, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Mar 16, 2014

Sunday March 16, 2014 C.C. Burnikel

Theme: "Foresees" - Each theme entry has Four C's.

23A. South Temperate Zone border : ANTARCTIC CIRCLE

34A. Pope's realm : CATHOLIC CHURCH

50A. NFL wide receiver who once changed his name to match his uniform number : CHAD OCHOCINCO. Now back to Chad Johnson. Ocho Cino is 8 & 5 rather than 85.

73A. Challenge for Henry Higgins : COCKNEY ACCENT

93A. Proof of payment : CANCELED CHECK

111A. It's barely legible : CHICKEN SCRATCH

124A. Current path : ELECTRIC CIRCUIT

As usual, lots of clue changes. Rich always makes me look smarter than I really am.

Click here to see my original submissions. I actually had CHAD OCHOCINCO clued as "6-time NFL Pro Bowl wild receiver" initially.  Rich said:

"... I had to chuckle at your "wild receiver" typo--an apt one for Mr. Ochocinco, I'd say.  ;-)..."


1. Data theft target: Abbr. : SSN

4. Bowler feature : BRIM. Hat.

8. Instant, in product names : REDI

12. Brightly colored foam shoes : CROCS

17. Traffic noise : TOOT

19. It may be cracked: CODE

20. Green shampoo : PRELL. So what's your favorite shampoo?

22. Like most of western China : RURAL. Xi'An, my hometown, means "Western Peace". It's the gate to Western China.

26. Ma-__ store : AND PA. Dreaded 5-letter partial. Owen said last Thursday"...Every puzzle must have nits, its a LAW!". I've got to obey the law. Owen's Law.

27. Do without : FORGO

28. Outfielder Crisp : COCO. He has 3 C's.

29. Helps with a job : ABETS

31. Some Caltech grads : EES

32. Sprite Zero alternative : FRESCA

38. Airline that co-founded Star Alliance : SAS. See here. United is a founding member also.

39. Maker of Total Effects skin care products : OLAY

41. Colin Hanks, to Tom : SON

42. Common article : THE

43. Gin fizz fruit : SLOE

44. Wore out the carpet : PACED

46. Ready to eat : RIPE. So ready for the nectarine/peach season.

48. Company that insured Bruce Springsteen's voice : LLOYDS

55. Tiger's 2004 bride : ELIN. Tiger is now dating Linsey Vonn, a Minnesota Native.

56. Sly tactic : RUSE

57. Pickle pick : DILL

58. Island near Corsica : ELBA

60. NASA moon landers : LEMs. I'm not sure Rich will accept YUTU, China's moon rover. It means "Jade Rabbit".  In Chinese myth, there's a rabbit living in the moon.

63. Haunt : OBSESS

66. Gullible one : NAIF

68. Actor Morales : ESAI. I missed the last episode of "NYPD Blue".

70. "__ open!" : IT'S

72. Asian sash : OBI. This one is so elaborate. I bet it costs a fortune.

77. Wood cutter : SAW

78. Sister : NUN

79. Online magazine with a "Runway" section : ELLE.  I referenced Elle Fanning.

80. With 102-Across, Japanese golfer : ISAO. And 102. See 80-Across : AOKI

81. Cascades peak : SHASTA

83. Bug-__: Ortho garden product : B-GON. Owen's law.

85. Glorifying poems : ODES

88. Boy with a bow : EROS

90. Quick ride : SPIN

91. Guinness serving : PINT

97. Sam's rival : COSTCO. Not my type. Everything is so big.

100. Morro Castle site : CUBA. Never heard of the castle.

101. "Over the Rainbow" composer : ARLEN (Harold)

