, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


May 14, 2012

Monday, May 14, 2012 David Poole

Theme: Move It - Three phrases that end in a word describing man's earliest means of transportation.

17A. Swimming stroke : AUSTRALIAN CRAWL

39A. Often-booed baseball play : INTENTIONAL WALK

63A. 1861 or 1862 Civil War conflict : BATTLE OF BULL RUN

Argyle here. David Poole interview here. Very pleasant Monday puzzle with three grid-spanning entries.


1. Manitoba native : CREE. If you're a little rusty on your Canadian provinces, here is a map.

5. Seat at a bar : STOOL

10. Mallorca or Menorca, por ejemplo : ISLA. Another map, this time of the Spain's Balearic Islands

14. "The War of the Worlds" broadcast, notably : HOAX. The radio broadcast that sparked a panic even though it was announced as a radio play. The Wikipedia article.

15. __ d'Or: Cannes award : PALME

16. Gush forth : SPEW

20. Major tractor manufacturer : DEERE

21. Welsh dog breed : CORGI

22. DJ's stack : CD's

23. Egyptian viper : ASP

25. Vampire vanquisher : STAKE. You can't use a plastic tent peg, can you? It has to be wood? I want to see "Dark Shadows" and need to know what stakes to bring.

27. Intense emotions : PASSIONS

32. Bigwig : HONCHO

35. Genetic carrier : RNA

36. Persona non __ : GRATA. Literally meaning "an unwelcome person", like some Anons.

38. Paleozoic and others : ERAs

43. Popular faucet brand : MOEN

44. Hawaiian porch : LANAI. And related, 31D. Greek walkways : STOAs

45. State with a peninsula: Abbr. : FLA.

46. Traffic cones : PYLONS

49. Playful marine mammal : SEA OTTER

51. Exams for future attys. : LSAT's

53. __ Balls: Hostess treats : SNO

54. Sports Illustrated named him Sportsman of the Century in 1999 : ALI

56. Voice above baritone : TENOR

59. Secretly tie the knot : ELOPE

66. Tied : EVEN. When is a clecho not a clecho?

67. Empty of liquid : DRAIN

68. Abbr. on a cornerstone : ESTD

69. Hang in there : LAST

70. Sound judgment : SENSE

71. Colon components : DOTS. That is the punctuation mark colon, please.


1. Paper ballot punch-out : CHAD. A thing of the past?

2. Scoundrel : ROUE

3. Allay, as fears : EASE

4. They're more than what's needed : EXTRAs. On a car, maybe, but just what are needed on the set for crowd scenes.

5. Hotel amenity : SPA

6. Rash soother : TALC

7. This and that : OLIO

8. Actors Epps and Sharif : OMARs

9. Inseam measurement : LENGTH

10. Netanyahu's land: Abbr. : ISR. Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu is the current Prime Minister of Israel.

11. Mariner 4 or Voyager 2 : SPACECRAFT

12. Indecent : LEWD

13. Beltmaking tools : AWLs. For making holes in leather.

18. Step down : RESIGN

19. "Arrivederci!" : "CIAO!"

24. Ocean liner's destination : PORT

26. Was familiar with : KNEW

27. Groom carefully : PRIMP. You know, titivate.

28. Bug : ANNOY

29. Phobos and Deimos, to Mars : SATELLITES

30. Hammer's target : NAIL

33. Berry of "Monster's Ball" : HALLE

34. Schindler of "Schindler's List" : OSKAR

37. Queen Boleyn : ANNE. The second wife of Henry VIII. She gave birth to the future Elizabeth I but Henry wanted a male heir and when she couldn't provide him with one, she lost her head. Well, this song(2:52) claims she still has her head (under her arm).

40. Baseball's Slaughter : ENOS

41. Very small batteries : AAA's

42. Big name in small trains : LIONEL

47. MLB league : NATL.

48. Knights' horses : STEEDS

50. Rang, as a bell : TOLLED

52. Sound asleep? : SNORE

54. Genesis victim : ABEL

55. Etna's outpouring : LAVA

57. In the blink __ eye : OF AN

58. Stats for sluggers : RBI's

60. Words of approximation : OR SO

61. Miniature golf stroke : PUTT

62. Objectives : ENDS

64. Explosive stuff, briefly : TNT

65. Arles article : UNE. A last map.
