, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jan 12, 2014

Sunday January 12, 2014 Ed Sessa

Theme:  "Storm Front Coming" - The end of each theme entry could be blowing in the wind.
23A. *"Brace yourself" : HOLD ON TO YOUR HAT. Love this butterfly hair clip.

41A. *Signal surrender : RAISE A WHITE FLAG. Spitzboov sent me this Annin flag when I became a US citizen.

August 16, 2010
56A. *1965 Rolling Stones hit : GET OFF OF MY CLOUD. Here is the clip.

66A. *Pasta choice : ANGEL HAIR

71A. *Image on a North American flag : MAPLE LEAF

84A. *Sloshed : HIGHER THAN A KITE. This is a new expression to me.

101A. *The company one keeps, often : BIRDS OF A FEATHER
Reveal entry:

121A. Bob Dylan classic, and what this puzzle's starred clues' answers' endings could be: BLOW' IN IN THE WIND 

What a great theme, Ed! So unexpected. Perfect reveal entry. I love puzzles with a big "Aha" in the end.

The stars are used in the theme clues as there are quiet a few long non-theme entries, esp 19A & 127A. Constructor and editor do not want solvers to get confused as to which are theme answers.


1. Anti-DUI org. : MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)

5. Plays with, as a toy mouse : PAWS AT

11. Dove purchase : BAR. Oh, soap.

14. Burning up : AFIRE

19. Motel patron, usually : OVER-NIGHTER.

21. Get __ for effort : AN A. I thought it's AN E.

22. Setting for 103 World Series games : BRONX. This might be Rich's clue. He's Yankees fan, by the way!

25. With 34-Across, pitcher who holds the major league record for career appearances : JESSE. And 34. See 25-Across : OROSCO. 1,252 game. No google, who's Met's #57 now?

26. Ugly looks : SNEERS

27. Within: Pref. : ENDO. Opposite of ECTO.

28. Vaudeville presentation : REVUE

30. Reconcile, with "up" : MAKE. Once the trust is gone, it's hard to make up.

32. Former auto financing org. : GMAC

38. Classic movie motel : BATES

46. Mideast sultanate : OMAN

47. Gut course : EASY A

48. Internet chat option : SKYPE. Does any of you skype?

49. Court setting : BAIL

50. Alaska's __ Sound : NORTON. Learning moment for me.

52. Shakespearean villain : IAGO

54. "The Flower of My Heart," in an old song : ADELINE. "Sweet Adeline".

61. Barn roof gadgets : VANES

62. Support for a start-up co. : SBA (Small Business Administration)

63. Egg __ yung : FOO

64. Skin suffix : DERM

65. Kipling's young spy : KIM

75. Ballot word: Abbr. : IND (Independent)

76. Genetic chains : RNAs

78. Stellar sort : GEM

79. Down the tubes : BAD

81. Spiritual essences : SOULS

89. Chrysler Building style : ART DECO. Guess who owns Chrysler Building now?

91. Bounder : ROUE

92. Of a battery terminal : ANODAL

93. Busy as __ : A BEE

94. Runner-up : LOSER

98. Turkish empire founder : OSMAN

100. Move, to a Realtor : RELO

104. Hands over : CEDES. I remember vividly the day when Hong Kong was handed back to China.

105. Like licked lollies : STICKY

106. __ Helens : MT ST

107. Gillette shaver : ATRA

109. Ancient fabulist : AESOP

111. Straddling : ATOP

114. __-weensie : EENSIE

118. Composer Boccherini : LUIGI. Total stranger to me.

125. Museum Folkwang city : ESSEN

126. For keeps, to Keats : E'ER

127. Ski patrol, at times : RESCUE PARTY

128. 1980 Laura Ingalls Wilder Award recipient : SEUSS. Unaware of this trivia.