103. Picasso's aunt : TIA. And 65D. Picasso's sun : SOL. 123D. Picasso's here : ACA

105. Some Bronx trains : ELS

107. Palm Pre predecessor : TREO. Look how Rich simplified my wordiness.

108. Tiny songbird : TIT

115. Call-to-action response to one's own rhetorical question : I SAY NO

117. Merged Dutch carrier : KLM. Owen's Law. One airline per puzzle is enough.

118. Daisylike flower : ASTER

119. Et __ : ALIA

121. Wear down : ERODE

122. East Texas university : LAMAR. My clue is too gossipy.

128. Put in : ELECT

129. Drink from a bowl : LAP UP

130. Pod veggie : OKRA

131. Other, in a bodega : OTRA

132. Pops, to tots : DADAs

133. Intricate patterns : WEBS. Are you surprised by Bill Gates' comment on Snowden, Jayce?

134. Caught, as a show : SEEN

135. Occurrence : HAP


1. Fills vacancies in : STAFFS

2. Mexico's second-largest state : SONORA

3. Warning sign : NO TRESPASSING. The kids in our neighborhood just ignore the sign.

4. Discreetly send a dupe email to : BCC

5. Campus military gp. : ROTC

6. Folly : IDIOCY

7. Muslim holy city : MECCA

8. Troy, N.Y., tech sch. : RPI. Hi there Spitzboov & Splynter. By the way, Irish Miss, where were you born?

9. Bungle : ERR

10. Tattoo alternative for the squeamish : DECAL

11. "No more guesses, just tell me" : I'LL BITE

12. Computer problem : CRASH

13. Download option : RUN

14. Well-organized : ORDERLY

15. Its southern shore is on Nantucket Sound : CAPE COD

16. Budget overhauls : SLASHES

18. Diamond thieves' undoings? : TAGS. Baseball diamond. Rich's doing. Loved the clue.

21. Hanger-on : LEECH

24. Like Louis XV chairs : ROCOCO

25. Private beds? : COTS

30. Immune system defender : T CELL

33. D'Urberville who seduced Tess : ALEC. Real jerk.

35. Cornucopia shape : HORN

36. Not neat : ON ICE

37. Me.-to-Fla. route : US ONE

40. Condition that affects focusing, briefly : ADHD

45. ''Zip-__-Doo-Dah'' : A-DEE. Owen's law

47. C-SPAN figure : POL

49. Bebe's "Cheers" role : LILITH

50. Sing like Michael Bublé : CROON. Do you like him, CanadianEh!?

51. Noisy disturbance : HUBBUB

52. Grunted, in a way : OINKED

53. Group sharing a crest : CLAN

54. French Open winner before Björn : ILIE (Nastase)

55. Alleviate : EASE

59. "Chill out!" : BE COOL

61. Squandered early years : MISSPENT YOUTH. Santa gave me this clue. Must be from his personal experiences. He looks so innocent in this 1960 photo.

15-year-old Argyle

62. Reception disruption : STATIC

64. Like California's 17-Mile-Drive : SCENIC. Oh, I'm not familiar with the drive. Pebble Beach is there. No wonder. JJM might have played there.

67. Memo opener : FYI

69. Brief reply? : ANS (Answer)

71. Posh : SWANK

74. Thicken, as cream : CLOT

75. "Gimme __" : A SEC

76. Feel concern : CARE

82. "I don't want to be remembered for my tennis accomplishments" speaker : ASHE

84. __ nerve : OPTIC

86. Old French coin : ECU

87. Civil War weapon : SABER

89. Slightly burn : SEAR

92. Jots down : NOTES. I still write my notes in Chinese. Strange, isn't it? I also count in Chinese.

94. Simba's love : NALA

95. A third of neun : DREI (3)

96. Dennis Eckersley, e.g. : CLOSER. Gimme!!

97. Laughed demonically : CACKLED

98. "Très chic!" : OOH LA LA

99. Went over cursorily : SKIMMED

100. Source of legal precedents : CASE LAW

104. Inside company? : INTEL. Intel Inside.

106. Headliner : STAR

107. "Blurred Lines" singer Robin : THICKE. He and Miley Cyrus performed this infamous song at the 2013 MTV VMA Awards. Too much for me to link. Very gifted. He's the son of Alan Thicke.

109. Former Indian prime minister Gandhi : INDIRA

110. Dance click : TOE TAP

112. Mini racers : KARTS

113. Breakfast treat : CREPE. Oh, I have a question for D-Otto or other foodies on our blog:  How do you prepare your oatmeal? I've only used the quick-cooking rolled oats. Alton Brown's steel cut  looks quite creamy.

114. Advertising awards : CLIOs

116. Gas acronym : ARCO

120. Corn maze measure : ACRE

125. Young lion : CUB

126. Decorates with Angel Soft, briefly : TPs. Where are you, TTP?

127. Actor Holm : IAN
