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Mar 18, 2014

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 Gail Grabowski and Bruce Venzke

Theme: Aaugh! - Words for at the end of one's rope, at the end of the theme entries.

18A. Smart remark : WISECRACK

27A. Crisp cookie : GINGER SNAP

48A. Super-popular : ALL THE RAGE

63A. Compulsive cleaner : NEAT FREAK

71A. Lose it, and a hint to the last words of 18-, 27-, 48- and 63-Across : GO APE

Argyle here. Synonyms today. Charlie Brown's cry of frustration sums up the feeling we have when we've come to the end of our rope and can't take it anymore. One misstep and we are off the deep end. Fortunately, Gail and Bruce have given us a puzzle that shouldn't incite such feelings; quite the opposite. Very nice Tuesday.


1. Uncertainty : DOUBT

6. Bit of gel : DAB. A little dab will do ya'.

9. Classroom supply : CHALK. Really? Do they still have chalkboards?

14. Media mogul Winfrey : OPRAH

15. Old studio letters : RKO. (Radio-Keith-Orpheum)

16. Google rival : YAHOO

17. "The Cloister and the Hearth" author Charles : READE. An historical novel (1861) set in the 15th century, it describes the events, people and their practices in the struggle between man's obligations to family and to Church.

20. Bowling building : ALLEY. Boomer's baliwick.

21. Year's record : ANNAL

22. Word from a heckler : BOO

23. Firmness of spirit : GRIT

25. Makes furious : IREs

31. Ditty : TUNE

35. Old vitamin bottle no. : RDA. (Recommended Dietary Allowance)

36. Melville novel that continued the story from "Typee" : "OMOO"

37. Betray like a stoolie : RAT ON

38. Country music's __ Ridge Boys : OAK. Find your favorite. Videos

39. Team supporters, collectively : FAN BASE

42. "As I see it," in texts : IMO. (in my opinion)

43. Reaper's bundle : SHEAF

45. LAX predictions : ETAs

46. Windy City hrs. : CST. Chicago is in the Central time zone.

47. Can in a cooler : SODA. Did you have soda bread yesterday?

51. Jessica of "Sin City" : ALBA

53. Voice below soprano : ALTO

54. Unit of resistance : OHM

57. Desktop computer that inspired clones : IBM PC

59. Rainy-day covers : TARPS

65. "__ you to try it!" : I DARE

66. Fad : CRAZE

67. Place for pampering : SPA

68. Israeli desert : NEGEV. Beersheba is its largest city.

69. Voice an objection : DEMUR

70. Skosh : TAD


1. Cartoon explorer with a cousin named Diego : DORA

2. German automaker : OPEL

3. Eurasian border river : URAL

4. Rotten apple : BAD EGG

5. Race track cry after "And" : "THEY'RE OFF!"

6. Holmes' confidant : DR. WATSON

7. Similar : AKIN

8. Region bordering Croatia : BOSNIA

9. Rinse or spin, e.g. : CYCLE

10. Guffaw syllable : HAR

11. Obsessed fictional captain : AHAB

12. Bonkers : LOCO

13. Early cartoon clown : KOKO

19. Lawman Wyatt : EARP

24. Culinary author Rombauer : IRMA

26. RR stop : STA

27. "That's disgusting!" : "GROSS!"

28. Montana neighbor : IDAHO. Direct shout out.

29. Ready to skinny-dip : NAKED

30. Prestigious prize : NOBEL

32. City in upstate New York : UTICA. Semi-shout out.

33. Asian menu assurance : NO MSG

34. Cyberjotting : E-NOTE

37. Turning back to zero, as an odometer : RESETTING

40. Smear campaign commercial : ATTACK AD

41. Satirist Mort : SAHL

44. Duracell size : AAA

48. Shortened wd. : ABBR. We get a lot.

49. Least plausible : LAMEST

50. Truckers' competition : ROADEO. See the cute play on 'rodeo'.

52. Career soldier : LIFER

54. One way to store pics : ON CD

55. "Grab this" : "HERE"

56. Title of respect : MA'AM

58. Mama's mate : PAPA

60. Sitar music : RAGA

61. Get ready for the OR : PREP

62. Golfer Ballesteros : SEVE. Spanish professional golfer: won the British Open Championship (1979; 1984; 1988) He died in 2011 at 54

64. Shih __: Tibetan dog : TZU. "Being beautiful takes a lot of work."


Note from C.C.:

Happy Birthday to dear Warren, who used to comment on our blog regularly. How's the pottery & jam business, Warren?
Left to right:  Warren, JD, EddyB, Chickie