, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Mar 3, 2014

Monday, March 3, 2014 David Poole

Theme: Say What? - Speak right up, or some other word for speak up front.

18A. Prohibition era saloon : SPEAKEASY

26A. John Kerry's domain : STATE DEPARTMENT

43A. Supermarket convenience : EXPRESS CHECKOUT

57A. Complete ninny : UTTER FOOL

Argyle here. Straightforward cluing but a few too many tough answers. YRMV (your results may vary). Two good grid spanners. AUDIT is a nasty word to use at this time of year.


1. Rosary counters : BEADS

6. Fall faller : LEAF

10. Long hike : TREK

14. Review of business books : AUDIT

15. Girl in a J.D. Salinger short story : ESME. "For Esmé—with Love and Squalor"

16. Wound-up fire engine item : HOSE

17. Jim who sang "You Don't Mess Around With Jim" : CROCE


20. Budget accommodations : HOSTELs

22. Chafing dish heaters : STERNOs

23. Basilica recesses : APSEs

25. Spanish "a" : UNA. (f.)

33. Flirt with : HIT ON

34. Tops, as cupcakes : ICES

35. Stephen of "The Crying Game" : REA

36. From the U.S. : AMERican

37. Dwindled : WANED

39. "The Wizard of Oz" lion Bert : LAHR. Hello, old friend.

40. Little, in Lyons : PEU. Little, in Lille: PEU. un peu de Francais.(Feb 17, 2011)(Feb 28, 2014)

41. Fictional plantation : TARA. GWTW

42. In __ fertilization : VITRO

47. Tolkien giant : ENT

48. Le __, France : HAVRE. Church of St. Joseph

49. Rodeo rider, at times : LASSOER

53. Put on an extra sweater, say : GET WARM

59. Alvin of dance : AILEY. Unknown to me. He founded the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater in New York City and died in 1987.

60. Midday : NOON

61. __ Reader: alternative media digest : UTNE. A magazine founded in 1984 by Eric Utne and Nina Rothschild Utne. They live in Minneapolis and get away to a 100-acre Wisconsin farm for weekends.

62. Sunday song : PSALM

63. PDA entry : APPT. (appointment)

64. Lewd look : LEER

65. Itty-bitty : EENSY


1. Composer of fugues : BACH. I had no idea fugues were so long. The Well Tempered Clavier(1:52:33)

2. Multinational currency : EURO

3. Big fusses : ADOs

4. Absolute ruler : DICTATOR

5. Increase the slope of : STEEPEN

6. Tenant : LESSEE

7. Psychic's claim : ESP

8. Iowa State home : AMES

9. Showcased : FEATURED

10. Aries : THE RAM

11. Chestnut horse : ROAN

12. Petro-Canada rival : ESSO

13. Janitor's janglers : KEYS. A little alliteration.

19. Adoptive parents of Superman : KENTs

21. '60s hallucinogen : LSD

24. Popeye's favorite veggie : SPINACH

26. Physical condition : SHAPE

27. "It takes a licking ..." watch : TIMEX

28. Wolfed down : ATE UP. Misdirection?

29. King beater : ACE. (not the Queen)

30. Muse for a bard : ERATO

31. India's first prime minister : NEHRU

32. Fortunetelling card : TAROT

37. Opposite of thrifty : WASTEFUL

38. Horace's "__ Poetica" : ARS. A poem (c20 b.c.) by Horace, setting forth his precepts for the art of poetry.

39. "Ditto" : "LIKE-WISE"

41. Choir member : TENOR

42. DVD forerunner : VCR TAPE

44. Take exception to : RESENT

45. Boxer "Marvelous" Marvin : HAGLER

46. Adam's mate : EVE

49. Roman moon goddess : LUNA

50. Perched on : ATOP

51. "Quit it!" : "STOP!"

52. Repetitive learning : ROTE

54. Actor Alda : ALAN

55. Kinfolk: Abbr. : RELs. Acceptable for genealogy research.

56. "Goodness gracious!" : "MY, MY!"

58. Single in a wallet : ONE. If down to a single single, get thee to the ATM.
