, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


May 22, 2012

Tuesday, May 22, 2012 Andrea Carla Michaels

Theme: You can be a comic book artist - If you can draw these simple shapes found at the end of the four longest answers, you may have a future as a comic book artist!

17A. Ships' drop-off location? : BERMUDA TRIANGLE. Not only ships but planes also have disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle.

26A. TV witch series based on L.J. Smith novels : THE SECRET CIRCLE. It premiered on September 15, 2011, on the CW Television Network. On May 11, 2012, the CW cancelled the series so you are forgiven if you missed it. It wasn't on my radar, or television, for that matter.

45A. 1989 Beijing protest site : TIANANMEN SQUARE. While most just remember the picture below, it was much more violent than that. A square is a special case of a equilateral rhombus with right angles.

59A. "Field of Dreams" field : BASEBALL DIAMOND. "Field of Dreams" is a film(1989) about Kevin Costner building a field(baseball) in a field(corn). A diamond is a square with its diagonals vertical and horizontal.

Argyle here. Four grid spanners; how neat is that?


1. "Star Trek" milieu : SPACE

6. Kermit, for one : FROG. (Muppet)

10. Droop : WILT

14. "Dear me!" : "OH, GOD!"

15. Pinocchio, at times : LIAR

16. "__ out?": choice offered a pet : IN OR. A dog always wants to be on the other side of a door; a cat just wants to sit in the middle of the open door.

20. Quid pro quo : SWAP

21. "If __ told you once ..." : I'VE

22. In silence : MUTELY

23. "I see," facetiously : "AH, SO!"

25. Marquis de __ : SADE

33. Like Dylan Thomas, by birth : WELSH. Or Richard Burton.

34. Caustic drain unclogger : LYE

35. Fly in the clouds : SOAR. Sure beats clouds of flies.

36. Fury : IRE

37. Helped with the dishes : DRIED

39. Calypso cousin : SKA

40. TV warrior princess : XENA

42. Cyclades island : IOS. If you go to this site, click on "View Ios on Greece map" to see where exactly where this little island is. The Cyclades are so called because they encircle the sacred island of Delos.

43. Can't stomach : HATES

49. Roller coaster feature : DROP

50. Brewer's kiln : OAST. It's hard to believe now that there was a time we didn't know what an oast was.

51. "Gone With the Wind" family : O'HARAs

54. Just fine, at NASA : A-OK

55. One of Chekhov's "Three Sisters" : OLGA. (Olga, Masha and Irina)

62. Ingrid's "Casablanca" role : ILSA

63. Unsuccessful '80s gridiron org. : USFL. (United States Football League)

64. Caesar or Waldorf follower : SALAD

65. Small fry : TOTS

66. Flimflam : RUSE

67. Box score numbers : STATS


1. Blubbers : SOBS

2. "That was a close one!" : [PHEW!]

3. Home of the Taj Mahal : AGRA

4. It can point you in the right direction : COMPASS. Certainly.

5. Student's Web address ending : .EDU

6. One of Baskin-Robbins' 31 : FLAVOR. (ice cream)

7. Bat mitzvah, e.g. : RITE

8. Blade on a boat : OAR

9. Made a pained face : GRIMACED

10. Bundle-up times : WINTERS

11. "Picnic" Pulitzer winner : INGE. William but there is a baseball player named Brandon Inge. C.C.? (From C.C.: Yep! He was with Jazzbumpa's Tigers for a long time. We had hoped Twins would pick him up.)

12. Recline lazily : LOLL

13. There's only one card it can beat : TREY. Beats the deuce.

18. Tiddlywink, e.g. : DISC. It seems to be interchangeable with DISK these days.

19. Autobahn car : AUDI

24. Devious laugh : HEH. Huh? It meant "Clever" on Sunday.

25. Eyelid irritation : STYE

26. Between, in poetry : TWIXT

27. "Ready or not, __ come!" : HERE I

28. Justice Kagan : ELENA

29. Beethoven's "Für __" : ELISE. For a different take on it. Link

30. Land by the sea, in Saragossa : COSTA. (Spanish) Zaragoza is on the Ebro River, many miles from the coast, however.

31. Staples Center player : LAKER. (Los Angeles)

32. Prepare to change, as a wrong answer : ERASE

37. Jurassic beast : DINOSAUR

38. Easy win : ROMP

41. San __ Fault : ANDREAS

43. Mil. command bases : HQ's. (headquarters)

44. Coin-operated cafeteria : AUTOMAT. Are there any left? Interesting answers. Link.

46. Bedouin, e.g. : ARAB

47. Pasta piece : NOODLE

48. Notable pen name in storywriting : SAKI. With an "I". (H. H. Munro)

51. Passing remarks? : OBIT. (obituary)

52. Saintly symbol : HALO

53. D.A.'s underling : ASST.

54. Politico Landon and an extraterrestrial : ALF's. Alfred and Alien Life Form

56. "Damn Yankees" seductress : LOLA

57. Pesky flier : GNAT

58. Extends, with "to" : ADDS

60. The NCAA's Fighting Tigers : LSU. Louisiana State University

61. Beast of burden : ASS
