, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Aug 10, 2012

Friday, August 10, 2012, Steven J. St. John

Theme: C. C. where are you? Oh there you are, at the beginning of the first word in each of the four theme answers (and twice in one!) right before a word beginning with "L." Our friend and part time visitor SJ SJ is back with a Friday offering just right to set the mood for the weekend, one Q short of a pangram. Steven lives and teaches in Orlando, which is where my youngest (who graduated from U. of Central Florida) and I started our journey with the 26 foot truck on the way to Denver. This is a very nice tight puzzle with low word count and lots of originality, nice long fill, punny theme pictures, but it reminds me why I do not try this. Welcome to Fridays SJ, sorry I missed marti, C.C. and Jeff Chen, but now to dissect this war on my neurons after my week off for my cross-country trek.

20A. Problem for French Open tennis officials? : CLAY ON THE LINE.(13) Lots of fun stuff here, but you need to know they play on the red clay at Roland Garros, the only major tennis event left on clay. SJ laid it on the line for us today. (my marti nit; why is it not CLAY ON THE CLINE, maybe clued with Aiken sings Patsy?)

30A. Challenge for an aspiring vascular surgeon? : CLOTS TO LEARN (12). Blood clots being a big part of that surgery, and certainly must be learned.

38A. "Come on-a My House" and "Hey There"? : CLOONEY TUNES (12). Aunt ROSEMARY not George; no cartoons here.

49A. Daily chore for Travolta? : CLEFT CLEANING (13). Great visual, though I do not believe Scientologists are at all liberal.


1. Mouth part : JAW. My first thought was, really? Then my jaw dropped, and it was all good.

4. Pay a call : STOP IN. SJ seems to have taken up the mantle of the late Dan Naddor in using these word combo answers.

10. 2011 NBA MVP Derrick : ROSE. The Chicago Bull STAR. (4:37).

14. Big time : ERA. Nice change on an old word.

15. Legalese adverb : HERETO. hereinafter, heretofore ad nauseam.

16. Dark, in verse : EBON. Like Othello.

17. It can be placed at a window : BET. At the track; nice clue.

18. While : EVEN AS. See, another one.

19. Much : A LOT. Some grammer gramma? LINK.

23. Deserves a treat, perhaps : BEHAVES. I did my Austin Powers' link last time.

25. Niamey is its capital : NIGER. The only thing I know about this COUNTRY is that it is not Nigeria, but next to it.

26. Number from the past : OLDIE. Musical number, nice!

27. Some columnists : BLOGGERS. Hmm, right next to oldie, I wonder if he was thinking of me?

33. 23-Down holder : KEG. with 23D. Dark quaff : BOCK. Nice Friday word (quaff) in the clue and a BEER shout out for my aspiring brewer son.

34. Bikini event, briefly : H TEST. Not my first thought of a bikini, i do not like it atoll. See below.

35. Spill-handling org. : EPA. Environmental Protection Agency.
42. Ran last in : ANCHORED. very Olympic friendly; did you all see this RACE? (1:13).

45. Converse : SPEAK.

46. Word in some font names : SERIF. INFORMATION.

47. Chums : COHORTS. This stems from the Roman fighting unit within their army.

53. St. ___: Rose's Minnesota home town on "The Golden Girls" : OLAF.

54. Top with no back : HALTER. I like how this crosses 40D. Concert mementos : T SHIRTS.

55. Hypotheticals : IFS.

58. Longtime Eastern European leader : TITO. The Yugoslavian leader, who like Franco is still dead. (SNL anyone?)

59. Words of exhaustion : I'M BEAT. How did he know I am so tired; loading driving 1,991 miles, unloading; whew!

60. Wild scene : ZOO.

61. Discovered : SEEN.

62. Choice examples : PEARLS. Wisdom, often comes before SWINE. Please see the August 9 edition. Lois, Carol, Jeannie?

63. Abbr. on a business card : EXTension.


1. Bush from Florida : JEB. The youngest brother, initially.

2. "___ you happy now?" : ARE. I hope so, I am working hard here.

3. Burglar alarm alternative : WATCHDOG. Another nice clue.

4. Rural bundles : SHEAVES. More nice fill, perfect Friday Fodder.

5. Musical milkman : TEVYE. Did you recall he was a MILK MAN?(7:34)

6. 100-year-old treats : OREOS. Man, those must be really stale by now.

7. Eponymous 17th-century settler : PENN. This Quaker wanted to name the state Sylvania for its lush forests.

8. "Do ___ once!" : IT AT.

9. Light chow : NOSH. Is this Yiddish word in the language?

10. Work on wheels, perhaps : REALIGN. More good long fill.

11. Make beholden : OBLIGE. SJ SJ makes us beholden for his fine entertainment.

12. Better, to an impatient boss : SOONER. Or later.

13. Appears onstage : ENTERS. Am I the only one who thought of Snagglepuss?

21. Café supply : LAIT. French for Milk. Au lait, ole!

22. Caltech grad, perhaps: Abbr. : ENGR. Engineer. which is nearby 35D. Command from Captain Kirk : ENERGIZE which appeals to me.

24D. Cover girl McPherson : ELLE. A better bikini image.

27. Many a wine : BLEND. The dirty rats!

28. Suffix with Congo : LESE.

29. Like some cereal : OATY. Which is near 32D. Tribe met by Lewis and Clark : OTOE. We drove over the trail.

31. 2011 superhero film starring Chris Hemsworth : THOR. The MOVIE. (2:33)

36. Gardener's supply : PEAT. Not Erle Stanley.

37. Shows curiosity : ASKS.

38. Elegant fabric : CHIFFON. SHOP?

39. Artistic digs : LOFT.

41. "Once ___..." : UPON. Likely story.

42. Sporty ties : ASCOTS. Named for the British race course where they were (are) worn proudly. Maybe.

43. First name in circumnavigation : NELLIE BLY, the famous reporter, who liked Jules Verne. LINK.

44. Be artistic : CREATE.

47. Do lunch? : CATER. Almost neighboring anagrams.

48. Center with an MBA : O'NEAL. Not an honorary one, but earned by SHAQUILLE.

50. Circuit holder : CHIP. Likely micro.

51. Hobbled : LAME, or many of my jokes.

52. Largest island in the Tuscan archipelago : ELBA. We have learned much about this little place.

56. Deceive : FOX. Well I hope SJ did not out fox you today, and make you turn to drink, and become...

57. Inebriate : SOT. Anyway, on that note, time to mosey on out of here. Nice to be back. Thank you Mr. Sinjin, and thank you all for being there.

Note from C.C.:

John Lampkin constructed today's NYT. It's his first themeless. Congrats, John!