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Feb 11, 2013

Monday, February 11, 2013 Gail Grabowski and Bruce Venzke

 Theme: Did you get the memo? - No? Look for it in these three theme entries.

20A. Residential loan : HOME MORTGAGE

35A. "I'd like to hear the rest" : "TELLME MORE"

42A. 1974 Jimmy Buffett song : "COME MONDAY"

56A. Office communication, and what can literally be found in 20-, 35- and 42-Across : INTERNAL MEMO

Argyle here. A theme reveal that could hardly be clearer. Gail and Bruce seem to be on a two week schedule, though today's isn't as complex as the last one. Straightforward, easy-peasey. Four nice long vertical entries. A musical flair today, also. Feel free to link your favorites.


1. Tip, as one's hat : DOFF. Word Origin & History - A contraction of do off, preserving the original sense of do as "put." At the time of Johnson's Dictionary [1755] the word was "obsolete, and rarely used except by rustics," but it was saved from extinction (along with don) by Sir Walter Scott.
Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper

5. Empty spaces : GAPS

9. Subsides : WANES

14. Suffix with switch : EROO

15. Wilson of "Wedding Crashers" : OWEN. Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn play a couple of rogues who mingle and tango at the receptions of weddings to which they weren't invited.

16. Texas shrine : ALAMO

17. Tall tale teller : LIAR

18. "Deck the Halls" syllables : FA LA la la, la la la.

19. Tear to shreds : RIP UP

23. About to happen : IN STORE. As in, "What's in store for us this week?" and 4D. Hint of the future : FORETASTE. As in, "Is this puzzle a foretaste of the coming week?"

24. Bronze from a day at the beach : TANNED. From one day? I doubt it.

28. René's friend : AMI

29. Appear to be : SEEM

31. __ Lingus: Irish carrier : AER

32. Russian fighter jets : MIGs. Strap yourself in a Mig. Link

38. Italian violin maker : AMATI. They say it's all in the varnish.

40. Squeak stopper : OIL. Is that what C.C. used to get rid of her mouse?

41. Rigs on the road : SEMIs. Tractor-trailers.

45. Reasons for extra innings : TIEs. Possible reason for the end of ties, 63A. Paths of pop-ups : ARCs. One more baseball reference: 29D. Base runner's option : SLIDE

46. "Tastes great!" : "YUM!". "Less filling!" : "Burp!"

47. Poet's inspiration : MUSE

48. Sow or cow : SHE

50. What social climbers seek : STATUS

52. Curtail : SHORTEN

59. Gangster John known as "The Teflon Don" : GOTTI. He died in a federal medical center, June, 2002, at the age of 61.

62. Twice-monthly tide : NEAP

64. Place on a pedestal : EXALT

65. Show some spunk : DARE

66. "That makes sense" : "I SEE"

67. Saunter : MOSEY

68. Vehicle on runners : SLED. NorthEast needed dog sleds.

69. Proof of ownership : DEED. 51D. Proof of ownership : TITLE


1. New __: India's capital : DELHI

2. Hunter constellation : ORION. Prominent in winter sky(Northern Hemisphere)

3. Heads on beers : FOAMS

5. "Take a shot!" : "GO FOR IT!". The result of too many 3D's?. 22D. "Lemme __!" : AT 'EM

6. Informed (of) : AWARE

7. Attack, as with snowballs : PELT

8. Stocking tear : SNAG

9. Military practice : WAR GAMES

10. Visitor from afar : ALIEN

11. Treat jet lag, perhaps : NAP

12. Earthbound Aussie bird : EMU

13. Dip, as bread in gravy : SOP. Shakshuka with a sop.

21. Dad's partner : MOM

25. Vocalist Judd : NAOMI

26. Really strange : EERIE

27. Bride's purchase : DRESS

30. Scat legend Fitzgerald : ELLA

32. Flagship store at New York City's Herald Square : MACY'S

33. Words from one with a bad hand : "I'M OUT". Think 'poker'.

34. Letter after beta : GAMMA

36. Long, long time : EONs

37. Parking ticket issuer : METER MAID

39. Resistance to disease : IMMUNITY

43. Expel : OUST

44. Like a slingshot handle : Y-SHAPED

49. Christmas, e.g.: Abbr. : HOL.. (Holiday)

52. Simple trap : SNARE

53. Far from talkative : TERSE

54. Intro giver : EMCEE. A lot of emcees on TV award shows this time of year.

55. Snooped (around) : NOSED

57. Pulls the plug on : ENDS

58. More than lifelike : REAL

59. Precious stone : GEM

60. Big name in kitchen gadgets : OXO. Reasonably priced.

61. Profs' helpers : TA's. (teaching assistant)
