, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Mar 26, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013 Gail Grabowski and Bruce Venzke

Theme: Shoot! - Various projectiles start off today's theme entries.

17A. Sleight-of-hand scam : SHELL GAME. The classic hide the pea under one of three walnut shells.

30A. Agenda item : BULLET POINT. The dot before item in a list.

49A. Filmed like most of today's films : SHOT IN COLOR

65A. Fight fiercely to the end : SLUG IT OUT

70A. Armory supply, and a hint to the starts of 17-, 30-, 49- and 65-Across : AMMO

Argyle here. A well stocked armory may even have stones for your sling shot.


1. PC screens largely replaced by LCDs : CRT's. liquid crystal display/cathode ray tube

5. Exchange goodbyes : PART

9. Breed, as salmon : SPAWN. A major event for grizzly bears, bald eagles and ad men.

14. Ghostly glow : AURA

15. "Nothin' doin'!" : "UH, UH!"

16. "Dallas" matriarch : ELLIE. A character on the TV series, Dallas, Miss Ellie was portrayed by Barbara Bel Geddes.

19. Cold temperatures : TEENS

20. Fountain of Rome : TREVI. Facts of Trevi Fountain LINK.

21. Levies on smokes and booze : SIN TAXES

23. Prefix with present : OMNI

26. Playfully shy : COY

27. Houston of Texas : SAM. LINK. A great example of the use of bullet points.

36. World's largest rainforest : AMAZONIA

38. Pearl Jam singer Eddie : VEDDER. Here doing a solo with Clarence(his electric ukulele) on Letterman. LINK.(4:05)

39. Early whirlybird, for short : GIRO. It seems gyro means other things although they share the same Greek root.

40. Winding curve : ESS

42. Body wash brand : OLAY. "I love the smell of OLAY cream (the original). Been using it since my college days." C.C., July 21, '09.

43. Dressy ties : ASCOTS

46. Mariachi's headwear : SOMBRERO

51. Hyphenated ID : SSN. xxx-xx-xxxx

52. Fair-hiring abbr. : EOE. (Equal Opportunity Employer)

53. Wax-wrapped cheese : EDAM. Question: Which cheese appears most in crosswords?

55. Alphabet soup, so to speak : MIXED BAG

60. Have an inkling : SENSE

64. Abrasive mineral : EMERY

68. Barely burn : SINGE

69. Continental cash : EURO

71. Left one's seat : STOOD

72. Slight impression : DENT

73. Author Uris : LEON. Published Exodus in 1958.


1. Plaster bandage : CAST

2. Essen's region : RUHR. Germany.

3. "Magic __ House": kiddie lit series : TREE. Jack and Annie's Excellent Adventures

4. Battleship barrage : SALVO. Spitzboov, care to share one of your favorite photos?

5. Curly-tailed pooch : PUG

6. "So that's what that means!" : "A-HA!"

7. Caribbean liquors : RUMS

8. It might be broken at a party : THE ICE. You'll need it for the PiƱa Coladas.

9. Prepare some letterpress printing : SET TYPE. Speaking of old type setting equipment...Irish Miss, how is the Times Union doing with their new press? (It broke down on the second day in use.)

10. Appeal : PLEA

11. Author Haley : ALEX. "Roots: The Saga of an American Family".

12. Bistro beverage : WINE

13. Stack's role in "The Untouchables" : NESS

18. "How low can you go?" competition : LIMBO. LOL Now the question is how low can I go and still get back up.

22. Grounding rule, perhaps : NO TV

24. Convent resident : NUN

25. "On second thought, that's not true" : "I LIE"

27. Long stories : SAGAs

28. Pennsylvania Mennonites : AMISH

29. Call before "Polo!" : "MARCO!"

31. Dogie catcher : LASSO

32. Reminder to take out the trash? : ODOR

33. Fritters away time : IDLEs

34. Gets within a stone's throw of : NEARS. The first ammo?
35. Check for size : TRY ON

37. Type of baggy '40s suit : ZOOT

41. One and only : SOLE

44. Colored, hippie-style : TIE-DYED

45. Snooty sort : SNOB

47. '60s chic : MOD

48. "The Godfather" hoodlum Luca : BRASI. Luca Brasi was a feared personal enforcer for the Corleone family.

50. Discontinued : CEASED

54. Lead or zinc : METAL

55. Military chow hall : MESS

56. "You're looking at the one and only" : "I'M IT"

57. Strange: Pref. : XENO

58. Therefore : ERGO

59. Scrapbook adhesive : GLUE

61. Alaskan seaport : NOME. Way up north, end point of the Iditarod.

62. Osaka wrestler : SUMO

63. Henry VI's school : ETON

66. Spigoted server : URN

67. Came down with : GOT. I hope you are all feeling well.
