, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jul 16, 2013

Tuesday, July 16, 2013 David Poole

Theme: Vowel Progression, with a Twist. - The theme entries begin with an H, followed by a long vowel sound, progressing from A to U.

18A. Subjects for Monet : HAYSTACKS. And if he were still painting today, would it be these?


22A. Sounded like an donkey : HEE-HAWED. Another update.

38A. Like someone needing a lot of attention : HIGH MAINTENANCE. Like Lisa Douglas.

49A. Barn dances : HOEDOWNS

58A. "Love Actually" actor : HUGH GRANT

Argyle here.(no video) A few crunchy nuggets to break a tooth on but a grid spanner to make it better. Nearly a pangram, to boot.


1. Oxymoronic shrimp type : JUMBO

6. Sets, as a price : ASKS

10. Overcast : GRAY

14. Opera solos : ARIAs

15. Chop __ : SUEY

16. The stuff of legends : LORE

17. Fish organs : GILLS. The equivalent of our lungs.

20. Pocketed, as a pool ball : SANK. If you sank the 8-ball on the break, did you win or did you lose? The start of many a bar fight.

21. Broke the Tenth Commandment : COVETED

24. Wimp : SISSY

28. Tanzania's __ es Salaam : DAR. MAP.

29. Thomas More's perfect world : UTOPIA

30. With 41-Across, thing sometimes resisted : THE. 41A. See 30-Across : URGE

33. Words welcoming speakers : INTROS

37. Pre-Easter season : LENT

42. Gourmet's prefix : GASTRO

43. __ Moines : DES. Iowa.

44. Self-described "short, stocky, slow-witted bald man" of "Seinfeld" : GEORGE

46. Bankbook cred. : INT. (credit/interest)

48. Taste, e.g. : SENSE

54. Lame excuses : COP-OUTS

56. Absorbs, as a loss : EATS

61. State whose motto is "Friendship" : TEXAS

62. Kin of -trix : ENNE

63. Willy of "Free Willy," e.g. : ORCA. Hey, we haven't seen an ORCA in a while. Or OKRA, for that matter.

64. Embellish : ADORN

65. Umpire's call : FOUL

66. Turns green, say : DYES

67. Quintet of assassins? : ESSes


1. Sprees : JAGS

2. Awful Heep : URIAH

3. Hundred Acre Wood creator : MILNE

4. Refused to cooperate : BALKED

5. Covert WWII agcy. : OSS. (Office of Strategic Services)

6. Vote by __ of hands : A SHOW

7. Like Cary Grant characters : SUAVE

8. Excited, with "up" : KEYED

9. Part of TBS: Abbr. : SYST. (Turner Broadcasting System)

10. Flower with sword-shaped leaves : GLADIOLA. Today's flower.

11. Legendary bird : ROC

12. Noah's boat : ARK. No rocs in the boat.

13. "You betcha!" : "YES!"

19. Midterm, say : TEST

21. 2011 Polanski comedy with an ironically violent title : "CARNAGE". IMDb LINK.

23. "The Lost Boys" actor Corey : HAIM. A short life. Wikipedia LINK.

25. Go on a shopping spree : SPEND

26. Because : SINCE

27. David who directed four Harry Potter films : YATES. From Order of the Phoenix to the last Deathly Hallows.

29. Log-in needs : USER IDs

30. Hooligans : THUGS

31. Newly employed person : HIREE

32. Goad : EGG ON

34. Alejandro's aunt : TÍA

35. ER VIPs : RNs

36. Giant star Mel : OTT

39. Astronomer who discovered Uranus : HERSCHEL. Sir William Herschel, 1738 – 1822

40. "Mustn't do" thing : NO-NO

45. Trivial Pursuit category: Abbr. : GEOG. (Geography)

47. Stereotypical professorial attire : TWEEDS. With leather patches on the elbows.

49. White with age : HOARY

50. 1/16 of a pound : OUNCE

51. James and Jones of jazz : ETTAs. Both were American singers.

52. Greek vacation island : NAXOS. The largest island in the Cyclades island group in the Aegean. Travel guide LINK.

53. Fixed look : STARE

55. Poke : PROD

57. IRS identifiers : SSNs. (Social Security number)

58. Publisher wearing p.j.'s : "HEF". Hugh Hefner

59. 108-card game : UNO

60. Bearded beast : GNU

61. __ kwon do : TAE


Note from C.C.:

Here are a few pictures of Montana's beautiful grandkids: Diana Nicole, born on July 13, 2013 (last Saturday) &  Gabrielė.

 Diana Nicole

 Gabrielė, age 22 months

 Gabbie checking out her new sister, Diana.