, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jan 2, 2014

Thursday, January 2, 2014 Jeffrey Wechsler

Theme: "Could'a, should'a, would'a seen it coming!"

17. *Sweet melons : CAN'TALOUPES.

24. *Ramshackle community : SHAN'TYTOWN.

31. *The Prairie State : I'LLINOIS.

40. *Horror film shapeshifter : WE'REWOLF.

47. *Chinese restaurant staple : WON'TONSOUP.

56. Beginning of labor, and, in another sense, the beginning of each answer to a starred clue : CONTRACTION.

I don't think I have ever seen this gimmick before.  Until I saw the reveal, I didn't have a clue.


1. Towering : BIG.

4. Give quite the earful : SHOUT AT. Some tricky little phrases in the puzzle that made me check more than a few perps.

11. Woody Allen asset : WIT.

14. Soul, in Somme : AME.

15. City that was the source of the marble for Michelangelo's "David" : CARRARA.

16. Squeeze (out) : EKE.

19. Taylor of fashion : ANN. Classic styles. Kind of boring, IMHO.

20. Behind : AFTER.

21. CD return : INT.erest

22. Princess provoker : PEA. From the classic fairy tale, "The Princess and the Pea."

23. Agile deer : ROES. Deer doesn't need an "s" for the plural. Frustrating to C.C.

28. Forest mom : DOE. Doe adds an "s" for the plural. Go figure.

29. Kublai __ : KHAN.

30. Hand or foot : UNIT.

33. Some words in baby books? : FIRSTS.

35. Kitten cry : MEWL. Beware of mewling kittens…they will steal their way into your heart and end up taking over the household.

36. Warm-water shark : MAKO.

37. Smooth moves : SEGUES. Not to be confused with Segways, which are also pretty smooth:

44. "Rag Mop" singing brothers : AMES. Oldie but goodie.

45. Burden : ONUS.

46. Go (for) : VIE.

51. Broad bean : FAVA.

52. Brief writer: Abbr. : ATT.orney

53. Pal of Piglet : ROO.

54. One with a muzzle, maybe : BITER. If I see a dog with a muzzle, I steer clear!

55. Movement-sensing game console : WII. My WII Tai Chi instructor is a hard taskmaster.

60. Clark's "Mogambo" co-star : AVA. Clark Gable and Ava Gardner.

61. Like some elephants : ASIATIC. As opposed to African elephants.

62. Musician Sean Taro __ Lennon : ONO. How many ways to clue ONO?

63. Intense hunger : YEN.

64. Sand dollar habitats : SEABEDS.

65. Web : NET.


1. Company that now owns Dewar's, Bombay Sapphire and Grey Goose : BACARDI.

2. "Stupid me!" : I'M A FOOL. A gratuitous CONTRACTION.

3. Well-mannered : GENTEEL.

4. Swordplay memento : SCAR.

5. "2001" computer : HAL. "2001: A Space Odyssey."

6. Galeón cargo : ORO. Spanish ship seeking gold.

7. Braz. neighbor : URU.guay

8. Easy putt : TAP IN. I bet Husker Gary has had plenty of those.

9. "__ you ready yet?" : AREN'T. Another gratuitous CONTRACTION. I think I would have tried to avoid this type of entry, given the theme.

10. Lip-smacking : TASTY.

11. Some Clue cards : WEAPONS.

12. "My suspicions are confirmed!" : I KNEW IT! Another tough little phrase to parse.

13. Building group : TENANTS.

18. Your, to Pierre : TES.  The others are: votre, vos, ton and ta (adjectives or pronouns) and à vous and à toi (pronouns).

24. Broadway attractions : SHOWS.

25. It comes down hard : HAIL. Haha, cute clue.

26. "Jeopardy!" monitor display: Abbr. : ANS.wer

27. "One L" author : TUROW.

29. Often-torn trouser part : KNEE.

32. "__ down to the seas again": Masefield : I MUST. From "Sea Fever." Complete poem, here.

33. At a great height : FAR UP.

34. Turner and others : IKES.

36. Remote button : MENU.

37. Figured out how : SAW A WAY. See what I mean about the tough little phrases?

38. Producing intense feeling : EMOTIVE.

39. Blue-flowering plant used in herbal medicine : GENTIAN. My mother used to drink Moxie, which contained gentian root. Blecch!!

40. Try to persuade : WOO.

41. Show of hands? : OVATION. Fun clue.

42. Potential dupe : LIVE ONE. In this case, "dupe" refers to a patsy.

43. Biblical words of comfort : FEAR NOT.

48. SeaWorld swimmers : ORCAS.

49. Lariat loop : NOOSE.

50. Colleague of Elena and Antonin : SONIA. Elena Kagan, Antonin Scalia and Sonia Sotomayor. Supreme Court Justices.

51. Hale and hearty : FIT.

54. Secretly keeps in the email loop, briefly : BCCsBlind Carbon Copies, on an email.  Whenever I send an email to a large group, I always put their addresses in the BCC field. That way, the names are less likely to be grabbed by internet bots.

57. Computer key : TAB.

58. Short shortcut? : RTE.  Route.

59. Samaritan's offering : AID. I quickly saw that "alms" wouldn't fit. (Very perceptive of me, don't you think??)

See you next week!