily show yesterday?

30. Not a whole lot : FEW

32. Soviet moon program : LUNIK. also a band from switzerland.

33. __ Park, Colorado : ESTES

36. Pretoria's land: Abbr. : RSA. republic of south africa.

39. Polo Grounds legend : OTT. mel.

41. Corvallis sch. : OSU. Oregon State University.

44. Kurt Cobain's group : NIRVANA

46. Boot attachment : SPUR

49. Much of Libya : SAHARA

51. Italian cheese : ASIAGO

53. Well-built : SOLID

55. Provides with personnel : MANS

56. Burn balm : ALOE

57. Consume : DOWN. like it.

58. Slender : THIN

60. Zero : NONE

61. __ dixit: assertion without proof : IPSE

62. Manage : COPE 

Answer grid.
