, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jan 13, 2014

Monday, January 13, 2014 Jeff Stillman

Theme: Get Off the Fence - If you make the last word of the theme entries, you can get off the fence.

20A. Noncash executive compensation : STOCK OPTION

27A. Close boxing match outcome : SPLIT DECISION

50A. Folgers competitor : TASTER'S CHOICE

58A. Randomly determined NBA draft choice : LOTTERY PICK

Argyle here. I'm ambivalent about today's offering. Well done certainly with a couple of good columns but still left me feeling flat. I hope it's only me.


1. Business attire : SUIT

5. Somewhat : A BIT

9. Punches hard : SOCKS

14. Tolstoy's "__ Karenina" : ANNA

15. Jazz singer Horne : LENA

16. Packing rope : TWINE

17. Hot spot connection : WI-FI

18. What gears do : MESH

19. Addition to a school, say : ANNEX

23. Siamese or Abyssinian : CAT

24. Solo in "Star Wars" : HAN

25. Seminary deg. : TH.D. Doctor of Theology

26. Dog tags, for instance : IDs

33. Part of a foot : TOE

34. Norway's capital : OSLO. You know, the city in Czechoslovakia.

35. Low soccer score : ONE/NIL

38. Aquatic plant : ALGA

40. Work wk. end for many : FRI.

42. "__ Lama Ding Dong": doo-wop hit : RAMA. Still rockin'.


43. Enter : GO INTO

46. Hurricane rescue op : EVAC. operation/evacuation.

49. Omnivorous Looney Tunes devil, familiarly : TAZ

53. Greek letter between phi and psi : CHI

55. Airline approx. : ETA

56. Tee or blouse : TOP

57. Sandwich meat : HAM

64. "Me, too" : "AS AM I"

66. Use a piggy bank : SAVE

67. Overflow with, as charm : OOZE

68. Prelude, for short : INTRO

69. Hawaiian strings : UKEs

70. Thief's haul : SWAG

71. Explosive experiment : N-TEST

72. Felt tips and ballpoints : PENS

73. Dumbo's wings : EARS


1. Log cutters : SAWs. The tool, not the person.

2. Condo division : UNIT

3. "Inside" facts, briefly : INFO

4. Meditative exercise regimen : TAI CHI

5. Teardrop-shaped nutlike snacks : ALMONDS. Oh, what I misread this clue as.

6. Answering machine cue : BEEP

7. Part of MIT: Abbr. : INST. (Massachusetts INSTitute of Technology)

8. South Seas getaway : TAHITI

9. Substitute (for) : STAND-IN

10. "To thine __ self be true" : OWN. Hamlet Act 1, Scene 3.

11. Ohio city : CINCINNATI. Home of WKRP. Short snippet(1:31)

12. Work on dough : KNEAD

13. Titillating cellphone messages : SEXTs

21. Green Hornet's sidekick : KATO

22. Extremely : "OH SO". "too too"

27. Male deer : STAG

28. Game on horseback : POLO

29. Valid : LEGITIMATE

30. Christmas toymaker : ELF

31. Gadget used on an apple : CORER

32. "__ the fields we go" : O'ER

36. PC alternative : iMAC

37. Relax in a hammock : LAZE

39. California's Santa __ : ANA

41. ICU drips : IVs

44. Poet whose work inspired "Cats" : T.S. ELIOT

45. Director Preminger : OTTO

47. Woman on stage : ACTRESS

48. Bok __: Chinese cabbage : CHOY

51. Consumes avidly : EATS UP

52. Take a stand against : OPPOSE

53. Series of links : CHAIN

54. Lacks : HASN'T

59. Word before five or ten : TAKE. How long a break should be.

60. __-steven : EVEN. Just a rhyming phrase.

61. State known for its caucuses : IOWA. The Iowa caucuses have been the first major electoral event of the nominating process for President. New Hampshire is the earliest primary.

62. Business bigwig : CZAR

63. Gunpowder holders : KEGS. A favorite of early Westerns and cartoons.

65. "__ Doubtfire" : MRS. How is your sense of humor today? Mrs. Doubtfire recut as a horror movie.

