, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Mar 22, 2012

Thursday, March 22, 2012 Ed Sessa

Theme: A ring of fire. You'll understand in a minute...

17A. A falsehood in every respect : PURE FICTION. I had almost filled in "pulp fiction", but no. That was a great movie, though!

24A. Chuck Connors title role : THE RIFLEMAN. I never watched the show much.

49A. "Scream" or "Halloween" : SLASHER FILM. I can't watch those, either, without having nightmares!

61A. Actor's liability : STAGE FRIGHT. Not very good for politicians or teachers, either, I would think.

And the unifier:

39. Risky activity, and what certain four-letter sequences in 17-, 24-, 49- and 61-Across are doing? : PLAYING WITH FIRE. You can see the anagrams of "FIRE" highlighted in the theme entries, above.

Marti here, playing with another interesting Ed Sessa offering.


1. Altar vestments : ALBS. Have not seen these for awhile.

5. Not back down : INSIST

11. Screw up : ERR. I made plenty of these today.

14. Boor : LOUT

15. Shortening name : CRISCO. I could not for the life of me suss this one without every single perp!

16. __ Paulo : SAO. Brazil.

19. Basinger of "Batman" : KIM. Here she is with the hero.

20. Congo River beast : HIPPO

21. Arson-investigating org. : ATF. Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, part of the US Department of Treasury. (Correction: It was shifted to the US Department of Justice in 2002. Thanks, Tinbeni!)

22. Three-time WNBA MVP __ Leslie : LISA. "Women's National Basketball Association", "Most Valuable Player". Also, a four-time Olympic gold medal winner.

23. Beast of burden : ASS

28. Condemn : DOOM

29. Passable : SO-SO

30. Common crossword clue ending : ABBR eviation.

33. Piper's followers : RATS. And Charlie Brown epithet.

36. D.C. hearings broadcaster : C-SPAN

42. Badly cooked : BURNT

43. Reasonable : SANE

44. Pilot's prefix : AERO

45. Summoning gesture : BECK. I would have rather seen this clued as "One-named American alternative rock musician". Then I would be able to link this song. Oh, wait! I can link it anyway! 3:54.

47. Plenty : A LOT

53. Sis, say : SIB

56. They're mostly fours : PARS. Occasionally there is a three or five thrown into a round of golf. But par fours are typical. How many do you get, Husker?

57. Tijuana relative : TIA. Aunt, in Spanish.

58. "Three inches is such a wretched height to be" speaker : ALICE. in Wonderland.

60. Sí, in Paris : OUI. Yes, in Boston.

64. __ pro nobis: pray for us : ORA. Latin.

65. Mid-size Nissan : ALTIMA

66. Latin 101 verb : AMAT. Latin.

67. Athlete's supporter : FAN

68. Have it in mind : MEAN TO

69. Ad amount : RATE


1. Top dog : ALPHA

2. Joe the boxer : LOUIS

3. Baby's achievements? : BURPS. I laughed out loud when this appeared from perps.

4. Baby book first : STEP. Also, BURPS.

5. Here, on the Seine : ICI. 8D: IS IT I, or are there a lot of foreign words today?

6. Atomic energy org. : NRC

7. Solo instrument in "Norwegian Wood" : SITAR. Another musical interlude. 2:03

9. Jeers (at) : SCOFFS

10. Heavy weight : TON

11. Ice cream treat since the 1920s : ESKIMO PIE. Yumm!

12. Mrs. Gorbachev : RAISA. She and First Lady Barbara Bush spoke at the Wellesley College commencement in 1990.

13. __ numeral : ROMAN

18. Snapshot, commercially : FOTO

22. Heart-healthy food claim : LESS FAT

25. Rhino feature : HORN

26. Webzines : E-MAGS

27. Scot's sailing site : LOCH

28. Wine quality : DRYNESS. No, that's the quality I have when I need a glass of wine...

30. LAPD alert : APB.All Points Bulletin.

31. Primary colore : BLU. "Colore" is the hint that we need an answer in Italian. Another foreign word.

32. Neanderthal type : BARBARIAN

34. Former carrier with a JFK hub : TWA. Merged with American Airlines in 2001.

35. Historic peninsula : SINAI. This oft-disputed piece of land.

37. JFK posting : ARR. Arrivals at JFK airport in Queens, N.Y.

38. "The Matrix" hero : NEO. He is "The One", and will end the war. Whatever.

40. Reason to scratch : ITCH

41. Archer of note : TELL. William with the apple.

46. Boiling point? : KETTLE. Fun clue.

48. Bridge master Sharif : OMAR. Probably better-known for his role in "Dr Zhivago".

49. Parody : SPOOF

50. Dr. with advice : LAURA

51. Cowboy's rope : RIATA

52. "Oliver Twist" villain : FAGIN

53. S, as in Socrates : SIGMA

54. Mac messaging program : I-CHAT

55. Actress Davis : BETTE

59. One to whom you might say, "I doubt that" : LIAR

61. Wanted poster uncle? : SAM.

62. CPR expert : EMT. Emergency Medical Technician, helpful when you need Cardiopulmonary resuscitation!

63. __ Schwarz : FAO

Answer grid.

Signing off to go to the beach!
