, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Mar 16, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012, Marti Duguay-Carpenter

Theme: The Accent is on fun! Each of the four designated theme answers must be pronounced as if by a Southerner with a pronounced drawl. When I moved to Gainesville in 1971, I sometimes had difficulty buying gas (25 cents a gallon) because the speech seemed so foreign. What a pleasant way to return home to a Heart warming puzzle, where Marti never drawls the line on fun.

20A. *Hail: DANTE'S INFERNO. What the hell is she thinking?!? Oh, I get it. The cold place.

28A. *Tar : GROW WEARY I will never tire of good humor.

39A. *Tin: SAWBUCK. Ten dollars; a twenty is a double sawbuck from the days when fins were not on cars.

48A. *Poe: FLAT BROKE. In the south people are not just poor, they are dirt
poor. Also home of the Po'Boy sammich.

and the reveal:

58A. What you need to get the starred clues to fit their answers: SOUTHERN DRAWL.


1. Storage spot: SHED. Okay no tear here.

5. 10-Down's request: Abbr.: IDENT. I guess she means Identity, but when they are throwing you out, as in 10D. Imposer of a drunk's comeuppance: BOUNCER, I do not think they care about ID.

10. State along the Sea of Cortez: BAJA. MAP.

14. Overhead projector?: EAVE. Very popular in New England homes; not to be confused with 17A. Some Monopoly props.: AVES. Interesting visual.

15. Control __: TOWER. How many thought of this LINK. (3:48)

16. Sensory stimulant: ODOR. Well a one in five guess.

18. Long look: STARE. Another of the senses, and one which requires

19. Iris locale: UVEA. An eye reference for me; the middle of the eye.

23. Club with very little loft: ONE IRON. There is an old joke about Jesus playing golf...

24. William of __, known for his "razor" maxim: OCCAM. If you did not know it before, you could watch Big Bang Theory or listen to THIS. Less is more, more or less (8:43).

27. Bouquet __: GARNI. This FRENCH is the same in English.

32. "You rang?": YES.

34. Dos Passos trilogy: USA. Can you name all three? I cannot. Hint, I think 42nd Parallel is first.

35. Some map nos : RTES. Not aves.

36. [not my mistake]: SIC. From the Latin meaning "thus" to show you are just repeating what was written by another. Notice the use of brackets.

42. Lunch, say: EAT. No, it is too late, but thanks.

43. Norsk Folkemuseum setting: OSLO. A clue partially in Norwegian for our Scandinavian brothers.

45. Sashimi choice: AHI. Tuna anyone?

46. Shelf-filling ref. work: OED. Oxford English
Dictionary. The biggest and the best, it helped me learn puzzling.

51. "The best is __ be": Browning: YET TO. come, grow old with me...Hey CA hope all is well. Creature you hanging in? Buckeye, Mainiac?

55. Fractious: TESTY.

56. Had a slice of humble pie: ATE CROW. A bonus southern expression. While I am sure crow must taste bad, the British English equivalent eating humble pie, comes from the word umbles which were the innards of the deer: the liver, heart, entrails and other second-class bits. Steve? Nice Cuppa?

62. Shell occupant: CLAM. Also used to mean a dollar.

64. Handled: SAW TO/ In the sense of taking care of a situation.

65. Pilate's "Behold!": ECCE. Straight Latin.

66. Typesetting unit: PICA. Back in the day, it was this or ELITE.

67. Paper fan feature: PLEAT. Also in Jay Gatsby's trousers.

68. Unité politique: ETAT. French for STATE, ETATS UNIS.

69. Envelope abbr.: ATTN. Attention!

70. Sturdy fabric: SERGE. Not sarge, but this MATERIAL used in military uniforms.

71. Est. and Lat., once: SSRS. Where are U?


1. Seasoned salt?: SEA DOG. Veteran sailor.

2. Plaza de la Revolución locale: HAVANA.

3. Hit that sends the game to extra innings, e.g.: EVENER. A baseball clue from a skier.

4. Predetermined outcome: DESTINY. Kismet, fate and many exotic dancers.

5. "__ Easy": Buddy Holly classic: IT'S SO. A great song, but my computer crashed and will not let me link.

6. Like many aunts: DOTING. And gruncles.

7. Actor McGregor: EWAN. A fine Scottish actor in many MOVIES, but is no relation to the crossword staple 61D. Decorative jug: EWER.

8. Dorm hoops ball: NERF. Sponge Bob Square Pants illegitimate father.

9. Lineage display: TREE. He has quite the family tree.

11. Champion: ADVOCATE. Also a name for lawyers.

12. Break fluid?: JOE. Wonderful coffee pun.

13. First name in Fighting Irish history : ARA. Parseghian, the very successful Notre Dame football coach.

21. Northeastern natives: ERIES. The Native Americans, not the lakes.

22. Theater ticket word: ROW.

25. Quarter: AREA. Like the French Quarter.

26. Computer game set on an island: MYST. Kids played it, but not me, I was all Luigi and Mario.

29. Inventive cubist?: RUBIK.

30. Pac-12's Beavers: OSU. Oregon
State University. Speaking of beavers, where is Dennis?

31. Seat of Texas's McLennan County: WACO.

33. Coal-rich region: SAAR. oft fought over REGION.

36. Woefully out of shape: SOFT. Not me.

37. Ferry destination: ISLE. Fire Island perhaps for you mean punsters.

38. Someone to admire: CLASS ACT. So where is Dennis?

40. Question of identity: WHO. The Doctor? (1:00)

41. Worked (up): KEYED.

44. Empire partitioned by the Treaty of Lausanne: OTTOMAN. This LINK.

47. Official proclamations: DECREES.

49. Mitt Romney's alma mater: Abbr.: BYU. Brigham
Young University. The Mormon college name for its founder, who is reputed to have said, "Whatever you do, just bring'em young."

50. Livestock marker: EAR TAG Nice visual.

52. Developers' acquisitions: TRACTS.

53. RV follower: TOW CAR. Fooled me, but it is Friday.

54. Nocturnal newborns: OWLETS.

57. CD alternative: T-NOTE. Treasury Note, in between a Bill and a Bond.

59. Baker's qtys.: TSPS. Teaspoons.

60. Healthy: HALE.and Hearty, a self-plug for our constructor. Nice.

62. Returns pro: CPA. Income Tax Returns, which used to be due on March 15.

63. Aflame: LIT. We finish with an A word, it must time for a drink.

Answer grid.

Wow, another night/morning of computer issues, but Marti kept me in a good mood. Here are her thoughts and see you next time. lemonade.

"Anyone who knows that my dear husband is from The South and I am from New England, will understand the teasing humor in this one. We each find the other's accent endearing, and wouldn't change a thing. The theme was actually inspired by a comment that Bill G. made on Feb. 18th:

"My wife was always amused when one of her students would ask to borrow a pin. They wanted something to write with but pronounced pen as pin..."

The "ten" - "tin" pronunciation is in the same category. So, be careful what you say on this blog - it might just end up as a puzzle theme by some brain-warped constructor!"


Note from C.C.:

Tomorrow marks the two-year blogging anniversary for Lemonade. But we're celebrating today as some of you do not visit the blog on Saturdays. Lemonade has been through some tough time, but he's always enthusiastic and putting all he has into his every blogging post. Thanks, Lemonade!

Here are some wonderful photos from his business/pleasure trip last week to Denver and Las Vegas with his son Devon. He mentioned on the blog that "I did not do much gambling, though I did win $175.00 on a penny machine."