129. The "10" in "first and 10": Abbr. : YDS

130. French card game : ECARTE

131. Speed Wagons, e.g. : REOS


1. Mineralogist Friedrich : MOHS. Mohs scale.

2. Warwickshire river : AVON

3. A stet cancels it : DELE

4. DJ who first promoted "Weird Al" Yankovic : DR. DEMENTO. Faintly recall his name.

5. City in southern Belarus : PINSK. Only know MINSK.

6. MLB VIP Scott Boras, e.g. : AGT. Agent for Prince Fielder, Matt Holliday, Barry Zito, etc.

7. Question of recognition : WHO

8. Lid malady : STYE

9. Long, long time : AEON

10. Walk wearily : TRUDGE

11. "Phooey!" : BAH

12. "Tyranny and __ are never far apart": Bentham : ANARCHY

13. __ of return : RATE

14. Solemnly renounce : ABJURE

15. Innocent : FREE OF BLAME. OK, read here. You might be appalled that he's fined for so much for having 3 kids. But rules are rules. Zhang is probably the most well-known Chinese director in the world.

16. Cyclades island : IOS. And 45. Apple product : iPAD. Fair and balanced.

17. Hosp. employees : RNS

18. PC file extension : EXE

20. Writer Ephron et al. : NORAS

24. Plum tomatoes : ROMAS. Food! What's your secret to make chicken breasts tender and juicy? I'm gonna try this one.

29. Raised one's hand, say : VOTED

31. Pitching stat : ERA

33. Parrot's cry : AWK

35. Done in : SLAIN

36. Wouk's mutinied minesweeper : CAINE. "The Caine Mutiny".

37. Leers at : OGLES

38. Loud bell sounds : BONGS

39. Lab slide creature : AMOEBA

40. Highland wear : TARTAN

42. "I highly doubt that!" : AS IF

43. Start and end of a trademark cartoon credo : I YAM

44. Like some poultry stuffing : SAGY. Never used this word before. I like stuff chivy, not sagy.
47. Swaddle : ENFOLD

51. Team with the football : OFFENSE

53. Anxious med. condition : OCD

55. One "trapped by his sinful talk," in Proverbs : EVIL MAN. Got via crosses.

57. Awe-ful sound? : OOH. Nice.

58. Armstrong's carrier : LEM. Neil, not Lance.

59. Paganini's hour : ORA

60. Caller with a mask : UMP

65. Actor Wynn : KEENAN

67. Posh prisons, metaphorically : GILDED CAGES. Also a new expression to me. Makes sense.

68. NPR journalist Shapiro : ARI

69. Like Haydn's "Surprise Symphony" : IN G. Always needs crossing help.

70. "Go, team!" : RAH

72. NYC airport : LGA

73. Withstood : ABIDED

74. Natasha __, Boris' partner in spydom : FATALE

77. Mass delivery: Abbr. : SER (Sermon)

80. Birthplace of Apollo : DELOS

81. Swedish imports : SAABS

82. Trip around the world : ORBIT

83. Where embryos grow : UTERI

84. Ox foot : HOOF

85. Underground support : ROOT

86. Behind : TUSH

87. Blood pigment : HEME

88. '50s conflict : KOREAN WAR. Our 92-year-old neighbor Andy is a Korean vet.

90. Is excessively sweet : CLOYS

95. Tasted or tested : SAMPLED. I wish I could sample D-Otto's potato dumplings.

96. Juvenile newt : EFT

97. Cut again : RE-SAW

99. First name at old Notre Dame : ARA (Parseghian)

102. Geese flocks in flight : SKEINS

103. Wear : ATTIRE

104. Obnoxious sort : CREEP

108. Titter : TE-HEE

110. Comply : OBEY

112. A hundred smackers : ONE C

113. Galileo's birthplace : PISA

115. Medieval address : SIRE. "Your Majesty".

116. Digging : INTO

117. Ice cream name : EDY'S

118. "__ Miz" : LES

119. Mileage, so to speak : USE

120. Pocatello sch. : ISU (Idaho State University).

122. Surg. centers : ORs

123. ATM initials : NCR

124. Mummy discovered by Howard Carter in 1922 : TUT
