, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Oct 15, 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013 Gareth Bain

Theme: "Be Mine" - Words that indicate a relationship begin the theme entries.

20. Put on trial, in the military : COURT MARTIALED

32. Fruity loaf : DATE BREAD

43. Caption under a monkey covering its eyes : SEE NO EVIL

58. End dramatically : GO OUT WITH A BANG

Argyle here. No unifier or reveal today and it wasn't needed. Some learning moments but not likely to become common crosswordese. I did smile a lot while solving; what more could you ask for?


1. Medicine-testing org. : FDA. (Food and Drug Administration)

4. Brief chat : WORD. But if you're having words, it's not good for today's theme.

8. Destructive insect : MOTH But not 68A. Long-tailed 8-Across : LUNA

12. Tolkien henchmen : ORCs

14. Astrological Ram : ARIES

16. Days of old : YORE

17. Frequent prank caller to Moe's Tavern : BART

18. Snicker : TE-HEE

19. Ostrich cousin : RHEA

23. Forrest Gump's Army friend : BUBBA.  LINK  Lt. Dan fit also.

24. "Nifty!" : "NEAT!"

25. Chowed down : ATE. Shrimp!

26. One of the Gulf States: Abbr. : ALA. Home to Forrest and Bubba, Alabama.

27. Springsteen's "__ to Run" : BORN

30. One who hems but doesn't haw? : TAILOR

35. Séance sounds : RAPS

36. Even-steven : TIED

37. Indian prince : RAJA

40. "Nerts!" : "DRAT!"

48. Casual comment : REMARK

51. __ helmet: safari wear: PITH
52. "__ Yankee Doodle ..." : I'M A

53. Sleeve filler : ARM

54. Broadcasts : AIRS

56. Parachute fabric : NYLON. (ripstop nylon, woven with a double thread approximately every quarter inch to prevent the expansion of small rips.)

62. Catches some rays : SUNS. Hand up for TANS.

63. Freeze over : ICE UP. Never at Villa Incognito.

64. Committed perjury : LIED

66. "Miss __ Regrets": Porter song : OTIS. I love this song. LINK(3:33)

67. Perform brilliantly : SHINE

69. Approach : NEAR

70. Sinusitis docs : ENTs. (ear, nose, and throat)

71. Darn or baste : SEW


1. Watch chain : FOB

2. Bram Stoker's count : DRACULA

3. Nimble circus performer : ACROBAT

4. Light bulb unit : WATT

5. Utah city : OREM

6. One-named Barbadian singer : RIHANNA. Barbadian may refer to anything of or relating to Barbados. She was born in Saint Michael, Barbados, but her name comes from the Welsh name Rhiannon.

7. Brand that "Nothing runs like" : DEERE

8. British pianist Hess : MYRA. Dame Myra Hess, DBE (1890 – 1965) classical pianist.

9. "C'est magnifique!" : "OOH LA LA!"

10. "Rock-a-bye baby" spot : TREETOP. Rock-a-bye my Saro Jane(2:46)-Flatt & Scruggs.

11. Painful-looking soccer shots : HEADERS. Even a dog can do it. LINK


13. Puny pencil : STUB

15. Tuned to, as a radio dial : SET AT

21. Synagogue leader : RABBI

22. Call __ day : IT A

23. Defective : BAD

28. Miner's discovery : ORE

29. Wine shop section : REDS

31. "Dies __": hymn : IRAE. (Day of Wrath)

33. Jones of jazz : ETTA

34. Half of sechs : DREI. German 6/3

38. Colony crawler : ANT

39. Sloop in a Beach Boys hit : JOHN B. Hugh write-up in Wikipedia; interesting. LINK

40. Seems to last forever : DRAGS ON

41. Require to detour : REROUTE. No problem with GPS.

42. Strong-smelling cleaner : AMMONIA

44. Oscar-winning "Casablanca" co-screenwriter Julius or Philip : EPSTEIN. Trivia.

45. Lithuania's capital : VILNIUS. A combination of old and new. MAP

46. Comic Coca who worked with Sid Caesar : IMOGENE

47. PC-to-PC system : LAN. (local area network)

49. Wharf rodent : RAT

50. Fuzzy green fruits : KIWIs

55. Wealthy, in France : RICHE

57. Southern pronoun : Y'ALL

59. U.S. ally in WWII : USSR

60. Follow the game? : HUNT. Game = prey.

61. "Planet of the __" : APES

65. Margery of nursery rhymes : DAW. A close shout out for Marge.

See-Saw, Margery Daw,
Jacky shall have a new master;
Jacky shall have but a penny a day,
Because he can't work any faster.
