, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Mar 10, 2014

Monday, March 10, 2014 Brom Hart

Theme: PP - Just two words starting with P? It seems so. Update: "In addition to two P's, each theme entry ends with some kind of animal." Thank you, HeartRx.

17A. Porky's girlfriend : PETUNIA PIG

24A. Feigns sleep, say : PLAYS POSSUM

52A. Either of two of the Inspector Clouseau films, with "The" : PINK PANTHER

61A. Yipping adoptee : POUND PUPPY

Argyle here. Debut constructor...unless it's an anagram.


1. "Famous Potatoes" state : IDAHO

6. Speak drunkenly : SLUR

10. Addition word : PLUS

14. "__ what?": "What next?" : SO NOW

15. Adhesive strip : TAPE

16. Shopper's memory aid : LIST

19. Impressionist : APER

20. Very __ yours : TRULY

21. Utter mess : SNAFU

22. Tire inflater : AIR

28. Pitt of "Troy" : BRAD

30. Three-note chord : TRIAD

31. Aboveground trains : ELS

32. Per __: for each person, as income : CAPITA

35. Got one's uniform dirty, perhaps : SLID. Baseball. The other timely entry: 4D. Semiannual time-change amount : HOUR

36. Runs away from military duty : DESERTS

38. Israeli parliament : KNESSET. (the gathering)

43. "Exodus" author Leon : URIS. Neat pairing.

45. Haughtily terse : SNIPPY

46. "From __ Zinc": vitamin slogan : A TO

49. Skimpy skirts : MINIs. Do we need to see more? (yes)

51. Cut out, as coupons : CLIP

56. Cooler cubes : ICE OH, NO!

57. World book : ATLAS

58. Like a lummox : INEPT

60. Lamb serving : CHOP

66. Pile : HEAP

67. Undersized 61-Across : RUNT. (pound puppy)

68. Sharp-crested ridge : ARÊTE

69. Novelist Ferber : EDNA

70. Twistable cookie : OREO

71. Leavening agent : YEAST


1. AOL, for one : ISP. (internet service provider)

2. Deer girl : DOE

3. Devices to stop tiny invading armies : ANT TRAPS

5. Admit (to) : OWN UP

6. Patronize, as a hotel : STAY AT

7. Spot for a cat, or drink like a cat : LAP

8. Wire service initials : UPI. (United Press International)

9. Coffee order: Abbr. : REGular

10. Thinks ahead : PLANS

11. Enzyme that breaks down fats : LIPASE. Is there a pill for that?

12. Handy : USEFUL

13. Plays the banjo, like someone "in the kitchen with Dinah" : STRUMS. Here, I'll sing it for you.

        LINK (Montana, this is embedded so I think you shouldn't need the LINK.

18. Unwell : ILL

21. Wetter than wet : SODDEN

22. "The Alphabet Song" start : ABCD

23. "Dies __": Latin hymn : IRAE

25. Mos. and mos. : YRs

26. Fancy tie fabric : SILK

27. "Growing" difficulties : PAINS

29. Craps cube : DIE

33. Spades in a four-spades bridge contract, say : TRUMPS

34. Sunlit courtyards : ATRIA

37. Ireland's __ Féin : SINN. (we ourselves)

39. [error left as is] : [SIC]

40. Soup legume : SPLIT PEA

41. Many a DeMille movie : EPIC

42. Use a keyboard : TYPE

44. Command to Rover : SIT

46. Tribe for which a helicopter is named : APACHE

47. Gave 10% to the church : TITHED

48. Borrowed, as a library book : ON LOAN

50. Japanese religion : SHINTO

53. Phi Beta __ : KAPPA

54. Put a stop to : END

55. Settle, as a debt : REPAY

59. Chaste : PURE

61. NHL player, e.g. : PRO

62. "__ Father, who art ..." : OUR

63. One in Québec : UNE

64. Qt. halves : PTs

65. Nonetheless : YET


Note from C.C.:

Happy Birthday to dear Avg Joe, a very observant and no-nonsense guy. Joe is another foodie on our blog and he knows all about soup (well, maybe not miso soup, Gary!).