, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jul 9, 2013

Tuesday, July 9, 2013 Jack McInturff

Theme: Quiet! - Each word in these two-word entries admonish us to hush. Sh! Sh!

20A. 12-gauge ammo : SHOTGUN SHELLS

33A. Little consideration : SHORT SHRIFT. Word Origin & History: O.E. scrift "confession to priest, followed by penance and absolution," verbal noun from scrifan "to impose penance" (see shrive). Short shrift was originally the brief time for a condemned criminal to confess before execution (1594); fig. extension to "little or no consideration" is first attested 1814.

40A. Woolgatherer's tool : SHEEP SHEARS. Windhover?

49A. Eye protection for a tot's bath : SHAMPOO SHIELD

"Argyle here", he whispers. "I found this easier than yesterday's but mum's the word."


1. Pequod captain : AHAB

5. Online diary : BLOG

9. "My stars!" : "EGADS!"

14. Sagan of "Cosmos" : CARL

15. Capital NW of Napoli : ROMA. In Italia.

16. Challenges : DARES

17. Tex-Mex fare : TACO

18. Piece of news : ITEM

19. Flash of starlight : GLINT. It could have been better clued, IMO.

23. Talc-to-diamond hardness scale inventor : MOHS. Friedrich.

24. Tic-tac-toe win : OOO

25. Hush-hush : COVERT. Snuck in a theme related?

28. Baseball family name : ALOU

30. Tiny, to tam wearers : SMA'. I wanted WEE.

35. Harbor vessel : TUG

36. Squares with dinner rolls : PATS. I hate when they're ice hard.

37. NFL fifth periods : OTs. (overtimes)

38. Olin of "Alias" : LENA. A crossword regular but not so much in the TV series, "Alias". She was in 27 out of 105.

39. Lode load : ORE

44. Road crew goo : TAR

45. Sharing pronoun : OURS

46. Janitor's tool : WET MOP

47. Jungle __ : GYM

48. Lip soother : BALM

55. Reason for some food recalls : E. COLI

56. Pro foe : ANTI

57. Turner in a barbecue : SPIT

59. Pin place : LAPEL

60. Genuine : REAL

61. "Contents could cause Dad to make breakfast" brand : EGGO

62. Pat down : FRISK

63. Indian dress : SARI

64. Bridge position : EAST


1. Play a part : ACT

2. Lukas of "Witness" : HAAS. The little Amish boy who witnesses a murder.

3. Elaborate entrance : ARCH

4. They may be late : BLOOMERS. Show us your bloomers!

 5. High beams : BRIGHTS

6. Sacred flower, in Hinduism : LOTUS

7. Prophetic sign : OMEN

8. Looker's legs : GAMS

9. Beat by a nose : EDGE OUT

10. Winemaking giant : GALLO

11. Seed pod : ARIL. Close enough.

12. Man caves, perhaps : DENS

13. Old jet set jet, briefly : SST

21. Legal wrong : TORT. I much prefer a torte.

22. Filly's foot : HOOF

25. 100 smackers : C SPOT. Snuck in a Roman numeral.

26. Butler's bride : O'HARA

27. Election participant : VOTER

28. __ liberales: universidad course : ARTES. (liberal arts)

29. Daffy Duck has one : LISP

30. Iron emission : STEAM

31. Canadian storywriter Alice : MUNRO. Perps. LINK to Wiki.

32. Shocked : AGASP

34. Gardener attacking weeds, say : HOER

38. "Hmm ..." : "LET ME SEE". Yes, what I said after the previous entry.

40. Coffee additive for the lactose intolerant : SOY MILK

41. Camel feature : HUMP

42. One of Kenya's official languages : SWAHILI

43. Prefix with port : HELI

47. Strong winds : GALES

48. Massive, relatively hot luminous body : B STAR

49. Wound reminder : SCAR

50. Pueblo Indian : HOPI

51. Boathouse equipment : OARS

52. Draft category : ONE A

53. Nancy Lopez's org. : LPGA. (Ladies Professional Golf Association)

54. Works on a trench : DIGS

55. Sprite : ELF

58. Little shaver : TOT
