, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Apr 17, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012 Gareth Bain

Theme: Swing! - The unifier may be hit by first word in the themed entries.

18A. *Hangman drawing : STICK FIGURE

24A. *Layered lunch : CLUB SANDWICH

40A. *Actor's prompt : CUE CARD

51A. *Colleague of Wyatt Earp : BAT MASTERSON

61A. *Feature of Fulton's Clermont : PADDLE WHEEL

57D. Object that may be struck by the starts of the answers to starred clues : BALL

Argyle here. Very similar to yesterday's. We had a visit from Gareth this past Friday and here he is again, proving he's good on any day of the week. And before anybody says anything about not swinging a cue, think about all those bar room brawls you've seen on TV and in the movies.


1. Doctrine suffix : ISM

4. Predatory cat : LION

8. Swiss bread? : FRANC

13. ABBA's home country: Abbr. : SWE. (Sweden)

14. Sewing cases : ETUIs

16. Defamatory text : LIBEL

17. Live __: 1985 charity concert : AID. Abba didn't perform at "Live Aid" so can't link them. Some of you are probably glad of that. (You know who you are.)

20. Pisces follower : ARIES

22. Centuries on end : AEON

23. Excessively : TOO

28. Cabbage : MOOLA

29. Resident of a city at nearly 12,000 feet : LHASAN. Geography lesson. Map.

33. Chance in a game : TURN

35. "__-dokey!" : OKEY

38. Overplay a part : EMOTE

39. Words with price or premium : AT A

42. Endearing tattoo word : MOM

43. Slowly, in scores : LARGO. What is the difference between LENTO and LARGO? (breit und langsam, in German notation) LENTO and LARGO have the same BPM but LENTO means slowly and LARGO means broadly, an indication to play with a very slow, wide tempo; to play slowly with broad, stretched out beats; “slow and dignified”.

I have little idea about what I just wrote; can I get a little help here?

45. "Dumb" girl of old comics : DORA. Drawn by Chic Young, Dora "wasn't as dumb as she looked", à la Gracie Allen. He went on to create "Blondie".

46. Message from the boss : MEMO

47. Inferior and inexpensive : CHEAPO

49. Deduce : INFER

56. Karate belt : OBI. Much narrower than the traditional sash.

59. Inside info : POOP

60. Rental agreement : LEASE

65. Strings in Hawaii : UKE

66. École enrollee : ÉLÈVE. French.

67. Baker's device : SIEVE

68. Address at a Scottish pub : LAD. Aye, but what's a laddie doing in a pub?

69. First American Red Cross president Barton : CLARA

70. Venison source : DEER

71. Effort : TRY


1. "I, Robot" author Asimov : ISAAC

2. Artistic ice cream blend : SWIRL. Variegated, in ice cream jargon.

3. Filet mignon order : MEDIUM RARE

4. Not as much : LESS SO

5. Derby-sporting Addams : ITT. Cousin but on whose side?

6. "Yes, mon ami" : "OUI"

7. Rechargeable battery : NICAD

8. Shrank in fear : FLINCHED. Remember we had QUAILED awhile back; much the same meaning.

9. Oil-drilling equipment : RIG

10. Be up against : ABUT

11. "Quo Vadis" emperor : NERO. "Quo Vadis" A novel that tells of a love that develops between a young Christian woman, Ligia (or Lygia), and Marcus Vinicius, a Roman patrician. It takes place in the city of Rome under the rule of emperor Nero around AD 64. per Wiki.

12. Mark's love, casually : CLEO. Antony and Cleopatra.

15. Distort, as facts : SKEW

19. Microwave no-no : FOIL

21. Black, to Blake : EBON. William Blake (1757–1827), British poet, painter, and printmaker.

25. Six-time baseball All-Star Moises : ALOU

26. Like a newborn : NAKED

27. Holiday entrée : HAM

30. Trampoline maneuver : SOMERSAULT

31. Physics particle : ATOM

32. Jules Verne captain : NEMO

33. Powder on a puff : TALC

34. Sundance Film Festival state : UTAH

36. Green prefix : ECO

37. Toyota subcompact : YARIS. Debut in 1991. The name,"Yaris", is loosely derived from the name of the Greek goddess of grace, Charis.

40. Compromise with the district attorney : COP A PLEA

41. Tirade : RANT

44. Chew the fat : GAB

46. For a __ pittance : MERE

48. Plains native : OTOE

50. Gal's guy : FELLER. Was Paul Bunyan a feller?

52. Trims the lawn : MOWS

53. Green-bellied sap sucker : APHID

54. Schindler of "Schindler's List" : OSKAR

55. Clingy, in a way : NEEDY

56. Oil acronym : OPEC

58. Thought : IDEA

62. TiVo, for one : DVR

63. Wide shoe letters : EEE

64. Morn's opposite : EVE
